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Lindrende omsorg. Kreftsykepleie. SY917-SY-918

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Barn som pårørende til foreldre med kreft

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Eksempel på treff: 

Hofset Larsen, B. & Nortvedt, M. W. (2011). Barns og ungdomsinformasjonsbehov når mor eller far får kreft. Sykepleien Forskning, 6(1), 70-77. 

Forskningsartikler - lenke til søk barn som pårørende til foreldre med kreft


Barn som pårørende - kreftsyke foreldre - Noen forslag til søkeord ...

"child* of Impaired Parent*"  AND (cancer OR neoplasm* OR oncolog*)

"Parent-Child Relations"  AND (cancer OR neoplasm* OR oncolog*)


"adptation, Psychological"
cancer OR neoplasm* OR oncolog*
coping OR cope OR adapt*
"family Centered Care"
"psychosocial Factor*"
"social support*"
"Terminally Ill Patient*"
"end of life"

Søk på ord i nærhet av hverandre -eksempler

parent* W2 cancer - eller bredere, og med feltkode for at ordene skal finnes i tittelen:  TI (parent* W5 cancer)

(dependent W1 child*) AND (cancer OR neoplasm*) AND (parent* OR mother* OR father* OR famil*)

(child* W2 (relatives OR "next of kin")) AND (cancer OR neoplasm*)

W# = nærhetsoperator EBSCOhost databaser, det første ordet må komme før det andre, # angir antall ord som kan tillates mellom søkeordene, Se filmen: 

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Legg merke til ord som brukes, som du ev kan bruke i dine søk:

Hauger, B., Wiker, M. & Hamnes, B. (2020). Sykepleiere strekker ikke til i arbeid med barn som pårørendeNordisk sygeplejeforskning, 10(4), 266-279. Link til artikkelen på

Hofset Larsen, B. & Nortvedt, M. W. (2011). Barns og ungdomsinformasjonsbehov når mor eller far får kreft. Sykepleien Forskning, 6(1), 70-77. 

Semple, C. J., McCaughan, E., Smith, R., & Hanna, J. R. (2022). Parent’s with incurable cancer: “Nuts and bolts” of how professionals can support parents to communicate with their dependent children. Patient Education & Counseling105(3), 775–780.

Holmberg, P., Nilsson, J., Elmqvist, C., & Lindqvist, G. (2020). Nurses’ encounters with children as next of kin to parents with a cancer diagnosis on oncology wards. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 40(1), 33–40.

Hauken, M. A., & Farbrot, I. M. M. (2022). The Fuelbox “Young Next of Kin”-A Mixed-Methods Study on the Development and Piloting of a Communication Tool for Adolescents Coping With Parental Cancer or Death. Cancer Nursing, 45(2), 148–160.

  • Tafjord, T. (2021). Managing Strong Emotions: Nurses’ Recognition and Responses to Personal Emotions When Approaching Parents With Cancer and Their Dependent Children. Qualitative Health Research, 31(5), 926–941.
  • Holmberg, P., Nilsson, J., Elmqvist, C., & Lindqvist, G. (2020). Nurses’ encounters with children as next of kin to parents with a cancer diagnosis on oncology wards. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 40(1), 33–40.
  • Karidar, H., Åkesson, H., & Glasdam, S. (2016). A gap between the intention of the Swedish law and interactions between nurses and children of patients in the field of palliative oncology – The perspective of nurses. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 22, 23–29.
  • Semple, C., McCaughan, E., & Smith, R. (2017). How education on managing parental cancer can improve family communication. Cancer Nursing Practice, 16(5), 34–40. Fulltekst via ProQuest
  • Holmberg, P., Nilsson, J., Elmqvist, C., & Lindqvist, G. (2020). Nurses’ encounters with children as next of kin to parents with a cancer diagnosis on oncology wards. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 40(1), 33–40.
  • Golsäter, M., Enskär, K., & Knutsson, S. (2019). Parents’ perceptions of how nurses care for children as relatives of an ill patient- Experiences from an oncological outpatient department. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 39, 35–40.
  • Tafjord, T. (2020). Recognition of Insufficient Competence—Nurses’ Experiences in Direct Involvement With Adolescent Children of Cancer Patients. Cancer Nursing, 43(1), 32–44.
  • Arber, A., & Odelius, A. (2018). Experiences of Oncology and Palliative Care Nurses When Supporting Parents Who Have Cancer and Dependent Children. Cancer Nursing, 41(3), 248–254. Fulltekst
  • Hauken, M. A. (2017). Alle trenger stötte når mamma eller pappa er syk. Sykepleien, 105(e-64175 ), 1-14.
  • Reinertsen, K. (2012). Barn til kreftsyke vil vite mer. Sykepleien, 100(8), 66-9.
  • Bøckmann, K., Kjellevold, A. & Sotberg, E. D. (2015). Barn og ungdom som pårørende. I K. Bøckmann, A. Kjellevold & E. D. Sotberg (Red.), Pårørende i helse- og omsorgstjenesten : en klinisk og juridisk innføring (2. utg. utg., s. 255-302). Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. Oppslag i ORIA
  • Hanna, J. R., McCaughan, E. & Semple, C. J. (2019). Challenges and support needs of parents and children when a parent is at end of life: A systematic review. Palliative Medicine, 33(8), 1017-1044.
  • Golsäter, M., Enskär, K. & Knutsson, S. (2019). Parents' perceptions of how nurses care for children as relatives of an ill patient- Experiences from an oncological outpatient department. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 39, 35-40.
  • Golsäter, M., Henricson, M., Enskär, K. & Knutsson, S. (2016). Are children as relatives our responsibility? – How nurses perceive their role in caring for children as relatives of seriously ill patients. European Journal of Oncology Nursing25, 33-39.
  • Tafjord, T. (2020). Recognition of Insufficient Competence—Nurses' Experiences in Direct Involvement With Adolescent Children of Cancer Patients. Cancer Nursing, 43(1), 32-44. Fulltekst
  • Kerr, D., Milnes, S., Ammentorp, J., McKie, C., Dunning, T., Ostaszkiewicz, J., … Martin, P. (2020). Challenges for nurses when communicating with people who have life-limiting illness and their families: A focus group study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29(3-4), 416-428.
  • Karidar, H., Åkesson, H., & Glasdam, S. (2016). A gap between the intention of the Swedish law and interactions between nurses and children of patients in the field of palliative oncology – The perspective of nurses. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 22, 23–29.
  • Golsäter, M., Enskär, K. & Knutsson, S. (2019). Parents' perceptions of how nurses care for children as relatives of an ill patient- Experiences from an oncological outpatient department. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 39, 35-40.
  • Golsäter, M., Henricson, M., Enskär, K. & Knutsson, S. (2016). Are children as relatives our responsibility? – How nurses perceive their role in caring for children as relatives of seriously ill patients. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 25, 33-39.
  • Elmose, B. (2011). Stöttende samtaler vigtige for familiens faelles fundament. Sygeplejersken, 111(17), 62-7.
  • Ellis, S. J., Wakefield, C. E., Antill, G., Burns, M., & Patterson, P. (2017). Supporting children facing a parent’s cancer diagnosis: a systematic review of children’s psychosocial needs and existing interventions. European Journal of Cancer Care, 26(1),

Flere aktuelle - end of life - critically ill parents

  • Hanna, J. R., McCaughan, E. & Semple, C. J. (2019). Challenges and support needs of parents and children when a parent is at end of life: A systematic review. Palliative Medicine, 33(8), 1017-1044.
  •   Holmberg, P., Nilsson, J., Elmqvist, C., & Lindqvist, G. (2019). Nurses’ encounters with children as next of kin to parents with a cancer diagnosis on oncology wards. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research

Påørende til syke foreldre generelt

  • Knutsson, S., Enskär, K., Andersson-Gäre, B. & Golsäter, M. (2017). Children as relatives to a sick parent: Healthcare professionals' approaches. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 37(2), 61-69.
  • Skogøy, B. E., Sørgaard, K., Maybery, D., Ruud, T., Stavnes, K., Kufås, E., … Ogden, T. (2018). Hospitals implementing changes in law to protect children of ill parents: a cross-sectional study. BMC Health Services Research, 18(1), N.PAG-N.PAG.