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Rammeverk, teorier, modeller


Ebnehoseini, Z., Tabesh, H., Jangi, M. J., Deldar, K., Mostafavi, S. M. & Tara, M. (2021). Investigating Evaluation Frameworks for Electronic Health Record: A Literature Review. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 9(E), 8-25. 


Cresswell, K., Williams, R. & Sheikh, A. (2020). Developing and Applying a Formative Evaluation Framework for Health Information Technology Implementations: Qualitative Investigation. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(6), e15068. 

Se også, fra pensumboka; Health Informatics Research Methods Principles and Practice

Kapittel: Research Frame and Designs. Elizabeth J. Forrestal, In: Health informatics research methods. Table 1.1. Selected theories and models used in health informatics and HIM research Link (du må være tilkoblet eduVPN for tilgang)

Søkeord ... for noen søke-elementer, flere kan finnes

Teori, modeller: theor* OR model* OR framework*

Eller spesifikke:

D&M IS Success Model  

Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA)

Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)

Theory of Interpersonal Behavior (TIB)

Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

Extension of TAM (ETAM)

Igbaria’s Model (IM)

Social Cognitive Theory (SCT)

Diffusion of Innovations Theory (DOI)

Perceived Characteristics of Innovating Theory (PCIT)

Motivational Model (MM)

Uses and Gratification Theory (U&G)

The Model of PC Utilization (MPCU)

Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT)

Compatibility UTAUT (C-UTAUT)

Socio-technical systems theory/model

HOT-fit : "human, organization and technology-fit factor*"


Brukeradopsjon, brukeratferd, brukerendring: 
adoption OR acceptance
"perceived usefulnes*" OR "ease of use"

MeSH: Medical Subject headings

"Diffusion of Innovation" 

(Scope note: The broad dissemination of
new ideas, procedures, techniques, materials, and devices and the degree to which these are accepted and used)


"Implementation Science"

"Technology Transfer"

"Information Systems" 

"Models, Theoretical"

"Systems Analysis"

"User-Computer Interface"

Databaser for søk, med eksempler: 



Her brukt avansert søk. Feltkoder står før søkeordene. TITLE  = ordene må forekomme i artikkelens tittel: 

TITLE(accept* OR adopt*) AND TITLE(technolog* OR digital* OR ehealth* OR mhealth* OR application* OR apps OR "mobile health*" OR telemedicin* OR "electronic health*" OR telehealth* OR "tele-medicin*" OR "tele-health*") AND TITLE(theor* OR model* OR framework*) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY-AUTH(health* OR hospital* OR "nursing home*")

link til treff:

Google Scholar

 eksempel på søk, der | = OR
technology|digital| theory|theories|model|models|framework acceptance|adopt|adoption  link

"socio-technical system|systems" link til treff


Eksempler på treff:

Taherdoost, H. (2018). A review of technology acceptance and adoption models and theories. Procedia Manufacturing, 22, 960-967. 



Avansert søk,

  • ord i tittel: "information system" OR "information systems" OR teknologi OR informasjonssystemer OR technology OR digital OR digitale OR informatic OR informatics
  • AND acceptance OR adopt OR adoption OR brukeratferd
  • AND theory OR theories OR teori OR teorier OR model OR modeller OR models OR rammeverk OR framework
  • Limit: Bøker, siste 20år

Brukeradopsjon, brukeratferd, brukerendring:

adoption OR acceptance

"perceived usefulnes*" OR "ease of use"

(modell for å vurdere suksess i IS)

Se fanen bøker og artikler:

DeLone, W. H. & McLean, E. R. (1992)
DeLone, W. H. & McLean, E. R. (2003)

Eksempeler på artikler fra søk i Scopus:

TITLE( "e-health" OR ehealth OR mhealth OR "mhealth" OR "electronic health" OR "mobile health*" OR "digital health*" OR "digital technology" OR "health technol*") AND TITLE(usabil*) link


Jaspers, M. W. M. (2009). A comparison of usability methods for testing interactive health technologies: Methodological aspects and empirical evidence. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 78(5), 340-353. 

Brown, W., Yen, P. Y., Rojas, M. & Schnall, R. (2013). Assessment of the Health IT Usability Evaluation Model (Health-ITUEM) for evaluating mobile health (mHealth) technology. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 46(6), 1080-1087. 

Hyzy, M., Bond, R., Mulvenna, M., Bai, L., Dix, A., Leigh, S. & Hunt, S. (2022). System Usability Scale Benchmarking for Digital Health Apps: Meta-analysis. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 10(8), Artikkel e37290. 

Jake-Schoffman, D. E., Silfee, V. J., Waring, M. E., Boudreaux, E. D., Sadasivam, R. S., Mullen, S. P., Carey, J. L., Hayes, R. B., Ding, E. Y.,

Bennett, G. G. & Pagoto, S. L. (2017). Methods for evaluating the content, usability, and efficacy of commercial mobile health apps. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 5(12), Artikkel e190. 

Liew, M. S., Zhang, J., See, J. & Ong, Y. L. (2019). Usability challenges for health and wellness mobile apps: Mixed-methods study among mHealth experts and consumers. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 7(1), Artikkel e12160. 

Maramba, I., Chatterjee, A. & Newman, C. (2019). Methods of usability testing in the development of eHealth applications: A scoping review. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 126, 95-104. 

Roman, L. C., Ancker, J. S., Johnson, S. B. & Senathirajah, Y. (2017). Navigation in the electronic health record: A review of the safety and usability literature. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 67, 69-79. 

Schnall, R., Cho, H. & Liu, J. (2018). Health information technology usability evaluation scale (Health-ITUES) for usability assessment of mobile health technology: Validation study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 6(1), Artikkel e4. 

Zapata, B. C., Fernández-Alemán, J. L., Idri, A. & Toval, A. (2015). Empirical Studies on Usability of mHealth Apps: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Medical Systems, 39(2), 1-19, Artikkel 1. 

Sociotechnical / socio-technical

"sociotechnical model"
"socio-technical model"

"Work System Framework"
"work system method"
"Work System Theory"
"Integrated technology-organization-environment"

Eksempel på søkeord

("e-health" OR ehealth OR mhealth OR "mhealth" OR "electronic health" OR "mobile health*" OR "digital health*" OR "digital technology") AND (literacy OR competenc* OR knowledge OR skill*)


Link til treff søk i Scopus, artikkelens tittel

Artikkel eksempler


  • Dale, J. G., Lüthi, A., Fundingsland Skaraas, B., Rundereim, T. & Dale, B. (2020). Testing Measurement Properties of the Norwegian Version of Electronic Health Literacy Scale (eHEALS) in a Group of Day Surgery Patients. Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare, 13, 241-247. 
  • Norgaard, O., Furstrand, D., Klokker, L., Karnoe, A., Batterham, R., Kayser, L. & Osborne, R. H. (2015). The e-health literacy framework: A conceptual framework for characterizing e-health users and their interaction with e-health systems. Knowledge Management and E-Learning, 7(4), 522-540.
  • Norman, C. D. & Skinner, H. A. (2006). eHEALS: The eHealth Literacy Scale. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 8(4), e27-e27. 
  • Norman, C. D. & Skinner, H. A. (2006). eHealth Literacy: Essential Skills for Consumer Health in a Networked World. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 8(2), e9-e9. 
  • Terp, R., Kayser, L. & Lindhardt, T. (2021). Older Patients' Competence, Preferences, and Attitudes Toward Digital Technology Use: Explorative Study. JMIR human factors, 8(2), e27005-e27005. 

"human, organization and technology-fit factor*"

"Human, Organization, and Technology–Fit"



Yusof, M. M., Kuljis, J., Papazafeiropoulou, A. & Stergioulas, L. K. (2008). An evaluation framework for Health Information Systems: human, organization and technology-fit factors (HOT-fit). International Journal of Medical Informatics, 77(6), 386-398.


Link til søk Scopus