For mange er det kanskje ikke antallet som er det viktigste. Noen har sine favoritt-treslag som vekker minner fra vår, sommer, høst og vinter.
Det kan være insekter som summer rundt gåsunger på selja, duften av blomster, vind som suser i trekronene eller blader som faller sakte mot marken.
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Ahurra, Hope Ayebale (Master thesis, 2011)
In the past few decades, local community participation has been viewed as one of the major ways through which sustainable resource management can be attained. Communities have been encouraged to take part in resource ...
Laurent, Makawa Newa (Master thesis, 2009)
In recent years we have seen an increase in demand for the wood carvings products especially those made using ‘Mpingo’ tree. The industry has also been a source of employment to the majority of Makonde people and non-Makonde ...
Astudillo, César A.; Oommen, B. John (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
The underlying lattice could be a grid, and this has been used in a variety of applications [23,35,40]. The most prominent efforts to render the topology to be structured involves the Evolving Tree (ET) due to Pakkanen et al. [36], and the Self-Organizing Tree...