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Ovid. Databaseguide

Søkehjelp - Search guide


Ovid er en databasevert som tilbyr flere databaser i samme søkegrensesnitt. UiA har tilgang til følgende databaser EMBASE (Biomedisin, Medisin, Helsefag); MEDLINE (Medisin, helsefag) og APA PsycInfo (Psykologiske emner, Psykiatri. Dekker også avhandlinger, bøker og bokkapitler)


Ovid is a database host that covers different databases to search from in the same search interface. UiA has access to the following database AMED (a small database covering alternative medicine), EMBASE & MEDLINE the large medical and health databases, and APA PsycInfo covering psychological and behavioral science and psychiatry. Note that APA PsycInfo also covers book chapters and dissertations- EMBASE also covers conference proceedings and  MEDLINE records

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Different search modes  - ulike søkemodus

  1. Basic
  2. Advanced
  3. Multi-field