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Universitetsbiblioteket i Agder (2024). Bibliotekets fagside for helsefag

Å søke etter måleegenskaper

Å søke etter måleegenskaper

Fokuser ditt spørsmål:

C - Construct to be measured, or the name(s) of the measurement instrument: fatigue - pain
P - Population of interest:  patients with multiple sclerose - adult with cognitive impairments
I -  Type of instrument: self-report questionnaire, laboratory test, observational scales, performance-based intruments, interviews
M - Measuremen properties of interest: all measurement properties


Se eksempler på søkeord for måleegenskaper nedenfor

Eksempel på søk måleegenskaper via EBSCOhost søkegrensesnitt - databaser CINAHL og MEDLINE

Måleegenskaper - søkeord...

reliabil* OR validity OR validation OR Responsiv* OR Interpretabil* OR "Measurement error*" OR "measurement proper*" OR "Internal consistenc*" OR reproducibilit* OR psychometr* OR clinimetric* OR (test W1 retest) OR "factor analys*" OR "Sensitivity and Specificity" OR "Predictive Value of Test*" OR (predict* N1 utility)



N# = nærhetsoperator, erstatt # med tall for høyeste tillatte ord mellom søkeordene ( I Ovid, bruk adj#)

Brukes ikke feltkoder søkes det på ord fra standard feltene, i CINAHL & MEDLINE via EBSCOhost inkluderer det blant annet ord fra tittel, sammendrag og emneord

Dekker blant annet emneordene

CINAHL subject headings

"Instrument Validation"

"Predictive Validity"

"Predictive Value of Tests"

"Sensitivity and Specificity"

"Validation Studies"

"Reliability and Validity" med underemner


"Construct Validity"

"Content Validity"

"Criterion-Related Validity"


"Reproducibility of Results"

"Sensitivity and Specificity"


MeSH Medical subject headings

"Sensitivity and Specificity"
Binary classification measures to assess test results. Sensitivity or recall rate is the proportion of true positives. Specificity is the probability of correctly determining the absence of a condition. (From Last, Dictionary of Epidemiology, 2d ed)

"Predictive Value of Tests"
In screening and diagnostic tests, the probability that a person with a positive test is a true positive (i.e., has the disease), is referred to as the predictive value of a positive test; whereas, the predictive value of a negative test is the probability that the person with a negative test does not have the disease. Predictive value is related to the sensitivity and specificity of the test.

"Reproducibility of Results"
The statistical reproducibility of measurements (often in a clinical context), including the testing of instrumentation or techniques to obtain reproducible results. The concept includes reproducibility of physiological measurements, which may be used to develop rules to assess probability or prognosis, or response to a stimulus; reproducibility of occurrence of a condition; and reproducibility of experimental results.

"Validation Study"

EBSCOhost: PT "Validation Study"  PubMed: Validation Study[PT] Ovid MEDLINE: Validation
This heading is used as a Publication Type for original report of the conduct or results of a specific validation study. A different heading "Validation Studies as Topic" is used for general design, methodology, economics, etc. of validation studies. (MeSH Browser)

PROM søkeord:

HR-pro OR HRPRO OR hrqol OR ql OR qol OR "quality of life" OR "health index*" OR "health indices" OR "health profile*" OR "health status"

OR ((patient* OR self OR child* OR parent* OR carer* OR caregiver* OR proxy) N2 (apprais* OR report* OR self OR rating* OR rated OR assess*))

OR ((disabil* OR function* OR functional* OR subjective or wellbeing or "well being") N2 (index* OR indices OR instrument* OR measure* OR questionnaire* OR profile* OR scale OR scales OR score* or status or survey*))

Se ovenfor ad N# og feltkoder for søkeordene


Selvrapportering - kartlegginsverktøy -PROM - søkeord ...

"Pasientrapporterte resultater (PROMs) inkluderer instrumenter eller spørreskjemaer som vurderer helse og livskvalitet fra pasientens perspektiv" Sitat FHI

"Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) er pasientrapporterte utfallsmål som til dømes opplevingar knytt til helse og sjukdom. Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROM) er skjema som måler korleis pasientane opplever forhold knytt til helse og sjukdom og behandlingseffektar. PROM inkluderer mål på symptom, funksjonsnivå, helsestatus og/eller helserelatert livskvalitet. Pasientrapporterte mål inneberer ikkje alltid å måle eit utfall (outcome). Det kan også vere at ein vil nytte pasientrapporterte mål til dømes for å identifisere pasientar eller grupper som har behov for spesielle intervensjonar" Sitat fra


PROM søkeord ...

HR-pro OR HRPRO OR hrqol OR ql OR qol OR "quality of life" OR "health index*" OR "health indices" OR "health profile*" OR "health status"

OR ((patient* OR self OR child* OR parent* OR carer* OR caregiver* OR proxy) N2 (apprais* OR report* OR self OR rating* OR rated OR assess*))

OR ((disabil* OR function* OR functional* OR subjective or wellbeing or "well being") N2 (index* OR indices OR instrument* OR measure* OR questionnaire* OR profile* OR scale OR scales OR score* or status or survey*))

Merk. OM søk med nærhet mellom ord:

N# = nærhet i EBSCOhost, 1 erstatter et ord mellom søkeordene. Kan økes/minkes

Dersom feltkoder mangler, søkes det i standard feltene for databasen! Se databasens hjelptekst, vil normalt inkludere blant annet ord fra tittel, sammendrag, eller emneord

Kartleggingsverktøy ---CINAHL subject headings - noen aktuelle søkeord

"Clinical Assessment Tools"

"Geriatric Assessment"


Instrument by name … se underemner

Instrument by type ... se underemner

"Instrument Construction"

"Nursing assessment"

"Nutritional Assessment"

"Pain Measurement"


"Self report"

"Risk Assessment "


"Wound assessment"

Og videre...


"Self Assessment"

"Psychological Tests"

"Disability Evaluation"

Emnet, avgrenset med diagnosis (subheadnings)​ - eksempel MH depression/di

Se også  - måleegenskaper

"Instrument Validation"

"Predictive Validity"

"Predictive Value of Tests"

"Sensitivity and Specificity"

"Validation Studies"

"Reliability and Validity" med underemner


"Construct Validity"

"Content Validity"

"Criterion-Related Validity"



"Measurement Issues and Assessments" - med underemner

"Measurement Error" med underemner


 "Reproducibility of Results" - The ability of research measurements to replicate the results of experimental studies.

"Factor Analysis"  - Multivariate analytic procedure designed to conceptualize groupings of variables through the use of multiple mathematical methods to determine which variables belong to which groups. Construct validity of measurement instruments is often assessed with factor analytic techniques.

"Outcome Assessment"  - Evaluation of the effectiveness and quality of health care as determined by the achievement of measureable end results.

For søk på et emneord og alle underemner søk MH foran emneordet og + etter, eksempel MH "Measurement Issues and Assessments+"

CINAHL (EBSCOhost)- tips til å finne kartleggingsverktøy for en variabel

Søke etter studier utført med spesifikke kartleggingsverktøy - begrens søk til felt Resarch instrument. IN 

Eksempel  IN (fall OR falls OR falling)

Se informasjon fra databasen:


Limit ditt søk til Publication Type: Questionnaire/Scale - vil finne studier som har vedlagt spørreskjemaet i sin helhet

Eller søk PT Questionnaire/Scale og koble med ditt søk AND

Eksempel på søk: fall hos eldre -  kartleggingsverktøy: ( fall OR falls OR falling ) AND ( elder* OR old OR older OR senior* ) AND PT Questionnaire/Scale Link til treff i CINAHL


Velg More knappen øverst, deretter Index. I Index valget velg Instrumentation. Søk på et ord som du ønsker å finne instrumentation for, eksempel nutrition

CINAHL subject headings

"patient-reported outcomes"
Scope: Any type of report of a patient's health status that comes directly from the patient.

"Structured Questionnaires"
A set of fixed questions to be followed by the interviewer exactly and in sequential order.

MeSH Medical subject headings (MEDLINE)

MeSH- se MeSH browser, -norsk oversettelse - eller innebygget i EBSCOhost, Ovid eller PubMed- noen eksempeler:

  • costs and cost analysis
  • dental surveys
  • health status indicators
  • health surveys
  • interviews
  • nutrition surveys
  • outcome and process assessment (health care)
  • perception
  • personality assessment
  • psychological tests
  • psychometrics
  • psychiatric status rating scales
  • questionnaires

subheadings, diagnosis, I EBSCOHost søkegrensesnitt MH depression/di

  • "Surveys and Questionnaires", med underemner. blant annet "Self report"
  • Method for obtaining information through verbal responses, written or oral, from subjects.
  • "Geriatric Assessment"
  • "Risk assessment"
  • "Nutrition assessment"
  • "Psychological Tests"- se underemner, blant annet "Psychiatric Status Rating Scales"

og videre

  • "Neuropsychological Tests"
  • "Disability Evaluation"
  • "Psychomotor Performance"

Se også

"patient reported outcome measure"

 Scope note: Assessment of the quality and effectiveness of health care as measured and directly reported by the patient.

"surveys and questionnaires" 

Scope note: Collections of data obtained from voluntary subjects. The information usually takes the form of answers to questions, or suggestion


hentet fra MeSH Browser 

"Sensitivity and Specificity"
Binary classification measures to assess test results. Sensitivity or recall rate is the proportion of true positives. Specificity is the probability of correctly determining the absence of a condition. (From Last, Dictionary of Epidemiology, 2d ed)

"Predictive Value of Tests"
In screening and diagnostic tests, the probability that a person with a positive test is a true positive (i.e., has the disease), is referred to as the predictive value of a positive test; whereas, the predictive value of a negative test is the probability that the person with a negative test does not have the disease. Predictive value is related to the sensitivity and specificity of the test.

"Reproducibility of Results"
The statistical reproducibility of measurements (often in a clinical context), including the testing of instrumentation or techniques to obtain reproducible results. The concept includes reproducibility of physiological measurements, which may be used to develop rules to assess probability or prognosis, or response to a stimulus; reproducibility of occurrence of a condition; and reproducibility of experimental results.

"Validation Study"

EBSCOhost: PT "Validation Study"  PubMed: Validation Study[PT] Ovid MEDLINE: Validation
This heading is used as a Publication Type for original report of the conduct or results of a specific validation study. A different heading "Validation Studies as Topic" is used for general design, methodology, economics, etc. of validation studies.

Annotation: includes statistical analysis of psychological tests, validation, application of statistical theory or formulae to psychology
Scope Note: Assessment of psychological variables by the application of mathematical procedures.

LENKE til søk i MEDLINE (Ovid) med COSMIN sensitivt (bredt søk) filter
  • Klikk på lenken. Søket kjøres. Etter søket, velg EXPAND knappen til høyre, Da åpner du alle søkene
  • Søk med ord for hva du ønsker å måle (contruct). Legg det til siste søkesett, koble med AND
  • Om COSMIN search filter - se også nedenfor

Søkefilter PROM- Patient‐Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) COSMIN method

"Pasientrapporterte resultater (PROMs) inkluderer instrumenter eller spørreskjemaer som vurderer helse og livskvalitet fra pasientens perspektiv" Sitat FHI

C - Construct: fatigue
P - Population:  patients with multiple sclerose
I -  Type of instrument: self-report questionnaire
M - Measurement properities of interest: all measurement properities

Ex page 20 from:

Mokkink, L. B., Prinsen, C. A. C., Patrick, D. L., Alonso, J., de Vet, H. C. W., & Terwee, C. B. (2018). COSMIN methodology for systematic reviews of Patient‐Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) user manual.  Retrieved from 

Se eksempel

Elbers, R., Rietberg, M., Van Wegen, E., Verhoef, J., Kramer, S., Terwee, C., & Kwakkel, G. (n.d.). Self-report fatigue questionnaires in multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and stroke: A systematic review of measurement properties. Quality of Life Research., 21(6), 925-944. Hentet fra

Identify studies  on measurement properties effectively search filters

  • PubMed
  • MEDLINE (Ovid)
  • CINAHL (EBSCOhost)

Se lenker fra COSMIN tools

Se også COSMIN taxonomi

LENKE til søk i MEDLINE (Ovid) med COSMIN sensitivt (bredt søk) filter


  • Start med å logge av Ovid, om du har Ovid fremme i din nettleser
  • Bruk knappen logoff øverst til høyre
  • Etter søket kan du ev legge til søk for hva du ønsker å måle, og koble det til siste søkesett


"patient reported outcome measure"
Scope: Assessment of the quality and effectiveness of health care as measured and directly reported by the patient.

"surveys and questionnaires"
Scope: Collections of data obtained from voluntary subjects. The information usually takes the form of answers to questions, or suggestion


CINAHL subject headings

"patient-reported outcomes"
Scope: Any type of report of a patient's health status that comes directly from the patient.

"Structured Questionnaires"
A set of fixed questions to be followed by the interviewer exactly and in sequential order.

Systematisk søk etter måleegenskaper (Ovid MEDLINE)

Å søke etter måleegenskaper

Fokuser ditt spørsmål:

C - Construct to be measured, or the name(s) of the measurement instrument: fatigue - pain
P - Population of interest:  patients with multiple sclerose - adult with cognitive impairments
I -  Type of instrument: self-report questionnaire, laboratory test, observational scales, performance-based intruments, interviews
M - Measuremen properties of interest: all measurement properties



"Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) er pasientrapporterte utfallsmål som til dømes opplevingar knytt til helse og sjukdom. Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROM) er skjema som måler korleis pasientane opplever forhold knytt til helse og sjukdom og behandlingseffektar. PROM inkluderer mål på symptom, funksjonsnivå, helsestatus og/eller helserelatert livskvalitet. Pasientrapporterte mål inneberer ikkje alltid å måle eit utfall (outcome). Det kan også vere at ein vil nytte pasientrapporterte mål til dømes for å identifisere pasientar eller grupper som har behov for spesielle intervensjonar" Sitat fra

LENKE til søk i MEDLINE (Ovid) med COSMIN sensitivt filter. Les mer om filteret


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