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Doctoral Dissertations at the University of Agder

Doctoral Dissertations at the University of Agder

All doctoral dissertations, that are published at the University of Agder, are considered part of a series which is administered by the University library. 

The series is given the name Doctoral dissertations at the University of Agder

In practice, this will entail that all accepted dissertations in this series will have the same ISSN-number, which is currently 1504-9272.

The dissertation is also provided an ISBN-number, plus a number in the series (which may deviate from the research department's numbering). 

Information about how the numbers are provided will be given by the PhD-coordinator at the faculty, or the library

The layout of the dissertation is not part of the regulations or evaluation process but should follow the same standards as other dissertations in the series. The University library is charged with the responsibility to check every dissertation before printing and will report issues that need correction. 

These are summed up in this document: 

 Guidelines to phd thesis layout

It is possible to use this template for Microsoft Word:

 Template for phd dissertations UoA

The final version of your dissertation should be submitted in a PDF-format

Deposition in AURA 

If possible, the dissertation should be deposited in AURA early enough to be available online by the time of the disputation. 

NB! If the thesis contains material protected by copyright (i.e. published articles), you should seek permission to include these. This is regarding deposition in AURA and not the printed version. If you have questions about this, please contact The University Library.

Overview of the releases in the series:
Doctoral Dissertations at the University of Agder/ Agder University College -2007) (BIBSYS)