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Se i bøker/artikler og oppslagsverk, feks ordnett.no
Livets slutt | Påørende |
Palliativ pleie Terminal pleie |
Erfaringer Opplevelser |
Neoplasm* oncology oncologic "Oncologic Nurs*" "Cancer Patient*" |
"end of life" terminal terminally death dying |
Caregiver* "next of kin*" parent*
Barn som pårørende: "child* of Impaired Parent*" ... |
"Home Care" Flere, se emnet Hjemmesykepleie |
"Palliative care" "end of life" terminal terminally death dying
experience* ... Søkeord for
Palliativ plan: ("care plan*" OR "Individual plan" OR "care pathway*") AND (palliative OR "end of life" OR terminal*")
Forhåndssamtaler: "advance care planning" OR "advance directiv*"
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UpToDate (krever eduVPN også på campus)
"Child, Hospitalized" "Childhood Neoplasms"¨ |
child* pediatric* |
"Psychosocial Factors" "quality of life"
"self care" ... |
cancer* neoplams* leukemi* tumor tumors |
Chemotherap* Cytostatic* "Antineoplastic Agent*" "Antitumor Agent*"
Nausea vomiting symtom*
prevent* control* management* assess* measure* |
parent* mother* father* sibling* "parent-child relations" family
Larsen, M. H., Hansson, K. E., Larsen, E. H., Fridh, M. K., Petersen, N. N., Mellblom, A. V., Ruud, E., Larsen, H. B., & Lie, H. C. (2022). The gap between expectations and reality: A qualitative study of psychosocial challenges of young childhood cancer survivors from the PACCS study. European Journal of Cancer Care, 31(6), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1111/ecc.13696
søk på ord i tittel: TI (nurs* AND child* AND (cancer* OR leukem* OR neoplasm* OR tumor*)) - limit: 2005- Språk; norsk,dansk,svensk,engelsk link til søk
Varre, P. (2017). Sykepleieutfordringer ved kjemoterapi. I A. M. Reitan & T. K. Schjølberg (Red.), Kreftsykepleie : pasient, utfordring, handling (4. utg.). Oslo: Cappelen Damm akademisk. Søk i ORIA
Og videre
Se også bøker - tips på emnesiden Hjemmesykepleie
Lersveen Gunhild, L. & Devik Siri, A. Opplevelse av trygghet i hjemmebasert palliativ omsorg: pasienters og pårørendes perspektiv. Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning, 7(3), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.18261/issn.2387-5984-2021-03-05
Aamold, K., Grov, K. & Rostad Hanne, M. Hjemmesykepleieres erfaringer når kreftpasienter ønsker å dø hjemme. Klinisk Sygepleje, 34(1), 3-15. https://doi.org/10.18261/issn.1903-2285-2020-01-02
Røgenes, G. K., Moen, A. & Grov, E. K. (2013). Heimesjukepleiarens perspektiv på forhold som fremjar palliasjon i heimen. Klinisk Sygepleje, 27(1), 64-76. Hentet fra Idunn.no
Eksempeler på søk- og lenker til treff
Noen treff
TI foran søkeord = ordene må stå i artikkelens tittel
Og videre kreft i tittelen ...
Appleyard, S. E. & Clarke, C. (2018). An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experiences of older people self-managing cancer pain at home. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 36(3), 333-349. https://doi.org/10.1080/07347332.2017.1417949
Dunne, K., Sullivan, K. & Kernohan, G. (2005). Palliative care for patients with cancer: district nurses' experiences. Journal of Advanced Nursing (Wiley-Blackwell), 50(4), 372-380. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2648.2005.03402.x
Griffiths, J., Ewing, G. & Rogers, M. (2013). Early support visits by district nurses to cancer patients at home: A multi-perspective qualitative study. Palliative Medicine, 27(4), 349-357. https://doi.org/10.1177/0269216312451949
Heydari, H., Hojjat-Assari, S., Almasian, M. & Pirjani, P. (2019). Exploring health care providers' perceptions about home-based palliative care in terminally ill cancer patients. BMC Palliative Care, 18(1), N.PAG-N.PAG. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12904-019-0452-3
Lima Ribeiro, A., Leite de Almeida, C. S., de Oliveira Reticena, K., Guimarães Maia, M. R. & Aparecida Sales, C. (2014). Nursing in the home palliative care: the view of a family member of a patient with cancer. Rev Rene, 15(3), 499-507. https://doi.org/10.15253/2175-6783.2014000300015
Luker, K., Cooke, M., Dunn, L., Lloyd-Williams, M., Pilling, M. & Todd, C. (2015). Development and evaluation of an intervention to support family caregivers of people with cancer to provide home-based care at the end of life: A feasibility study. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 19(2), 154-161. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejon.2014.09.006
Mohammed, S., Swami, N., Pope, A., Rodin, G., Hannon, B., Nissim, R., … Zimmermann, C. (2018). "I didn't want to be in charge and yet I was": Bereaved caregivers' accounts of providing home care for family members with advanced cancer. Psycho-Oncology, 27(4), 1229-1236. https://doi.org/10.1002/pon.4657
Ndiok, A. & Ncama, B. (2019). A qualitative study of home visiting as a palliative care strategy to follow‐up cancer patients by nurses in clinical setting in a developing country. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 33(1), 185-196. https://doi.org/10.1111/scs.12619
Noot, T., Tassanee, T., Forrester, D. A. & Pimpan, S. (2016). Experiences of People with Advanced Cancer in Home--Based Palliative Care. Pacific Rim International Journal of Nursing Research, 20(3), 238-251. Hentet fra http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=cin20&AN=116406915&site=ehost-live
Oosterveld-Vlug, M. G., Custers, B., Hofstede, J., Donker, G. A., Rijken, P. M., Korevaar, J. C. & Francke, A. L. (2019). What are essential elements of high-quality palliative care at home? An interview study among patients and relatives faced with advanced cancer. BMC Palliative Care, 18(1), N.PAG-N.PAG. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12904-019-0485-7
Pirschel, C. (2019). No Place Like It: Home Care for Patients With Cancer. ONS Voice, 34(7), 22-26. Hentet fra http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=cin20&AN=137415878&site=ehost-live
Sijabat, M., Dahlia, D. & Waluyo, A. (2019). Experiences of palliative care nurses in providing home-based care for patient with advanced cancer. Enfermeria Clinica, 29, 413-417. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enfcli.2019.04.060
Wilson, C., Griffiths, J., Ewing, G., Connolly, M. & Grande, G. (2014). A Qualitative Exploration of District Nurses' Care of Patients With Advanced Cancer. Cancer Nursing, 37(4), 310-315. https://doi.org/10.1097/NCC.0b013e31829a9a56
Wilson, K., Pateman, B., Beaver, K. & Luker, K. A. (2002). Patient and carer needs following a cancer-related hospital admission: the importance of referral to the district nursing service. Journal of Advanced Nursing (Wiley-Blackwell), 38(3), 245-253. https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1365-2648.2002.02173.x
Se også emnesiden Smerter
Populasjon: Nurse* OR nursing – avgrenset til tittel: TI (nurse* OR nursing)
Fenomen av interesse, Erfaringer ... med smerte
Eksempel på treff
Oversiktsarikkel, review
Søkeord hjemme... ala her ord i tittel:
TI (home OR homecare OR homebased OR homehealth OR community OR district* OR municipal* OR "primary health*")
Eksempel på treff:
Hofset Larsen, B. & Nortvedt, M. W. (2011). Barns og ungdomsinformasjonsbehov når mor eller far får kreft. Sykepleien Forskning, 6(1), 70-77. https://doi.org/10.4220/sykepleienf.2011.0068
"child* of Impaired Parent*" AND (cancer OR neoplasm* OR oncolog*)
"Parent-Child Relations" AND (cancer OR neoplasm* OR oncolog*)
"adptation, Psychological"
cancer OR neoplasm* OR oncolog*
coping OR cope OR adapt*
"family Centered Care"
"psychosocial Factor*"
"social support*"
"Terminally Ill Patient*"
"end of life"
parent* W2 cancer - eller bredere, og med feltkode for at ordene skal finnes i tittelen: TI (parent* W5 cancer)
(dependent W1 child*) AND (cancer OR neoplasm*) AND (parent* OR mother* OR father* OR famil*)
(child* W2 (relatives OR "next of kin")) AND (cancer OR neoplasm*)
W# = nærhetsoperator EBSCOhost databaser, det første ordet må komme før det andre, # angir antall ord som kan tillates mellom søkeordene, Se filmen:
Fra relevante artikler, sjekk siterte artikler, og relatert artikler. Kan gjøres via Scopus, og eller Google Scholar, eksempel
se også dokumentet eksempel på søk
Legg merke til ord som brukes, som du ev kan bruke i dine søk:
Hauger, B., Wiker, M. & Hamnes, B. (2020). Sykepleiere strekker ikke til i arbeid med barn som pårørende. Nordisk sygeplejeforskning, 10(4), 266-279. https://doi.org/10.18261/issn.1892-2686-2020-04-05 Link til artikkelen på Idunn.no
Hofset Larsen, B. & Nortvedt, M. W. (2011). Barns og ungdomsinformasjonsbehov når mor eller far får kreft. Sykepleien Forskning, 6(1), 70-77. https://doi.org/10.4220/sykepleienf.2011.0068
Semple, C. J., McCaughan, E., Smith, R., & Hanna, J. R. (2022). Parent’s with incurable cancer: “Nuts and bolts” of how professionals can support parents to communicate with their dependent children. Patient Education & Counseling, 105(3), 775–780. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pec.2021.06.032
Holmberg, P., Nilsson, J., Elmqvist, C., & Lindqvist, G. (2020). Nurses’ encounters with children as next of kin to parents with a cancer diagnosis on oncology wards. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 40(1), 33–40. https://doi.org/10.1177/2057158519868437
Hauken, M. A., & Farbrot, I. M. M. (2022). The Fuelbox “Young Next of Kin”-A Mixed-Methods Study on the Development and Piloting of a Communication Tool for Adolescents Coping With Parental Cancer or Death. Cancer Nursing, 45(2), 148–160. https://doi.org/10.1097/NCC.0000000000000960
Ellis, S. J., Wakefield, C. E., Antill, G., Burns, M., & Patterson, P. (2017). Supporting children facing a parent’s cancer diagnosis: a systematic review of children’s psychosocial needs and existing interventions. European Journal of Cancer Care, 26(1), https://doi.org/10.1111/ecc.12432