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Palliativ pleie

Terminal pleie





"Oncologic Nurs*"

"Cancer Patient*"

"end of life"







"next of kin*" 
"loved one*"



Barn som pårørende:
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"child* of Impaired Parent*"  
cancer W2 (parent* OR mother* OR father*)
"Parent-Child Relations"

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"Home Care"
"Home health*"
"Home Nursing, Professional"
"Community Health Nursing"
"district nurs*"

Flere, se emnet Hjemmesykepleie


"Palliative care"
"palliative nurs*"
"Terminal care"
"Terminally ill patient*"
"Hospice and Palliative Nursing"

"end of life"








Søkeord for
kvalitative studier:

"focus group*"




Palliativ plan:  ("care plan*" OR "Individual plan" OR "care pathway*") AND (palliative OR "end of life" OR terminal*")

Forhåndssamtaler: "advance care planning" OR "advance directiv*"


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Barn med kreftsykdom - symptomlindring - psykososiale faktorer ...


  • Barn med kreft - psykososiale faktorer /mestring - kvalitative studier - peer review,  2015- Språk: norsk,dansk,svensk, engelsk . Lenke til søk

Norsk elektronisk legehåndbok

UpToDate (krever eduVPN også på campus)

  • Overview of common presenting signs and symptoms of childhood cancer. Link
  • Acute myeloid leukemia in children and adolescents. Link


"Child, Hospitalized"
"Childhood Neoplasms"¨



"Psychosocial Factors"

"quality of life"
"sense of coherence"


"self care"
"self management"

cope OR coping










"Antineoplastic Agent*"

"Antitumor Agent*"















"parent-child relations"



noen eksempler på treff i CINAHL & MEDLINE (EBSCOhost)
  • Linder, L. A., Bratton, H., Nguyen, A., Parker, K., & Wawrzynski, S. E. (2018). Symptoms and Self-Management Strategies Identified by Children With Cancer Using Draw-and-Tell Interviews. Oncology Nursing Forum, 45(3), 290–300.

Larsen, M. H., Hansson, K. E., Larsen, E. H., Fridh, M. K., Petersen, N. N., Mellblom, A. V., Ruud, E., Larsen, H. B., & Lie, H. C. (2022). The gap between expectations and reality: A qualitative study of psychosocial challenges of young childhood cancer survivors from the PACCS study. European Journal of Cancer Care, 31(6), 1–11. 

  • Cheng, L., Zhao, X., Ge, Y., Wang, Y., & Kang, Q. (2022). The Experiences of Chinese Children 5- to 7-year-old during Cancer Treatment Reflected Through Interviews and Drawings. Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nursing, 39(2), 88–98. 
  • Sasi, A., Ganguly, S., Sharma, S., Singh, R., Verma, V., Bisht, R., Kalra, D., Satapathy, S., & Bakhshi, S. (2022). Adaptation of the Patient Reported Outcome Measurement Information System (PROMIS) tool for childhood cancer in India: A qualitative study. Psycho-Oncology, 31(10), 1671–1680.
  • Belpame, N., Kars, M. C., Deslypere, E., Rober, P., Van Hecke, A., & Verhaeghe, S. (2021). Coping Strategies of Adolescent and Young Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancer: A Qualitative Study. Cancer Nursing, 44(6), E395–E403.
  • Leibring, I., & Anderzén-Carlsson, A. (2019). Fear and Coping in Children 5–9 years old Treated for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia - A Longitudinal Interview Study. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 46, e29–e36. 
  • Larsen, M. H., Hansson, K. E., Larsen, E. H., Fridh, M. K., Petersen, N. N., Mellblom, A. V., Ruud, E., Larsen, H. B., & Lie, H. C. (2022). The gap between expectations and reality: A qualitative study of psychosocial challenges of young childhood cancer survivors from the PACCS study. European Journal of Cancer Care, 31(6), 1–11. 
  • Ullán, A. M., Herreros, P., Belver, M. H., & Jerez, C. (2023). The Best and the Worst Things About the Hospital for Children with Cancer: A Qualitative, Interview-Based Study in a Spanish Hospital. Journal of Patient Experience, 1–7. 
  • Sposito, A. M. P., Silva-Rodrigues, F. M., Sparapani, V. de C., Pfeifer, L. I., de Lima, R. A. G., & Nascimento, L. C. (2015). Coping Strategies Used by Hospitalized Children With Cancer Undergoing Chemotherapy. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 47(2), 143–151.
  • Rodgers, C., Norville, R., Taylor, O., Poon, C., Hesselgrave, J., Gregurich, M. A. & Hockenberry, M. (2012). Children's coping strategies for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. Oncology Nursing Forum, 39(2), 202-209. 
  • Jibb, L. A., Croal, L., Jingting Wang, Changrong Yuan, Foster, J., Cheung, V., … Stinson, J. N. (2018). Children’s Experiences of Cancer Care: A Systematic Review and Thematic Synthesis of Qualitative Studies. Oncology Nursing Forum, 45(4), 527–544. Full-text tilgang for UiA via CINAHL - lenke
  • Rindstedt, C. (2014). Children's strategies to handle cancer: a video ethnography of imaginal coping. Child: Care, Health and Development, 40(4), 580-586.
  • Berríos-Rivera, R., Rivero-Vergne, A., & Romero, I. (2008). The Pediatric Cancer Hospitalization Experience: Reality Co-constructed. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 25(6), 340–353.
  • Aldridge, A. A. & Roesch, S. C. (2007). Coping and adjustment in children with cancer: a meta-analytic study. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 30(2), 115-129.
  • Rindstedt, C. (2014). Children's strategies to handle cancer: a video ethnography of imaginal coping. Child: Care, Health and Development, 40(4), 580-586.
  • Trask, P. C., Paterson, A. G., Trask, C. L., Bares, C. B., Birt, J. & Maan, C. (2003). Parent and adolescent adjustment to pediatric cancer: associations with coping, social support, and family function. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 20(1), 36-47. 
  • Yeh, C. (2001). Adaptation in children with cancer: research with Roy's model. Nursing Science Quarterly, 14(2), 141-148. 
  • Aldiss, S., Horstman, M., O’Leary, C., Richardson, A. & Gibson, F. (2009). What is Important to Young Children Who Have Cancer While in Hospital? Children & Society, 23(2), 85-98.
  • Gibson F, Aldiss S, Horstman M, Kumpunen S, & Richardson A. (2010). Children and young people’s experiences of cancer care: A qualitative research study using participatory methods. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 47(11), 1397–1407.

Nursing care ... child cancer

søk på ord i tittel: TI (nurs* AND child* AND (cancer* OR leukem* OR neoplasm* OR tumor*))  - limit: 2005- Språk; norsk,dansk,svensk,engelsk  link til søk

  • Docherty, S. L., Thaxton, C., Allison, C., Barfield, R. C. & Tamburro, R. F. (2012). The Nursing Dimension of Providing Palliative Care to Children and Adolescents with Cancer. Clinical Medicine Insights: Pediatrics, (6), 75-88.  Lenke
  • Enskär, K., Darcy, L., Björk, M., Knutsson, S., & Huus, K. (2020). Experiences of Young Children With Cancer and Their Parents With Nurses’ Caring Practices During the Cancer Trajectory. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 37(1), 21–34.
  • Foster, T. L., Bell, C. J., McDonald, C. F., Harris, J. S. & Gilmer, M. J. (2012). Palliative nursing care for children and adolescents with cancer. Nursing: Research & Reviews, 2, 17-25.
  • Resende Silva e. Sousa, A. D., Faria da Silva, L. & Paiva, E. D. (2019). Nursing interventions in palliative care in Pediatric Oncology: an integrative review. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 72(2), 531-540.
  • Moore JB, & Beckwitt AE. (2006). Self-care operations and nursing interventions for children with cancer and their parents. Nursing Science Quarterly, 19(2), 147–156.

Cellegiftsbehandling - cheomtherapy


Varre, P. (2017). Sykepleieutfordringer ved kjemoterapi. I A. M. Reitan & T. K. Schjølberg (Red.), Kreftsykepleie : pasient, utfordring, handling (4. utg.). Oslo: Cappelen Damm akademisk. Søk i ORIA


  • Semerci, R., Akgün Kostak, M. & Taşkın, C. (2022). The effect of using interactive mobile application for management of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting in children: Randomized controlled study. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 102121. 
  • Linder, L. A., Bratton, H., Nguyen, A., Parker, K., & Wawrzynski, S. E. (2018). Symptoms and Self-Management Strategies Identified by Children With Cancer Using Draw-and-Tell Interviews. Oncology Nursing Forum, 45(3), 290–300.
  • Sposito, A. M. P., Silva-Rodrigues, F. M., Sparapani, V. de C., Pfeifer, L. I., de Lima, R. A. G., & Nascimento, L. C. (2015). Coping Strategies Used by Hospitalized Children With Cancer Undergoing Chemotherapy. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 47(2), 143–151.
  • Whitsett SF, Gudmundsdottir M, Davies B, McCarthy P, & Friedman D. (2008). Chemotherapy-related fatigue in childhood cancer: correlates, consequences, and coping strategies. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 25(2), 86–96
  • Tyc VL, Mulhern RK, Jayawardene D, Fairclough D, Tyc, V. L., Mulhern, R. K., … Fairclough, D. (1995). Chemotherapy-induced nausea and emesis in pediatric cancer patients: an analysis of coping strategies. Journal of Pain & Symptom Management, 10(5), 338–347
  • Evans, A., Malvar, J., Garretson, C., Pedroja Kolovos, E. & Baron Nelson, M. (2018). The Use of Aromatherapy to Reduce Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea in Children With Cancer: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 35(6), 392-398.
  • Rodgers, C., Norville, R., Taylor, O., Poon, C., Hesselgrave, J., Gregurich, M. A. & Hockenberry, M. (2012). Children's coping strategies for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. Oncology Nursing Forum, 39(2), 202-209.
  • Stein, E., Rayar, M., Krishnadev, U., Gupta, A., Hyslop, S., Plenert, E., … Sung, L. (2019). A feasibility study examining the impact of yoga on psychosocial health and symptoms in pediatric outpatients receiving chemotherapy. Supportive Care in Cancer, 27(10), 3769-3776.
  • Ekti Genc, R. & Conk, Z. (2008). Impact of effective nursing interventions to the fatigue syndrome in children who receive chemotherapy. Cancer Nursing, 31(4), 312-317.
  • Gibson, F., Face, S., Hayden, S. & Morgan, N. (2000). Nursing management of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting in children. Current prescribing and administration practice -- is it being used to its full potential? European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 4(4), 252-255.
  • Ekti Genc, R. & Conk, Z. (2008). Impact of effective nursing interventions to the fatigue syndrome in children who receive chemotherapy. Cancer Nursing, 31(4), 312-317.
  • Rodgers, C., Kollar, D., Taylor, O., Bryant, R., Crockett, K., Gregurich, M. A. & Hockenberry, M. (2012). Nausea and vomiting perspectives among children receiving moderate to highly emetogenic chemotherapy treatment. Cancer Nursing, 35(3), 203-210.


Og videre

  • Patel, P., Robinson, P. D., Devine, K. A., Positano, K., Cohen, M., Gibson, P., Holdsworth, M., Phillips, R., Spinelli, D., Thackray, J., Wetering, M., Woods, D., Cabral, S., Sung, L., Dupuis, L. L., & van de Wetering, M. (2021). Prevention and treatment of anticipatory chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting in pediatric cancer patients and hematopoietic stem cell recipients: Clinical practice guideline update. Pediatric Blood & Cancer, 68(5), 1–12.
  • Evans, A., Malvar, J., Garretson, C., Pedroja Kolovos, E., & Baron Nelson, M. (2018). The Use of Aromatherapy to Reduce Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea in Children With Cancer: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 35(6), 392–398.
  • Chan, C. W. H., Lam, L. W., Li, C. K., Cheung, J. S. S., Cheng, K. K. F., Chik, K. W., Chan, H. Y. L., So, W. K. W., & Tang, W. P. Y. (2015). Feasibility of psychoeducational interventions in managing chemotherapy-associated nausea and vomiting (CANV) in pediatric oncology patients. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 19(2), 182–190.
  • Rodgers, C., Norville, R., Taylor, O., Poon, C., Hesselgrave, J., Gregurich, M. A. & Hockenberry, M. (2012). Children's coping strategies for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. Oncology Nursing Forum, 39(2), 202-209.
  • Momani, T. G., & Berry, D. L. (2017). Integrative Therapeutic Approaches for the Management and Control of Nausea in Children Undergoing Cancer Treatment: A Systematic Review of Literature. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 34(3), 173–184.

Se også

Barn på sykhus

Lindrende omsorg - Kreft - hjemmesykepleie

Se også bøker - tips på emnesiden Hjemmesykepleie

Eksempler på artikler

  • Lersveen Gunhild, L. & Devik Siri, A. Opplevelse av trygghet i hjemmebasert palliativ omsorg: pasienters og pårørendes perspektiv. Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning, 7(3), 1-15.

  • Aamold, K., Grov, K. & Rostad Hanne, M. Hjemmesykepleieres erfaringer når kreftpasienter ønsker å dø hjemme. Klinisk Sygepleje, 34(1), 3-15. 
    Røgenes, G. K., Moen, A. & Grov, E. K. (2013). Heimesjukepleiarens perspektiv på forhold som fremjar palliasjon i heimen. Klinisk Sygepleje, 27(1), 64-76. Hentet fra 

  • Drageset, I. (2009). Forholdet mellom avhengighet og autonomi i hjemmesykepleien. Klinisk Sygepleje, 23(2), 15-23. Hentet fra
  • Hov, R., Bjørsland, B., Kjøs, B. Ø. & Wilde-Larsson, B. (2021). Pasienters opplevelse av trygghet med palliativ omsorg i hjemmet. Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning, 7(1), 1-19. 
  • Midlöv, E. M., & Lindberg, T. (2019). District nurses’ experiences of providing palliative care in the home: An interview study. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research.
  • Molnes, S. I. (2014). Sykepleieres erfaringer med smertelindring til hjemmeboende kreftpasienter.  Nordisk sygeplejeforskning 4
    (2), 142-155. 
  • Sønning, H. E. & Fossum, M. (2020). "Jeg gråter noen tårer hver dag". En fenomenologisk studie av hjemmeboende kreftpasienters beskrivelse av deres livvsituasjon i palliativ fase. Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning, 16(1), 16. 
  • Lersveen, G. L. & Devik, S. A. (2021). Opplevelse av trygghet i hjemmebasert palliativ omsorg: pasienters og pårørendes perspektiv. Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning, 7(3), 1-15. 


Søkeord ...

  • hjemmesykepleie - se emnet hjemmesykepleie - feks "home care" OR homebased OR "home based" OR "home health*" OR "home nurs'" OR "district* nurs*" OR "Community Health*"
  • palliativ*
  • terminal*
  • "end of life" OR "last day*" OR death OR dying
  • cancer OR neoplasm*
  • dignit*
  • hope*
  • uncertain*
  • stress
  • anxity
  • cope OR coping OR adapt* 
  • experience* OR attitude* OR perception* OR satisfact* OR opinion* OR view* OR belie* OR perspective*
  • qualitative OR interview* OR phenomenolog* OR thematic OR themes
  • Pårørende: caregiver* OR "care giver*" OR famil* OR relatives OR "next of kin*" OR spous* OR ...

ORIA - avansert søk, filtert på artikler

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SveMed+ (merk at databasen ikke er oppdatert etter 2019)

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Søk i CINAHL (EBSCOhost)


  • TI ((home OR homebased OR home-based OR district*) NOT "nursing home*" ) AND TI  (palliative OR terminal* OR "end of life")) - lenke til søk 
  • (TI ((home OR homebased OR home-based OR district*) NOT "nursing home*" ) AND TI cancer) NOT "nursing home"  Lenke til søk

TI foran søkeord = ordene må stå i artikkelens tittel

Noen treff ...

  • Söderman, A., Werkander Harstäde, C., Östlund, U., & Blomberg, K. (2021). Community nurses’ experiences of the Swedish Dignity Care Intervention for older persons with palliative care needs – A qualitative feasibility study in municipal home health care. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 16(4), 1–12.
  • Staats, K., Grov, E. K., Husebø, B. S., & Tranvåg, O. (2021). Dignity of older home-dwelling women nearing end-of-life: Informal caregivers’ perception. Nursing Ethics, 28(3), 444–456.
  • Devik, S. A., Enmarker, I., & Hellzen, O. (2020). Nurses’ experiences of compassion when giving palliative care at home. Nursing Ethics, 27(1), 194–205.
  • Midlöv, E. M., & Lindberg, T. (2020). District nurses’ experiences of providing palliative care in the home: An interview study. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 40(1), 15–24.
  • Becqué, Y. N., Rietjens, J. A. C., van Driel, A. G., van der Heide, A. & Witkamp, E. (2019). Nursing interventions to support family caregivers in end-of-life care at home: A systematic narrative review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 97, 28-39.
  • Alvariza, A., Mjörnberg, M., & Goliath, I. (2020). Palliative care nurses’ strategies when working in private homes—A photo‐elicitation study. Journal of Clinical Nursing (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.), 29(1/2), 139–151.
  • Bolt, S. R., van der Steen, J. T., Schols, J. M. G. A., Zwakhalen, S. M. G., Pieters, S. & Meijers, J. M. M. (2019). Nursing staff needs in providing palliative care for people with dementia at home or in long-term care facilities: A scoping review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 96, 143-152.
  • Danielsen, B. V., Sand, A. M., Rosland, J. H. & Førland, O. (2018). Experiences and challenges of home care nurses and general practitioners in home-based palliative care – a qualitative study. BMC Palliative Care, 17(1), N.PAG-N.PAG.
  • Devik, S. A., Enmarker, I. & Hellzen, O. (2020). Nurses' experiences of compassion when giving palliative care at home. Nursing Ethics, 27(1), 194-205. 
  • Griffiths, J., Ewing, G. & Rogers, M. (2010). 'Moving swiftly on.' Psychological support provided by district nurses to patients with palliative care needs. Cancer Nursing, 33(5), 390-397.
  • Hemberg, J. & Bergdahl, E. (2019). Cocreation as a Caring Phenomenon: Nurses' Experiences in Palliative Home Care. Holistic Nursing Practice, 33(5), 273-284.
  • Holmdahl, S., Sävenstedt, S. & Imoni, R. (2014). Parenteral nutrition in home-based palliative care: Swedish district nurses experiences. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 28(1), 89-96.
  • Hunstad, I. & Svindseth, M. F. (2011). Challenges in home-based palliative care in Norway: a qualitative study of spouses' experiences. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 17(8), 398-404. Hentet fra  
  • Karlsson, M., Karlsson, C., Barbosa da Silva, A., Berggren, I. & Söderlund, M. (2013). Community nurses' experiences of ethical problems in end-of-life care in the patient's own home. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 27(4), 831-838.
  • LeeAi, C. & Abdullah, A. (2017). Community Palliative Care Nurses' Challenges and Coping Strategies on Delivering Home-Based Pediatric Palliative Care: A Qualitative Study. American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine, 34(2), 125-131.
  • Lima Ribeiro, A., Leite de Almeida, C. S., de Oliveira Reticena, K., Guimarães Maia, M. R. & Aparecida Sales, C. (2014). Nursing in the home palliative care: the view of a family member of a patient with cancer. Rev Rene, 15(3), 499-507.
  • Linderholm, M. & Friedrichsen, M. (2010). A desire to be seen: family caregivers' experiences of their caring role in palliative home care. Cancer Nursing, 33(1), 28-36.
  • Mousing, C. A., Timm, H., Lomborg, K. & Kirkevold, M. (2018). Barriers to palliative care in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in home care: A qualitative study of the perspective of professional caregivers. Journal of Clinical Nursing (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.), 27(3-4), 650-660.
  • McWilliam, C. L., Ward-Griffin, C., Oudshoorn, A. & Krestick, E. (2008). Living While Dying/Dying While Living. Older Clients' Sociocultural Experience of Home-Based Palliative Care. Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing, 10(6), 338-349.
  • Offen, J. (2015). The role of UK district nurses in providing care for adult patients with a terminal diagnosis: a meta-ethnography. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 21(3), 134-141. 
  • Rabbetts, L., Harrington, A. & Breaden, K. (2020). Nurses' experience of providing home‐based palliative care in the country setting: An integrated literature review. International Journal of Nursing Practice (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.), 26(1), N.PAG-N.PAG.
  • Reid, F. (2013). Grief and the experiences of nurses providing palliative care to children and young people at home. Nursing Children and Young People, 25(9), 31-36.
  • Rogenes, G. K., Moen, A. & Grov, E. K. (2013). Home care nurses' perspectives of factors of importance for their ability to care for patients requiring palliative care at home. Klinisk Sygepleje, 27(1), 65-76. Hentet fra  
  • Rydé, K. & Hjelm, K. (2016). How to support patients who are crying in palliative home care: an interview study from the nurses' perspective. Primary Health Care Research & Development (Cambridge University Press / UK), 17(5), 479-488.
  • Schou‐Andersen, M., Ullersted, M. P., Jensen, A. B. & Neergaard, M. A. (2016). Factors associated with preference for dying at home among terminally ill patients with cancer. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 30(3), 466-476.
  • Svensson, G. (2018). Patient perceptions of specialised hospital-based palliative home care: a qualitative study using a phenomenographical approach. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 24(1), 22-32.
  • Walshe, C. & Luker, K. A. (2010). District nurses’ role in palliative care provision: A realist review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 47(9), 1167-1183.

Og videre kreft i tittelen ...

Appleyard, S. E. & Clarke, C. (2018). An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experiences of older people self-managing cancer pain at home. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 36(3), 333-349.

Dunne, K., Sullivan, K. & Kernohan, G. (2005). Palliative care for patients with cancer: district nurses' experiences. Journal of Advanced Nursing (Wiley-Blackwell), 50(4), 372-380. 

Griffiths, J., Ewing, G. & Rogers, M. (2013). Early support visits by district nurses to cancer patients at home: A multi-perspective qualitative study. Palliative Medicine, 27(4), 349-357.

Heydari, H., Hojjat-Assari, S., Almasian, M. & Pirjani, P. (2019). Exploring health care providers' perceptions about home-based palliative care in terminally ill cancer patients. BMC Palliative Care, 18(1), N.PAG-N.PAG.

Lima Ribeiro, A., Leite de Almeida, C. S., de Oliveira Reticena, K., Guimarães Maia, M. R. & Aparecida Sales, C. (2014). Nursing in the home palliative care: the view of a family member of a patient with cancer. Rev Rene, 15(3), 499-507.

Luker, K., Cooke, M., Dunn, L., Lloyd-Williams, M., Pilling, M. & Todd, C. (2015). Development and evaluation of an intervention to support family caregivers of people with cancer to provide home-based care at the end of life: A feasibility study. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 19(2), 154-161.

Mohammed, S., Swami, N., Pope, A., Rodin, G., Hannon, B., Nissim, R., … Zimmermann, C. (2018). "I didn't want to be in charge and yet I was": Bereaved caregivers' accounts of providing home care for family members with advanced cancer. Psycho-Oncology, 27(4), 1229-1236.

Ndiok, A. & Ncama, B. (2019). A qualitative study of home visiting as a palliative care strategy to follow‐up cancer patients by nurses in clinical setting in a developing country. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 33(1), 185-196.

Noot, T., Tassanee, T., Forrester, D. A. & Pimpan, S. (2016). Experiences of People with Advanced Cancer in Home--Based Palliative Care. Pacific Rim International Journal of Nursing Research, 20(3), 238-251. Hentet fra

Oosterveld-Vlug, M. G., Custers, B., Hofstede, J., Donker, G. A., Rijken, P. M., Korevaar, J. C. & Francke, A. L. (2019). What are essential elements of high-quality palliative care at home? An interview study among patients and relatives faced with advanced cancer. BMC Palliative Care, 18(1), N.PAG-N.PAG.

Pirschel, C. (2019). No Place Like It: Home Care for Patients With Cancer. ONS Voice, 34(7), 22-26. Hentet fra

Sijabat, M., Dahlia, D. & Waluyo, A. (2019). Experiences of palliative care nurses in providing home-based care for patient with advanced cancer. Enfermeria Clinica, 29, 413-417.

Wilson, C., Griffiths, J., Ewing, G., Connolly, M. & Grande, G. (2014). A Qualitative Exploration of District Nurses' Care of Patients With Advanced Cancer. Cancer Nursing, 37(4), 310-315.

Wilson, K., Pateman, B., Beaver, K. & Luker, K. A. (2002). Patient and carer needs following a cancer-related hospital admission: the importance of referral to the district nursing service. Journal of Advanced Nursing (Wiley-Blackwell), 38(3), 245-253.

Smerter: Populasjon: Sykepleiere, deres erfaringer ...Artikler

Se også emnesiden Smerter

Populasjon: Nurse* OR nursing – avgrenset til tittel: TI (nurse* OR nursing)

Fenomen av interesse, Erfaringer ... med  smerte

  • Pain – avgrenset til tittel: TI (pain)
  • Erfaringer … ; experience* OR attitude* OR perception* OR perspective* OR moral* OR ethic* OR "decision making" OR judgement OR uncertaint*
  • Kvalitative studier: qualitative OR interview* OR phenomenolog* OR experience* OR themes OR thematic OR "focus group*"
  • Kartlegging: "Pain Measurement"OR pain N3 (assess* OR measur* OR scale* OR test OR instrument* OR question*)
  • setting: cancer OR neoplasm* OR oncolog*
  • setting: Palliativ* OR terminal OR "end of life"
  • Kontekst eksempel nedenfor søkeord

Eksempel på treff

  • Bouya, S., Balouchi, A., Maleknejad, A., Koochakzai, M., AlKhasawneh, E. & Abdollahimohammad, A. (2019). Cancer pain management among oncology nurses: knowledge, attitude, related factors, and clinical recommendations: a systematic review. Journal of Cancer Education, 34(5), 839-846.
  • Fernandes, M. d. F. P. & Komessu, J. H. (2013). Nurses' challenges in view of the pain and suffering of families of terminal patients. Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP, 47(1), 250-257.  
  • Utne, I., Småstuen, M. C. & Nyblin, U. (2019). Pain knowledge and attitudes among nurses in cancer care in Norway. Journal of Cancer Education, 34(4), 677-684. 
  • LeBaron, V., Beck, S. L., Black, F., & Palat, G. (2014). Nurse Moral Distress and Cancer Pain Management. Cancer Nursing, 37(5), 331–344. 


  • Hughes, N., Closs, S., Flemming, K., Bennett, M., Hughes, N. D., Closs, S. J., & Bennett, M. I. (2016). Supporting self-management of pain by patients with advanced cancer: views of palliative care professionals. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(12), 5049–5057. 
  • Brooks, J. V., Poague, C., Formagini, T., Roberts, A. W., Sinclair, C. T., & Keirns, C. C. (2020). Palliative Care’s Role Managing Cancer Pain During the Opioid Crisis: A Qualitative Study of Patients, Caregivers, and Clinicians. Journal of Pain & Symptom Management, 60(6), 1127. 
  • Soden, K., Ali, S., Alloway, L., Barclay, D., Barker, S., Bird, L., Hall, L., & Perkins, P. (2013). How do nurses in specialist palliative care assess and manage breakthrough cancer pain? A multicentre study. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 19(11), 528–534. 
  • LeBaron, V., Beck, S. L., Black, F., & Palat, G. (2014). Nurse Moral Distress and Cancer Pain Management. Cancer Nursing, 37(5), 331–344. 
  • Hughes, N., Closs, S., Flemming, K., Bennett, M., Hughes, N. D., Closs, S. J., & Bennett, M. I. (2016). Supporting self-management of pain by patients with advanced cancer: views of palliative care professionals. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(12), 5049–5057. 
  • Allsop, M. J., Taylor, S., Bennett, M. I., & Bewick, B. M. (2019). Understanding patient requirements for technology systems that support pain management in palliative care services: A qualitative study. Health Informatics Journal, 25(3), 1105–1115. 
  • Molnes, S. I. (2014). Sykepleieres erfaringer med smertelindring til hjemmeboende kreftpasienter. Nordisk sygeplejeforskning, 4(2), 142-155  Merk i CINAHL finner du den med en oversatt engelsk tekst 
  • Cordeiro, F. R., Beuter, M., Roso, C. C., & Kruse, M. H. L. (2013). Pain and the dying process: nurses’ perspectives using the creative and sensible method. Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing, 12(1), 1. PDF versjon 
  • Phillips, J. L., Heneka, N., Hickman, L., & Lam, L. (2018). Self-Perceived Pain Assessment Knowledge and Confidence (Self-PAC) Scale for Cancer and Palliative Care Nurses: A Preliminary Validation Study. Pain Management Nursing, 19(6), 619–626. 
  • Nottelmann, L., Jensen, L. H., Vejlgaard, T. B., & Groenvold, M. (2019). A new model of early, integrated palliative care: palliative rehabilitation for newly diagnosed patients with non-resectable cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer, 27(9), 3291–3300. 
  • Cowperthwaite, S. M., & Kozachik, S. L. (2019). Improving the Pain Experience for Hospitalized Patients With Cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum, 46(2), 198–207.
  • Wergeland Sørbye, L., Steindal, S. A., Kalfoss, M. H., & Vibe, O. E. (2019). Opioids, Pain Management, and Palliative Care in a Norwegian Nursing Home From 2013 to 2018. Health Services Insights, 12 

Oversiktsarikkel, review

  • Vallerand AH, Musto S, Polomano RC, Vallerand, A. H., Musto, S., & Polomano, R. C. (2011). Nursing’s role in cancer pain management. Current Pain & Headache Reports, 15(4), 250–262. Henson, L. A., Maddocks, M., Evans, C., Davidson, M., 
  • Hicks, S., & Higginson, I. J. (2020). Palliative Care and the Management of Common Distressing Symptoms in Advanced Cancer: Pain, Breathlessness, Nausea and Vomiting, and Fatigue. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 38(9), 905–914.
  • Smyth, J. A., Dempster, M., Warwick, I., Wilkinson, P., & McCorry, N. K. (2018). A Systematic Review of the Patient- and Carer-Related Factors Affecting the Experience of Pain for Advanced Cancer Patients Cared for at Home. Journal of Pain & Symptom Management, 55(2), 496–507. 

Hjemmesykepleiers erfaring... - smerter - kreft

Søkeord hjemme... ala her ord i tittel: 

TI (home OR homecare OR homebased OR homehealth OR community OR district* OR municipal* OR "primary health*")

  • Molnes Sven, I. Sykepleieres erfaringer med smertelindring til hjemmeboende kreftpasienter. Nordisk sygeplejeforskning, 4(2), 142-155.
  • McDonald MV, Pezzin LE, Feldman PH, Murtaugh CM, & Peng TR. (2005). Can just-in-time, evidence-based “reminders” improve pain management among home health care nurses and their patients? Journal of Pain & Symptom Management29(5), 474–488.
  • Phillips, J. L., Lovell, M., Luckett, T., Agar, M., Green, A., & Davidson, P. (2015). Australian survey of current practice and guideline use in adult cancer pain assessment and management: The community nurse perspective. Collegian (Royal College of Nursing, Australia), 22(1), 33–41.
  • Hassankhani, H., Dehghannezhad, J., Rahmani, A., Ghafourifard, M., Soheili, A., & Lotfi, M. (2022). Caring Needs of Cancer Patients from the Perspective of Home Care Nurses: A Qualitative Study. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention : APJCP23(1), 71–77. ( Resultat også noe om smerter...)
  • Hadjisavva, I. C., Papastavrou, E., & Kouta, C. (2021). Knowledge and Attitudes of Home Care Nurses in Cyprus in the Management of Cancer Pain. Home Health Care Management & Practice33(1), 21–27.
  • Randall-David, E., Wright, J., Porterfield, D. S., & Lesser, G. (2003). Barriers to cancer pain management: home-health and hospice nurses and patients. Supportive Care in Cancer : Official Journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer11(10), 660–665.
  • Vallerand AH, Anthony M, & Saunders MM. (2005). Home care nurses’ perceptions of control over cancer pain. Home Healthcare Nurse23(10), 647–654. Lenke til fulltekst
  • flere mulige relevante, eksempel på søk CINAL & MEDLINE link

Barn som pårørende til foreldre med kreft

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Eksempel på treff: 

Hofset Larsen, B. & Nortvedt, M. W. (2011). Barns og ungdomsinformasjonsbehov når mor eller far får kreft. Sykepleien Forskning, 6(1), 70-77. 

Forskningsartikler - lenke til søk barn som pårørende til foreldre med kreft


Barn som pårørende - kreftsyke foreldre - Noen forslag til søkeord ...

"child* of Impaired Parent*"  AND (cancer OR neoplasm* OR oncolog*)

"Parent-Child Relations"  AND (cancer OR neoplasm* OR oncolog*)


"adptation, Psychological"
cancer OR neoplasm* OR oncolog*
coping OR cope OR adapt*
"family Centered Care"
"psychosocial Factor*"
"social support*"
"Terminally Ill Patient*"
"end of life"

Søk på ord i nærhet av hverandre -eksempler

parent* W2 cancer - eller bredere, og med feltkode for at ordene skal finnes i tittelen:  TI (parent* W5 cancer)

(dependent W1 child*) AND (cancer OR neoplasm*) AND (parent* OR mother* OR father* OR famil*)

(child* W2 (relatives OR "next of kin")) AND (cancer OR neoplasm*)

W# = nærhetsoperator EBSCOhost databaser, det første ordet må komme før det andre, # angir antall ord som kan tillates mellom søkeordene, Se filmen: 

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se også dokumentet eksempel på søk

Legg merke til ord som brukes, som du ev kan bruke i dine søk:

Hauger, B., Wiker, M. & Hamnes, B. (2020). Sykepleiere strekker ikke til i arbeid med barn som pårørendeNordisk sygeplejeforskning, 10(4), 266-279. Link til artikkelen på

Hofset Larsen, B. & Nortvedt, M. W. (2011). Barns og ungdomsinformasjonsbehov når mor eller far får kreft. Sykepleien Forskning, 6(1), 70-77. 

Semple, C. J., McCaughan, E., Smith, R., & Hanna, J. R. (2022). Parent’s with incurable cancer: “Nuts and bolts” of how professionals can support parents to communicate with their dependent children. Patient Education & Counseling105(3), 775–780.

Holmberg, P., Nilsson, J., Elmqvist, C., & Lindqvist, G. (2020). Nurses’ encounters with children as next of kin to parents with a cancer diagnosis on oncology wards. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 40(1), 33–40.

Hauken, M. A., & Farbrot, I. M. M. (2022). The Fuelbox “Young Next of Kin”-A Mixed-Methods Study on the Development and Piloting of a Communication Tool for Adolescents Coping With Parental Cancer or Death. Cancer Nursing, 45(2), 148–160.

  • Tafjord, T. (2021). Managing Strong Emotions: Nurses’ Recognition and Responses to Personal Emotions When Approaching Parents With Cancer and Their Dependent Children. Qualitative Health Research, 31(5), 926–941.
  • Holmberg, P., Nilsson, J., Elmqvist, C., & Lindqvist, G. (2020). Nurses’ encounters with children as next of kin to parents with a cancer diagnosis on oncology wards. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 40(1), 33–40.
  • Karidar, H., Åkesson, H., & Glasdam, S. (2016). A gap between the intention of the Swedish law and interactions between nurses and children of patients in the field of palliative oncology – The perspective of nurses. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 22, 23–29.
  • Semple, C., McCaughan, E., & Smith, R. (2017). How education on managing parental cancer can improve family communication. Cancer Nursing Practice, 16(5), 34–40. Fulltekst via ProQuest
  • Holmberg, P., Nilsson, J., Elmqvist, C., & Lindqvist, G. (2020). Nurses’ encounters with children as next of kin to parents with a cancer diagnosis on oncology wards. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 40(1), 33–40.
  • Golsäter, M., Enskär, K., & Knutsson, S. (2019). Parents’ perceptions of how nurses care for children as relatives of an ill patient- Experiences from an oncological outpatient department. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 39, 35–40.
  • Tafjord, T. (2020). Recognition of Insufficient Competence—Nurses’ Experiences in Direct Involvement With Adolescent Children of Cancer Patients. Cancer Nursing, 43(1), 32–44.
  • Arber, A., & Odelius, A. (2018). Experiences of Oncology and Palliative Care Nurses When Supporting Parents Who Have Cancer and Dependent Children. Cancer Nursing, 41(3), 248–254. Fulltekst
  • Hauken, M. A. (2017). Alle trenger stötte når mamma eller pappa er syk. Sykepleien, 105(e-64175 ), 1-14.
  • Reinertsen, K. (2012). Barn til kreftsyke vil vite mer. Sykepleien, 100(8), 66-9.
  • Bøckmann, K., Kjellevold, A. & Sotberg, E. D. (2015). Barn og ungdom som pårørende. I K. Bøckmann, A. Kjellevold & E. D. Sotberg (Red.), Pårørende i helse- og omsorgstjenesten : en klinisk og juridisk innføring (2. utg. utg., s. 255-302). Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. Oppslag i ORIA
  • Hanna, J. R., McCaughan, E. & Semple, C. J. (2019). Challenges and support needs of parents and children when a parent is at end of life: A systematic review. Palliative Medicine, 33(8), 1017-1044.
  • Golsäter, M., Enskär, K. & Knutsson, S. (2019). Parents' perceptions of how nurses care for children as relatives of an ill patient- Experiences from an oncological outpatient department. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 39, 35-40.
  • Golsäter, M., Henricson, M., Enskär, K. & Knutsson, S. (2016). Are children as relatives our responsibility? – How nurses perceive their role in caring for children as relatives of seriously ill patients. European Journal of Oncology Nursing25, 33-39.
  • Tafjord, T. (2020). Recognition of Insufficient Competence—Nurses' Experiences in Direct Involvement With Adolescent Children of Cancer Patients. Cancer Nursing, 43(1), 32-44. Fulltekst
  • Kerr, D., Milnes, S., Ammentorp, J., McKie, C., Dunning, T., Ostaszkiewicz, J., … Martin, P. (2020). Challenges for nurses when communicating with people who have life-limiting illness and their families: A focus group study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29(3-4), 416-428.
  • Karidar, H., Åkesson, H., & Glasdam, S. (2016). A gap between the intention of the Swedish law and interactions between nurses and children of patients in the field of palliative oncology – The perspective of nurses. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 22, 23–29.
  • Golsäter, M., Enskär, K. & Knutsson, S. (2019). Parents' perceptions of how nurses care for children as relatives of an ill patient- Experiences from an oncological outpatient department. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 39, 35-40.
  • Golsäter, M., Henricson, M., Enskär, K. & Knutsson, S. (2016). Are children as relatives our responsibility? – How nurses perceive their role in caring for children as relatives of seriously ill patients. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 25, 33-39.
  • Elmose, B. (2011). Stöttende samtaler vigtige for familiens faelles fundament. Sygeplejersken, 111(17), 62-7.
  • Ellis, S. J., Wakefield, C. E., Antill, G., Burns, M., & Patterson, P. (2017). Supporting children facing a parent’s cancer diagnosis: a systematic review of children’s psychosocial needs and existing interventions. European Journal of Cancer Care, 26(1),

Flere aktuelle - end of life - critically ill parents

  • Hanna, J. R., McCaughan, E. & Semple, C. J. (2019). Challenges and support needs of parents and children when a parent is at end of life: A systematic review. Palliative Medicine, 33(8), 1017-1044.
  •   Holmberg, P., Nilsson, J., Elmqvist, C., & Lindqvist, G. (2019). Nurses’ encounters with children as next of kin to parents with a cancer diagnosis on oncology wards. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research

Påørende til syke foreldre generelt

  • Knutsson, S., Enskär, K., Andersson-Gäre, B. & Golsäter, M. (2017). Children as relatives to a sick parent: Healthcare professionals' approaches. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 37(2), 61-69.
  • Skogøy, B. E., Sørgaard, K., Maybery, D., Ruud, T., Stavnes, K., Kufås, E., … Ogden, T. (2018). Hospitals implementing changes in law to protect children of ill parents: a cross-sectional study. BMC Health Services Research, 18(1), N.PAG-N.PAG.