Spørreskjemabanken /folkehelseinstituttet - se ogå temasiden Brukererfaringer i helse- og omsorgssektoren, fih.no
Systematic review of measurment properites, In: Measurement in medicine, kap. 9. s. 275-311
Illustrasjon Colourbox.dk
"Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HaPI), produced by Behavioral Measurement Database Services, is a comprehensive bibliographic database providing information about behavioral measurement instruments. Information in the database is abstracted from hundreds of leading journals covering health sciences and psychosocial sciences.
Additionally, instruments from Industrial/Organizational Behavior and Education are included. Records contained in HaPI provide information on questionnaires, interview schedules, vignettes/scenarios, coding schemes, rating and other scales, checklists, indexes, tests, projective techniques, and more"
Informasjon om basen fra Ebsco
UiA har tilgang på basen via EBSCOhost
"COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments.
The COSMIN initiative aims to improve the selection of health measurement instruments. As part of this initiative, the COSMIN group developed a critical appraisal tool (a checklist) containing standards for evaluating the methodological quality of studies on the measurement properties of health measurement instruments". http://www.cosmin.nl/
Aptitude tests
Assessment - assess*
Measurement - measur*
"Mental test*"
Personality inventory
Scale -Scales
Screening - screen
Test - tests
tips til å finne kartleggingsverktøy for en variabel
begrens søk til felt Resarch instrument. IN - eksempel IN (fall OR falls OR falling)
IN |
Instrumentation Searches words in the Instrumentation field which includes statistical instruments discussed in an article. |
IN depression scale |
Altnernativ- søk og avgrens til publikasjonstype
Limit Publication Type: Questionnaire/Scale - vil finne studier som har vedlagt spørreskjemaet i sin helhet
Eller søk PT Questionnaire/Scale og koble med ditt søk AND
Eksempel på søk: fall hos eldre - kartleggingsverktøy - ( fall OR falls OR falling ) AND ( elder* OR old OR older OR senior* ) AND PT Questionnaire/Scale Link til treff i CINAHL
PT |
Publication Type Performs an exact search for a record's document type. |
PT "questionnaire/scale" |
Velg More knappen øverst, deretter Index. I Index valget velg Instrumentation. Søk på et ord som du ønsker å finne instrumentation for, eksempel nutrition
velg Additional limits > Tests & Measures. For søk etter bestemt test eksempel, søk på variable du skal finne tester for og velg felt .tm -eksempel (Activities of Daily Living).tm
Se også valg i limit, Classification code - 2220 Tests & Testing, 2223 Personality Scales, 2226 Health Psychology Testing,