1. Create a new library for the systematic search, and create groups for the databases inside the library
2. Set up your EndNote library with Groups:
3. How to export from different search interface (vendors/host), Choose to export in RIS fil format:
Note: You will find all the RIS files exported from the database in your download folder. You can edit the name (not the file type) with the database name, date, and number of hits.
Create groups if this is missing:
Display fields for the references:
Choose Display fields: Edit Preferences - Display fields- Choose to include, Author, Year; title, Secondary title, Volume, Number and pages, DOI and Abstract
Duplicate preferences, and start the duplicate removal process:
You do not have to export references from EndNote:The RIS files from the database search is also possible to direct import into Rayyan. If you do not need to remove duplicates before screening in Rayyan, then import the RIS files directly. When exporting references from databases, choose RIS format. You will find the files in the download folder.
create a compressed library for back-up! Store this file (compressed archived EndNote library file) in OneDrive or similar. Norwegian information and demo
Export unique hits to Rayyan More information - or if Screening for inclusion through EndNote, make a new Group set, and Groups for the screening process. It is also possible to export reference from EndNote to Excel
You can share a library with other users: send the archived backup library with e-mail, or if the file is to big, use FileSender Go to FileSender
This video demonstrate how to use EndNote in connection with a systematic literature study. Content
Create a new library;
Preference for the library, When EndNote start
Open an existing library,
Create groups; 4:45
Import a Journal list before exporting/importing references to the library; 8:17
Import the RIS export files from database searches, drag the references to different groups; 10:27
Preference for displaying fields: 14:12
Remove duplicates; 16:04
Export the unique references from the EndNote library for screening the reference in another tool;
EndNote file structure;
Back-up your library; (Compressed library/Archived library)
Open an archived library;
Share an archived library (E-mail or through Filesender.sikt.no);
i Filmen demonstreres dette via bruk av EndNote MAC versjon X9, men fungerer i prinsippet likt for EndNote 20/eller X9 for MAC og Windows
Filmen følger stegene for duplett sjekk anbefalt av Bramer et al, oppsummert i en forenklet versjon på KIBs nettside
Opprett grupper for kilder fra hver base
Opprett gruppe for dubletter
Opprett gruppe for de unike
Velge preferanser for dublett sjekk, en stegvis prosess, se ovenfor
Eksport de unike treffene fra EndNote. Disse kan så lastes opp i Rayyan for blindet screening (eller tilsvarende verktøy.
Merk alle de unike referansene. Ctrl eller CMD + a
File - Eksport
Angi filnavn
Velg output style, RIS formatet. Om du ikke finner dette valget, velg Select another style, søk etter RIS
Lagre på et sted på din maskin du finner filen igjen
Filmen under gjennomgår stegene
Sørg for å ta back-up av ditt EndNote bibliotek
Filen lagrer du i OneDrive eller tilsvarende
Filmen under gjennomgår dette