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Breaks to prevent procrastination

by Susie Doenhoff on 2023-01-30T11:11:00+01:00 in General Study | 0 Comments

Taking breaks can prevent procrastination by allowing you to recharge and refocus, reducing burnout and boredom, and improving mental clarity and productivity. It helps avoid the feeling of being overwhelmed and stuck. By taking breaks and engaging in activities you enjoy, you return to studying with a fresh perspective and renewed energy.

Taking breaks also: 

  1. Improved focus and retention of information
  2. Reduced stress and increased relaxation
  3. Improved physical and mental well-being
  4. Maintaining a balance between work and leisure activities
  5. Improved creativity and problem-solving skills
  6. Increased motivation and productivity
  7. Reduced burnout and fatigue.

The Pomodoro Technique

A good strategy for taking breaks from studying is to use the Pomodoro technique. It involves dividing your work time into 25-minute intervals called "Pomodoros" separated by short breaks (5-10 minutes).

After every 4 Pomodoros, take a longer break (15-30 minutes).

Another strategy is to schedule breaks at set times (e.g. every hour), or after completing certain tasks or reaching a specific goal. It is also helpful to engage in activities that are different from studying during your break such as exercise, meditation, or socializing.


Journals and newspapers

Looking for a great way to take a break? These Databases will give you the best overview of access to interesting print journals and e-journals. 


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