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Sykepleie: Bibliotekets fagside

Universitetsbiblioteket i Agder. (2024) Sykepleie. Bibliotekets fagside

Avansert klinisk sykepleie

ICN defintion

ICN: "A Nurse Practitioner/Advanced Practice Nurse is a registered nurse who has acquired the expert knowledge base, complex decision-making skills and clinical competencies for expanded practice, the characteristics of which are shaped by the context and/or country in which s/he is credentialed to practice." Link

CINAHL subject heading:

"Nurse Practitioners"

Scope note: Registered nurses who by advanced training and clinical experience in a branch of nursing have acquired expert knowledge in the special branch of practice. The advanced training may be obtained through a master's degree or certification program. Consider also specific types of nurse practitioners.


  • Acute Care Nurse Practitioners
  • Adult Nurse Practitioners
  • Emergency Nurse Practitioners
  • Family Nurse Practitioners
  • Gerontologic Nurse Practitioners
  • OB-GYN Nurse Practitioners
  • Pediatric Nurse Practitioners
  • Neonatal Nurse Practitioners


Advanced Nursing Practice Use: Advanced Practice Registered Nursing

Scope note: Various types of professional roles in which registered nurses earn Master's or doctoral degrees and acquire clinical competencies and decision-making skills for expanded practice.

Advanced Practice Nurse Use: Advanced Practice Registered Nurses
Scope note:
Nurses who fulfill roles beyond those that require basic educational preparation and practice at an advanced level. These include nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, nurse anesthetists, and clinical nurse specialists. The scope of practice can include physical assessment, health promotion, prevention of disease, and nursing and medical management of disease. They are usually prepared with a master's' degree or doctorate in nursing and may be in independent practice or employed by a physician, HMO or hospital.



Artikkelsøk CINAHL, emne: avansert klinisk sykepleie

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Tips til litteratur, hentet fra Dansk Sygeplejeråd- link

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 Litteratursøk - Databaser

Søkeveiledninger. LItteraturstudier og strukturert søk


CINAHL subject heading:

"Nurse Practitioners"

Scope note: Registered nurses who by advanced training and clinical experience in a branch of nursing have acquired expert knowledge in the special branch of practice. The advanced training may be obtained through a master's degree or certification program. Consider also specific types of nurse practitioners.


Acute Care Nurse Practitioners

Adult Nurse Practitioners

Emergency Nurse Practitioners

Family Nurse Practitioners

Gerontologic Nurse Practitioners

OB-GYN Nurse Practitioners

Pediatric Nurse Practitioners

Neonatal Nurse Practitioners

"Advanced Nursing Practice"

Scope note:
The performance of additional acts by registered nurses who have gained added knowledge and skills through post-basic education and clinical experience.

"Advanced Practice Nurses"

Scope note:
Nurses who fulfill roles beyond those that require basic educational preparation and are practicing at an advanced level. These include nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, nurse anesthetists, and clinical specialists. Nurses in advanced practice include in their range of activities physical assessment, health promotion, prevention of disease, and nursing and medical managem

Geriatric assessment


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