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NEET. Neither in employment nor in education or training. Utenforskap

Neither in employment nor in education or training. Utenforskap. ungdom og Unge voksne utenfor skole og arbeidsliv.


NEET, "not in education, employment, or training ... a young person who is no longer in school and does not have a job or is not training to do a job" From Cambridge Dictionary, link 

"Unge som står utenfor skole og arbeid". Fra: Fyhn, T., Radlick, R. & Sveinsdottir, V. (2021). Unge som står utenfor arbeid, opplæring og utdanning (NEET). En analyse av unge i NEET-kategorien. NORCE Helse. 

Mascherini, M. & Ledermaier, S. (2016). Exploring the diversity of NEETs. Eurofound.

Campbell Collaboration.

Youth futures foundation. 
"The map contains 658 studies that evaluate the effectiveness of youth employment and skills interventions. Of these, 390 are impact evaluation studies, 22 are systematic reviews and 246 are process evaluations"

Apunyo, R., White, H., Otike, C., Katairo, T., Puerto, S., Gardiner, D., Kinengyere, A. A., Eyers, J., Saran, A. & Obuku, E. A. (2022). Interventions to increase youth employment: An evidence and gap map. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 18(1), e1216. 

"The EGM will be updated on an annual bases" - link til Online interactive EGM, se lenken ovenfor


OECD (2023), "Youth not in employment, education or training (NEET)" (indicator),

Youth futures foundation. 
"The map contains 658 studies that evaluate the effectiveness of youth employment and skills interventions. Of these, 390 are impact evaluation studies, 22 are systematic reviews and 246 are process evaluations"

Apunyo, R., White, H., Otike, C., Katairo, T., Puerto, S., Gardiner, D., Kinengyere, A. A., Eyers, J., Saran, A. & Obuku, E. A. (2022). Interventions to increase youth employment: An evidence and gap map. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 18(1), e1216. 

"The EGM will be updated on an annual bases" - link til Online interactive EGM, se lenken ovenfor


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Web of Science (Core Collection),

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TI=ord i tittel

TS= topic, ord "overalt" - ikke fulltekst, den finnes ikke i basen

NEAR/n = nærhetsoperator

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adj# = nærhet mellom søkeord

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Første term må forekomme før den andre, et gitt antall ord er tillatt mellom ordene

Avansert søk: 

Feltkoden før søkestrengen, TITLE-ABS-KEY-AUTH = ord fra tittel, sammendrag, indeksord fra databasen, eller forfatters stikkord

Unge uten jobb eller skolegang

TITLE-ABS-KEY-AUTH ((youth* OR young* OR teenager* OR juvenil* OR adolescen*) PRE/1 ("NOT" OR "out" OR without OR "nor" OR "neither") PRE/2 ( work* OR education* OR employ* OR job* OR study OR studying OR studied OR school))



Unge uten arbeid, arbeidsløse:

TITLE-ABS-KEY-AUTH ((youth* OR young* OR teenager* OR juvenil* OR adolescen*) W/3 (unemploy* OR "out of work*"))

Se også søkeord i kunnskapsoppsummeringene




 ("neet" OR "neets")



"Neither In Employment nor In Education or Training"
"Neither in Employment, Education, nor Training"
"Neither Work nor Study"
"neither study nor work"
"Neither studying nor working"
"neither in active employment nor in education and training" 
"neither in employment nor education and training"

og mange flere...

"neither work nor school"
"neither in employment nor in education"


Flere fraser:

"out of work and school"

"Youth outside the labour force"
"youth at risk of limited employment"


"youth vulnerable*
"vulnerable* youth"


Videre termer for unemployment, not in work, og manglende utdanning, not in education, non educated

"out of work*"
"out of education"
"out of school"
"social* excluded"
"not in work*
"not in employment"
"not in education"

...Videre ord som må kobles sammen med ungdom, utdanning, arbeid...

drop-out(s) - dropout(s)



young* OR youth* OR adolescen* OR teenager* OR juvenil*


"Unge som står utenfor arbeid, opplæring og utdanning"

"Unge voksne utenfor skole og arbeidsliv"

"unge utenfor skole og arbeidsliv"


"unge på kanten"


Google - inkluder site og ev filtype (PDF)

site:no - filtype:pdf


"Uden uddannelse og arbejde"
"borgere på kanten"
"udsatte unge"

Google: site:dk 

Eksempel treff Google søk



"unga som varken arbetar eller studerar"

Se også søkeord i kunnskapsoppsummeringene



SSB (2021, november) Unge som faller utenfor og deres inntektsutvikling.

SSB. Tilknytning til arbeid, utdanning og velferdsordninger. Oppdater 19. desember 2022, Neste 29. august. 2023.

Pettersen, M., Grini, K. H. & Normann, T. M. (2022). Personer i utenforskap 2015–2020. Hvor lenge er de utenfor og hvordan påvirker det inntekten? (Rapporter 2022/47). Statistisk sentralbyrå. Å være utenfor» er her definert som å være verken sysselsatt, under ordinær utdanning eller deltaker på arbeidsmarkedstiltak. 




Eurostat (2022, May.)Statistics on young people neither in employment nor in education or training.




OECD (2018). Investing in Youth. Norway.

Chapter 5. Guaranteeing employment or training options for NEETs in Norway. 

OECD. (2017). Youth not in employment, education or training (NEET).

se også siden Tiltak




  • Frøyland, K., Alecu, A. L., Ballo, J. G., Leseth, A., Sadeghi, T., Abdelzadeh, A., Anvik, C. H., Einarsdóttir, M., Gaini, F., Görlich, A., Julkunen, I. & Larsen, C. V. L. (2022). Inclusion of young people in school, work and society. A review of Nordic research literature (AFI-rapport; 2022:03). Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet, OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet.
  • Frøyland, K., Ballo, J. G., Anne, L., Talieh, S., Abdelzadeh, A., Anvik, C. H., Alecu, A. I., Einarsdóttir, M., Gaini, F., Görlich, A., Julkunen, I. & Larsen, C. V. L. (2022). Inkludering av unge i skole, arbeid og samfunn – en sammenstilling av kunnskap fra nordisk forskning (Rapport; 2022:02). Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet, OsloMet – storbyuniversitetet.
    Fyhn, T., Radlick, R. & Sveinsdottir, V. (2021). Unge som står utenfor arbeid, opplæring og utdanning (NEET). En analyse av unge i NEET-kategorien. NORCE Helse. Sammendrag: Denne rapporten presenterer resultatene fra et litteratursøk, en scoping review, for å kartlegge norske publikasjoner som omhandler unge som faller utenfor skole og arbeidsliv. ...
  • Jensen, T. P. & Andersen, H. L. (2012). Virker aktivering for udsatte unge? En vidensopsamling om effekten af  beskæftigelsesindsatser rettet mod udsatte unge. KORA. Det Nationale Institut for Kommuners og Regioners Analyse og Forskning,.


  • Thomas, J., Vigurs, C., Oliver, K., Suarez, B., Newman, M., Dickson, K. & Sinclair, J. (2008). Targeted youth support: Rapid Evidence Assessment of effective early interventions for youth at risk of future poor outcomes. EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London.
  • McGirr, M. (2019). Not just about NEETs: a rapid review of evidence on what works for youth at risk of limited employment. Wellington, New Zealand: Ministry of Education.
  • Campbell: 
    • Youth futures foundation. "The map contains 658 studies that evaluate the effectiveness of youth employment and skills interventions. Of these, 390 are impact evaluation studies, 22 are systematic reviews and 246 are process evaluations"
    • Apunyo, R., White, H., Otike, C., Katairo, T., Puerto, S., Gardiner, D., Kinengyere, A. A., Eyers, J., Saran, A. & Obuku, E. A. (2022). Interventions to increase youth employment: An evidence and gap map. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 18(1), e1216. 
    • Kluve, J., Puerto, S., Robalino, D., Romero, J. M., Rother, F., Stöterau, J., Weidenkaff, F. & Witte, M. (2017). Interventions to improve the labour market outcomes of youth: A systematic review of training, entrepreneurship promotion, employment services and subsidized employment interventions. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 13(1), 1-288.  Evidence Gap Map:
    • Filges, T., Dalgaard, N. T. & Viinholt, B. C. A. (2022). Outreach programs to improve life circumstances and prevent further adverse developmental trajectories of at-risk youth in OECD countries: A systematic review. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 18(4), Artikkel e1282. 


  • Mawn, L., Oliver, E. J., Akhter, N., Bambra, C. L., Torgerson, C., Bridle, C. & Stain, H. J. (2017). Are we failing young people not in employment, education or training (NEETs)? A systematic review and meta-analysis of re-engagement interventions. Systematic Reviews, 6, Artikkel 16. 
  • Hart, A., Psyllou, A., Eryigit-Madzwamuse, S., Heaver, B., Rathbone, A., Duncan, S. & Wigglesworth, P. (2020). Transitions into work for young people with complex needs: a systematic review of UK and Ireland studies to improve employability. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 48(5), 623-637. 
  • Gariepy, G., Danna, S. M., Hawke, L., Henderson, J. & Iyer, S. N. (2022). The mental health of young people who are not in education, employment, or training: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 57(6), 1107-1121.
  • Thompson, J. L., Holloway, K., Karyczak, S., Serody, M. R., Lane, I. A., Ellison, M. L., Gill, K. J., Davis, M. & Mullen, M. G. (2022). Evaluating Educational and Employment Services for Young People With Psychiatric Conditions: A Systematic Review. Psychiatric Services, 73(7), 787-800. 
  • Tayfur, S. N., Prior, S., Roy, A. S., Fitzpatrick, L. I. & Forsyth, K. (2021). Adolescent psychosocial factors and participation in education and employment in young adulthood: A systematic review and meta-analyses. Educational Research Review, 34, Artikkel 100404.
  • Kluve, J., Puerto, S., Robalino, D., Romero, J. M., Rother, F., Stöterau, J., Weidenkaff, F. & Witte, M. (2019). Do youth employment programs improve labor market outcomes? A quantitative review. World Development, 114, 237-253. 
  • Probyn, K., Engedahl, M. S., Rajendran, D., Pincus, T., Naeem, K., Mistry, D., Underwood, M. & Froud, R. (2021). The effects of supported employment interventions in populations of people with conditions other than severe mental health: a systematic review. Primary Health Care Research and Development, 22, Artikkel e79.  
  • Saltkjel, T., Andreassen, T. A., Helseth, S. & Minas, R. (2023). A scoping review of research on coordinated pathways towards employment for youth in vulnerable life situations. European Journal of Social Work, 26(1), 66-78. se også Andreassen, T. A., Breit, E. & Saltkjel, T. (2020). Research approaches to networked employment services: A systematic review. Social Policy & Administration, 54(7), 1179-1197. 
  • Celume, M. P. & Korda, H. (2022). Three decades of interventions for the unemployed - review of practices between 1990 and 2020 and their effects on (re) employment competencies. Education and Training, 64(2), 230-243. 
  • Lindsay, S., L, R. H. & Fellin, M. (2016). A systematic review of mentorship programs to facilitate transition to post-secondary education and employment for youth and young adults with disabilities. Disability and Rehabilitation, 38(14), 1329-1349.
  • Lindsay, S., Cagliostro, E., Albarico, M., Srikanthan, D. & Mortaji, N. (2018). A Systematic Review of the Role of Gender in Securing and Maintaining Employment Among Youth and Young Adults with Disabilities. J Occup Rehabil, 28(2), 232-251. 
  • Farre, A., Lunt, L., Lee, R., Verstappen, S. & McDonagh, J. E. (2023). Addressing education and employment outcomes in the provision of healthcare for young people with physical long-term conditions: A systematic review and mixed methods synthesis. Patient Education and Counseling, 112, 107765. 
  • Bond, G. R., Al-Abdulmunem, M., Marbacher, J., Christensen, T. N., Sveinsdottir, V. & Drake, R. E. (2023). A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of IPS Supported Employment for Young Adults with Mental Health Conditions. Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 50(1), 160-172.
  • Gmitroski, T., Bradley, C., Heinemann, L., Liu, G., Blanchard, P., Beck, C., Mathias, S., Leon, A. & Barbic, S. P. (2018). Barriers and facilitators to employment for young adults with mental illness: a scoping review. BMJ open, 8(12), e024487.

Youth - increase youth employment. Active labor market programmes/policies

  • Apunyo, R., White, H., Otike, C., Katairo, T., Puerto, S., Gardiner, D., Kinengyere, A. A., Eyers, J., Saran, A. & Obuku, E. A. (2022). Interventions to increase youth employment: An evidence and gap map. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 18(1), e1216. 
  • Celume, M. P. & Korda, H. (2022). Three decades of interventions for the unemployed - review of practices between 1990 and 2020 and their effects on (re) employment competencies. Education and Training, 64(2), 230-243. 
  • Simoes, F., Erdogan, E., Muratovic, M. & Sik, D. (2022). Scrutinising the Exceptionalism of Young Rural NEETs: A Bibliometric Review. Youth & Society, 54(2_SUPPL), 8S-28S. 
  • Kluve, J., Puerto, S., Robalino, D., Romero, J. M., Rother, F., Stöterau, J., Weidenkaff, F. & Witte, M. (2017). Interventions to improve the labour market outcomes of youth: A systematic review of training, entrepreneurship promotion, employment services and subsidized employment interventions. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 13(1), 1-288. 
  • Kluve, J., Puerto, S., Robalino, D., Romero, J. M., Rother, F., Stöterau, J., Weidenkaff, F. & Witte, M. (2019). Do youth employment programs improve labor market outcomes? A quantitative review. World Development, 114, 237-253. 
  • Vooren, M., Haelermans, C., Groot, W. & Maassen van den Brink, H. (2019). The Effectiveness of Active Labor Market Policies: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Economic Surveys, 33(1), 125-149. 
  • Fialho, P. M. M., Dragano, N., Reuter, M., Deindl, C., Schleberger, S., Metzendorf, M., Hoffmann, S., Diehl, K., Wachtler, B., Schuttig, W., Herke, M., Richter, M. & Pischke, C. R. (2022). School-to-work and school-to-university transition and health inequalities among young adults: a scoping review. BMJ open, 12(7), Artikkel e058273. 
  • Hardoy, I., Røed, K., von Simson, K. & Zhang, T. (2017). Effekter av arbeidsmarkedspolitikk rettet mot ungdom i Nord-Europa – en meta-analyseSøkelys på arbeidslivet, 34(3), 167-181. 


  • Flynn, P., McCauley, V., Mujčinović, A., Radović, V., Bojnec, S. & Simões, F. (2022). Rapid Evidence Assessment Protocol for the Meta-Analysis of Initiatives, Interventions and Programmes That Target Rural NEETs. Social Sciences, 11(8). 
  • Poutanen, J., Joensuu, M., Unkila, K. & Juvonen-Posti, P. (2022). Sustainable employability in Supported Employment and IPS interventions in the context of the characteristics of work and perspectives of the employers: a scoping review protocol. BMJ open, 12(6), Artikkel e058413.


Campbell Collaboration: Youth futures foundation. 
"The map contains 658 studies that evaluate the effectiveness of youth employment and skills interventions. Of these, 390 are impact evaluation studies, 22 are systematic reviews and 246 are process evaluations"

Se også fanen Kunnskapsoppsummeringer. Se også siden Tiltak


"utenfor arbeid, opplæring og utdanning"

"utenfor skole og arbeidsliv" 


utsatte unge



Antonsen, K. M. & Waldahl, R. H. (2017). Vi utgjør en forskjell. Det er jeg sikker på. Om oppfølgingstjenesten i Sogn og Fjordane (Arbeidsnotat nr. 1009/2017).  Nordlandsforskning.
Frøyland, K., Alecu, A. L., Ballo, J. G., Leseth, A., Sadeghi, T., Abdelzadeh, A., Anvik, C. H., Einarsdóttir, M., Gaini, F., Görlich,

A., Julkunen, I. & Larsen, C. V. L. (2022). Inclusion of young people in school, work and society. A review of Nordic research literature (AFI-rapport; 2022:03). Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet, OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet.


Frøyland, K., Ballo, J. G., Anne, L., Talieh, S., Abdelzadeh, A., Anvik, C. H., Alecu, A. I., Einarsdóttir, M., Gaini, F., Görlich, A., Julkunen, I. & Larsen, C. V. L. (2022). Inkludering av unge i skole, arbeid og samfunn – en sammenstilling av kunnskap fra nordisk forskning (Rapport; 2022:02). Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet, OsloMet – storbyuniversitetet.


Kann, I. C. & Sutterud, L. (2017). Utenforskap og trygdeordningenes rolle: sikkerhetsnett eller hvilepute? (Arbeid og velferd, 3:2017). NAV.


Hardoy, I., Røed, K., von Simson, K. & Zhang, T. En komparativ analyse av effekter av innsats for å inkludere utsatte unge i arbeid i Norden (Rapport 2016:13). Institutt for samfunnsforskning. 


Inger Lise Skog Hansen, and, R. S. J. & Hansen, H. C. (2021). Mind the gap! Nordic 0–24 collaboration on improved services to vulnerable children and young people. Final report from the process evaluation (Fafo-report 2020:21). FAFO.


FoU institutter:

Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet Link til ODA Open Digital Archive

FAFO publikasjoner Link

Institutt for samfunnsforskning Link publikasjoner



"Uden uddannelse og arbejde"

"unge på kanten"


Epinion, Metrica & Center for Ungdomsforskning (CeFU). (2020). Slutevaluering af RCT-forsøget Job-bro til Uddannelse.

Görlich, A., Katznelson, N., Hansen, N.-H. M., Rosholm, M. & Svarer, M. (2016). Hvad virker? Ledige unges vej til uddannelse og arbejde. Center for Ungdomsforskning.


Bolvig, I., Jeppesen, T., Kleif, H. B., Østergaard, J., Iversen, A., Broch-Lips, N., Jensen, N. L. & Thodsen, J. (2019). Unge uden job og uddannelse – hvor mange, hvorfra, hvorhen og hvorfor? En kortlægning af de udsatte unge i NEET-gruppen. VIVE – Viden til Velfærd. Det Nationale Forsknings- og Analysecenter for Velfærd.


Rådet for Ungdomsuddannelser. (201?). International desk research om restgruppen.


Katznelson, N., Jørgensen, H. E. D. & Sørensen, N. U. (2015). Hvem er de unge på kanten af det danske samfund. Aalborg Universitetsforlag. 

CEFU, Center for ungdomsforskning



Krona, T., Borén, L., Forsavall, M., Steen, A., Jonsson, A., Nivåker, M., Lindgren, S. & Mellberg, C. (2021). Ungdomar som riskerar långtidsarbetslöshet. Återrapportering till regeringen 2021-04-15. Arbetsförmedlingen. 

Delegationen för unga och nyanlända till arbete. (2023). På egna ben. Utvecklad samverkan för individers etablering på arbetsmarknaden (SOU 2023:7).



Mertanen, K. (2020). Not a Single One Left Behind : Governing the ’youth problem’ in youth policies and youth policy implementations [Doctoral dissertation, University of Helsinki,].



Karsldóttir, A., Cuadrado, A., Gaini, F., Jungsberg, L. & Vetergård, L. O. (2019). Enabling vulnerable youth in rural areas not in education, employment or training (Nordregio Report 2019:8).  Nordregio.


Becci Newton et al. (2014). The Youth Contract for 16-17 year olds not in education, employment or training evaluation. Institute for Employment Studies.

Tanner, E., Purdon, S., D’Souza, J. & Finch, S. (2009). Activity Agreement Pilots Quantitative Evaluation (Research Report No DCSF-RR096). National Centre for Social Research, Published by the Department for Children, Schools and Families.


Santos-Brien, R. (2018). Effective outreach to NEETs. Experience from the ground. European Commision.

EPPI oversikter:

Link Google søk

Mertanen, K. (2020). Not a Single One Left Behind : Governing the ’youth problem’ in youth policies and youth policy implementations [Doctoral dissertation, University of Helsinki,].

McGirr, M. Employability Development Theory: Policy Implications for Supporting Youth at Risk of Limited Employment (YARLE) [Doctoral Theses,Victoria University of Wellington].

 Agder fylkeskommune. Ung Support ("supported employment"). Ung Support er et fem-årig innovasjonsprosjekt som skal gi ny kunnskap om utenforskap blant unge. Link

Kristiansand kommune: Flere i arbeid. link