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Is multitasking a good thing?

by Susie Doenhoff on 2023-02-02T10:27:00+01:00 in General Study, Wellbeing | 0 Comments

Multitasking can have a negative affect on your focus. When you try to perform multiple tasks at once, your brain has to switch back and forth between them, which can lead to mental fatigue, decreased productivity, and decreased quality of work. Additionally, multitasking can also lead to distractions and make it difficult to concentrate on any one task for an extended period of time.

Studies have shown that the human brain is not well equipped to handle multiple tasks at once, and that focusing on one task at a time is a more effective way of working. By avoiding multitasking and instead focusing on one task at a time, you can:

  • increase your productivity
  • improve the quality of your work
  • reduce stress
  • reduce mental fatigue


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