Find resources to answer you r research methods and statistics questions
er et spørreundersøkelsesverktøy med gode muligheter for analyse og utforming av statistikk. Studenter og ansatte ved UiA har gratis tilgang.
With SurveyXact you can:
Design questionnaires
Distribute questionnaires
Monitor data collection
Run analyses
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Nettskjema kan brukes av både studenter og ansatt for datainnsamling, til Spørreskjema, påmeldinger og bestillinger, i tillegg en diktafon app for innsamling av lydopptak og bilder. Løsningen leveres av Uniersitetet i Oslo og UiA er medlemsinstitusjon
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".. fundamental concepts of descriptive and inferential statistics and shows you how to apply them using Microsoft Excel"
Topics include:
Understanding data types and variables
Calculating probability
Understanding mean, median, and mode
Calculating variability
Organizing and graphing distributions
Sampling distributions
Making estimations
Testing hypothesis: mean testing, z- and t-testing, and more
Analyzing variance
Performing repeated measure testing
Understanding correlation and regression
how to use statistics concepts and tools to perform analysis in Microsoft Excel.
Topics include:
Using Excel's statistical functions and 3D charts
Visualizing sampling distributions
Performing comparisons with ANOVA
Performing two-way analysis with ANOVA
Analyzing linear regression
Performing multiple regression and nonlinear regression analysis
Making advanced correlations
Testing variable frequencies
Running simulations
Søk på Questionnaire i SageMethods for flere titler - Se også SageMethod; Cross-sectional surveys
Boynton, P. M. & Greenhalgh, T. (2004). Selecting, designing, and developing your questionnaire. BMJ, 328(7451), 1312-1315. - se Data supplement i artikkelen
Further illustrative examples
Table A Examples of research questions for which a questionnaire may not be the most appropriate design
Table B Pros and cons of open and closed-ended questions
Table C Checklist for developing a questionnaire
Table D Types of sampling techniques for questionnaire research
Table E Critical appraisal checklist for a questionnaire study
Center for Evidence-Based Management. Critical Appraisal of a Survey.
Les mer om spørreskjema metode for innsamling av data og analyse:
Kirkevold, Ø. (2013). Praktiske tips ved spørreskjemaundersøkelser. Sykepleien Forskning, 8(4), 380-382.
Hellevik, O. (2019). Spørreundersøkelser.
SPSS program for kvantitativ analyse
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UiA læringsvideoer. link, krever pålogging uia brukernavn
e- learning (English): IN learning SPSS
SPSS Statistics Essential Training: krever pålogging med
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Which Stats Test. Knowing which statistical test to use to answer your question is tricky. Use this simple tool to help narrow down the options! see SageResearchMetods