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ROP samtidig rusmisbruk og psykisk lidelse. Re-innleggelse

Dobbel diagnose psykiatri:

"Diagnosis, Dual*"
"Dual Psychiatric Diagnosis"
"Psychiatric Dual Diagnoses"

"co-occurring disorder*"
 "co-occurring diagnosis*"


Pasienter med samtidig rusmisbruk og psykiatri:

Utrykkes på mange måter i litteraturen her noen eksempler:

substance abuse patients with psychiatric disorders..
Psychiatric Comorbidities of Substance Use Disorders...
Persons with Co-occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders


kan søkes samlet, feks med nærhet mellom ord. i EBSCOhost utrykkes med N#, ersatt # med ord for antall ord som tillates. Se søkeguiden for EBSCOhost

(substance* N2 (use* OR abuse* OR misuse* OR disorder* OR addict* OR use* OR dependenc*)) N5 (psychiatric* OR mental OR mentally)

Søker du i WoS, ersattes N2 med NEAR/2 og N5 med NEAR/5


Eksempel artikkel, legg merket til nærhet mellom ordene

Brekke, E., Lien, L. & Biong, S. (2018). Experiences of Professional Helping Relations by Persons with Co-occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 16(1), 53-65. 

Ould Brahim, L., Hanganu, C. & Gros, C. P. (2019). Understanding Helpful Nursing Care From the Perspective of Mental Health Inpatients With a Dual Diagnosis: A Qualitative Descriptive Study. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 26(3), 250-261.








Readmission* OR "re-admiss*" OR re-hospitalization* OR re-hospitalisation* OR rehospital*

MeSH Scope note: "Subsequent admissions of a patient to a hospital or other health care institution for treatment."

Se (MeSH er Medical Subject headings, emneord som brukes i MEDLINE basen, men ordene kan også være nyttig å bruke i andre databaser)


Eksempel på artikler, legg merke til ord

Hutchison, S. L., Flanagan, J. V., Karpov, I., Elliott, L., Holsinger, B., Edwards, J. & Loveland, D. (2019). Care Management Intervention to Decrease Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorder Readmissions in Medicaid-Enrolled Adults. The journal of behavioral health services & research, 46(3), 533-543. 

Ould Brahim, L., Hanganu, C. & Gros, C. P. (2019). Understanding Helpful Nursing Care From the Perspective of Mental Health Inpatients With a Dual Diagnosis: A Qualitative Descriptive Study. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 26(3), 250-261.