Brukermedvirking, Medbestemmelse; "client participation", user involvement", "client cooperation", "user participation"
selvbestemmelse; "Self determination"
"decision making"
"User participation"
"Client participation"
"self determination"
"Shared decision making"
"Decision* support"
"Support decision*"
"assisted decision*"
"promot* self-determination"
eller søk med nærhet mellom ordene:
EBSCOhost: ((support* OR assissted OR promot*) N3 (decision* OR "self determination"))
WoS: ((support* OR assisted OR promot*) NEAR/3 (decision* OR "self determination"))
Ellingsen, K. E. (2007). Selvbestemmelse : egne og andres valg og verdier. Universitetsforlaget. Finn boka i ORIA
Stancliffe R.J., Wehmeyer, M.L., Shogren, K.A. & Abery, B.A. (red.) (2020). Choice,
Preference, and Disability. Promoting Self-Determination Across the Lifespan. Springer
FN (2006). Konvensjon om rettighetene til mennesker med nedsatt funksjonsevne. Lovdata
Eksempel litteratur, tjenesteyters erfaringer med beslutningsstøtte:
Demic, S. & Gjermestad, A. (2021). «Å stå i det uvisse». Tjenesteyteres erfaringer med beslutningsstøtte i møte med personer med alvorlig utviklingshemming i kommunale botilbud. Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning, 7(1), 1-15.
Linde, S. (2022). Beslutningsstøtte for personer med utviklingshemming: En oppsummering av kunnskap. Omsorgsbiblioteket.
Bigby, C., Whiteside, M. & Douglas, J. (2019). Providing support for decision making to adults with intellectual disability: Perspectives of family members and workers in disability support services. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 44(4), 396-409.
Hodges, Z. & Northway, R. (2019). Exploring professional decision making in relation to safeguarding: A grounded theory study of social workers and community nurses in community learning (intellectual) disability teams in wales. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 32(2), 435-445.
Casey, H., Trayer, Á., Desmond, D. & Coffey, L. (2023). Experiences and perceptions of everyday decision-making in the lives of adults with intellectual disabilities, their care partners and direct care support workers. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 17446295231189020.