Fuzzy eating, problematic eating ...
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"fussy eat*" OR "Picky eat*" OR "food neophobia" OR "food fuss*" OR "selective eat*" OR "food select*" OR "eating habit*" OR "Food phobia" OR "Food refusal*" OR "avoidant-restrictive food intake disorder*" OR "Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder*" OR "feeding disorder*" OR "feeding problem*" OR "feeding difficult*" OR "unhealthy diet*" OR "diet quality" OR "inappropriate mealtime behav*" OR "problematic mealtime behav*" OR feeding difficult* OR mealtime or tantrum* OR faddy eat* OR food fad* OR food sensitive* OR "food defensive*" OR "food aversion*" OR "eating problem*" OR "food restrictive*"
Mordre, M., Orbeck, B., Hoel, R. E. & Overgaard, K. R. (2024). Selektive spisemonstre hos barn og unge med autismespekterforstyrrelser - en systematisk litteraturoversikt. Tidsskrift for den Norske Lægeforening, 144(14). https://doi.org/10.4045/tidsskr.24.0193
("Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder*" OR ARFID OR "restrictive eating" OR "restrictive intake disorder*" OR neophobia OR "select* eating" OR "picky eating") AND (Autism* OR autistic* OR asperger*) AND (child* OR adolescen* OR youth* OR young*)