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Statistisk analyse med EXCEL - videopplæring Lynda

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Statistics with Excel Part One

".. fundamental concepts of descriptive and inferential statistics and shows you how to apply them using Microsoft Excel"

Topics include:
Understanding data types and variables
Calculating probability
Understanding mean, median, and mode
Calculating variability
Organizing and graphing distributions
Sampling distributions
Making estimations
Testing hypothesis: mean testing, z- and t-testing, and more
Analyzing variance
Performing repeated measure testing
Understanding correlation and regression


Statistics with Excel Part Two

how to use statistics concepts and tools to perform analysis in Microsoft Excel.
Topics include:
Using Excel's statistical functions and 3D charts
Visualizing sampling distributions
Performing comparisons with ANOVA
Performing two-way analysis with ANOVA
Analyzing linear regression
Performing multiple regression and nonlinear regression analysis
Making advanced correlations
Testing variable frequencies
Running simulations

EXCEL - statistisk analyse - Bøker i biblioteket - Books