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UiA Bibliotek Blog


by silje vaageng on 2023-09-12T13:36:00+02:00 in General Study | 0 Comments


All students experience how difficult it is sometimes to keep the motivation while studying. Perseverance means “the ability to stick with and finish something, even when it’s difficult”. The quality of perseverance is crucial for success in every field of life. Every student has academic goals; to read that book, use what you learned in writing a paper, and to get passing marks on an important exam.  In order to reach those goals, you must attend classes, do individual studies and deliver required assignments on time. You must persevere. Here are a few tips to help you persevere through your studies.

  1. Find the right study environment – the campus library, at home, in the park.
  2. Organize your materials.
  3. Develop a timetable that fits your needs. Block off a section every day and dedicate it for studies.
  4. Find a study group or friend group to support you.
  5. Think big and small. One big goal at the end of the day, small goals to help you get there.
  6. Give yourself breaks. Achieving a life/study balance is crucial to staying motivated.
  7. Take some “me-time”. The most important thing you can do is look after yourself. If you forget about looking after yourself, you’ll have a tough time persevering with your studies.

How do you persevere when studying gets tough?

Try our course on study techniques to help you along.

Study tecnique imageHar du fullført vår digitale: Studieteknikk

På disse sidene har vi samlet noen generelle ressurser og tips om studieteknikk og læringsstrategier. Du vil finne tekster og videoer om blant annet hvordan du kan organisere arbeidsdagen, bruke fagbøker, eller forstå tekster på en måte som gjør at du kan bruke dem til å skrive din egen tekst.


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