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Bibliotekets fagside

e-helse søkeord ...


Noen ord....

(ehealth* or e-health* or "electronic health*" or "e-therap*" or "e-counseling*" or "digital* health*" or mhealth* or m-health* or "mobile health*" or "information system*" or "health* tech*" or "medical informatic*" or "health informatic*" or telemedicin* or tele-medicin* or telehealth* or tele-health* or "biomedical* Technol*" or "welfare technol*" or telenurs* or "tele-nurs*" or "mobile app*" or "distance counse*" or telepsycholog* or tele-psycholog*)

Ord nært hverandre:

((video* or web-cam* or webcam* or virtual* or tele* or digital* or e-mail* or email* or remote* or electronic* or online or mobile or web) NEXT/# (visit* or appointment* or consult* or rehab* or counsel* or therap* or educat* or intervention*))

MERK: Erstatt nærhet NEXT/# med nærhetsoperator som databasen bruker, feks w/2 i Scopus, N2 (EBSCOhost), adj3 (Ovid), NEAR/2 WoS


MeSH Medical Subject headings, er kontrollerte emneord som brukes i databasen MEDLINE (I EMBASE brukes EMTREE i CINAHL brukes CINAHL Subjectheadings)


MeSH oppslag - Å finne MeSH emneord:

MeSH - emneord, noen forslag

  • "Hospital Information Systems" - 
  • "health information management" -
  • "medical informatics applications" -
  • "medical informatics" -
  • "medical records systems, computerized" -
  • "telemedicine" - 
  • "information systems" -
  • + flere ...

Fritekst (tittel-sammendrag)

  • eHealth OR e-health
  • "electronic patient record" OR ""electronic patient records"
  • ...
  • + ord fra emneord (MeSH, entry terms.)