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Positive attitude

by silje vaageng on 2023-10-30T13:49:18+01:00 in General Study | 0 Comments

A positive attitude is defined as an optimistic outlook on life and learning. It is not about being happy or “cheerful” but about focusing on what you can control and doing your best to achieve success. Research suggests having a positive mindset allows your brain to learn and accomplish more. This is an important strategy not only during school, but also to incorporate in all aspects of life, including work, relationships, internship opportunities, and more. Here are some tips to help you attain and keep a positive attitude.

  1. Stay positive and find happiness in the little things. When you appreciate the smaller things, you make way for bigger successes.
  2. Cut off the people who are emotionally draining. Don't waste your time on people with bad qualities.
  3. Be yourself. Being you in university is the best way to earn other's respect.
  4. Out of campus adventure. Explore more about the culture that surrounds your college campus.
  5. Try relaxation techniques, such as drawing, yoga, exercising or painting. Take a warm bath and think about the positive aspects of university. Don't dwell on the negative aspects. Look at your life at university as a positive experience.
  6. Surround yourself with supportive and positive people.
  7. Give yourself a treat – Whether it is a piece of chocolate for each paper you write or a long walk outside after reading your chapters for the day, a treat will brighten you up and show you what you have accomplished.

How do you keep a positive attitude?


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