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ord i tittel:outside OR outdoor

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uteskole* OR uteundervisning OR  (utendørs* AND (skole* OR klasserom* OR læring* OR undervisning*))

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Astrup, F. E. & Kristensen, T. W. (2020). Uteskole i praksis : håndbok for læreren. GAN Aschehoug. 

Fiskum, T. A. & Husby, J. A. (Red.). (2014). Uteskoledidaktikk : ta fagene med ut. Cappelen Damm akademisk. 

Waite, S. (2019). Outdoor learning research : insight into forms and functions. Routledge. 

Buaas, E. H. (2009). Med himmelen som tak : uterommet som arena for skapende aktiviteter i barnehage og skole (2. utg.). Universitetsforlaget. 

Waller, T., Arlemalm-Hagser, E. & Sandseter, E. B. H. (Red.). (2017). The Sage handbook of outdoor play and learning. Sage. 
Hammerman, D. R. (2001). Teaching in the outdoors (5. utg.). Interstate Publishers. 

Jordet, A. N. (2010). Klasserommet utenfor : tilpasset opplæring i et utvidet læringsrom. Cappelen akademisk. 

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TITLE(outdoor w/2 (school OR educat* OR classroom* OR "class room" OR teaching* OR learning))

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intitle:outdoor|outside intitle:school|schools|teaching|learning|classroom|education"  intitle:student|students|pupil|pupils


AND lærer ...

intitle:outdoor|outside intitle:school|schools|teaching|learning|classroom|education"  intitle:teacher|teachers|teach


flere ord ... intitle:outdoor|outside intitle:school|schools|teaching|learning|classroom|education"  intitle:teacher|teachers|teach|pedagog|pedagogical|pedagogy


For mer søkehjelp, se databaseguidene

Legg merke til ord, ord du kan bruke i egne søk

Winje, Ø., & Løndal, K. (2021). Theoretical and Practical, but Rarely Integrated: Norwegian Primary School Teachers’ Intentions and Practices of Teaching outside the Classroom. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 24(2), 133–150.

Lauterbach, G., Bølling, M., & Dettweiler, U. (2024). Education Outside the Classroom in Norway: The prevalence, provision, and nature of uteskole. International Journal of Educational Research, 125, N.PAG.

Remmen, K. B., & Iversen, E. (2023). A Scoping Review of Research on School-Based Outdoor Education in the Nordic Countries. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 23(4), 433–451.

Borsos, É., Banos-González, I., Boric, E., Lyngved Staberg, R., & Fekete, A. B. (2022). Trainee teachers’ perceptions of outdoor education. Environmental Education Research28(10), 1490–1509. sammendrag ...  In this regard, 551 trainee teachers from Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Spain and Norway were surveyed in order to analyse their perceptions about outdoor education 

Sjöblom, P., Eklund, G., & Fagerlund, P. (2023). Student teachers’ views on outdoor education as a teaching method−two cases from Finland and Norway. Journal of Adventure Education & Outdoor Learning, 23(3), 286–300.

Bølling, M., Otte, C. R., Elsborg, P., Nielsen, G. & Bentsen, P. (2018). The association between education outside the classroom and students’ school motivation: Results from a one-school-year quasi-experiment. International Journal of Educational Research, 89, 22-35. 

Otte, C. R., Bølling, M., Stevenson, M. P., Ejbye-Ernst, N., Nielsen, G. & Bentsen, P. (2019). Education outside the classroom increases children’s reading performance: Results from a one-year quasi-experimental study. International Journal of Educational Research, 94, 42-51. 

Bølling, M., Niclasen, J., Bentsen, P. & Nielsen, G. (2019). Association of Education Outside the Classroom and Pupils' Psychosocial Well-Being: Results From a School Year Implementation. Journal of School Health, 89(3), 210-218. 

Bølling, M., Pfister, G. U., Mygind, E. & Nielsen, G. (2019). Education outside the classroom and pupils’ social relations? A one-year quasi-experiment. International Journal of Educational Research, 94, 29-41. 

Schneller, M. B., Duncan, S., Schipperijn, J., Nielsen, G., Mygind, E. & Bentsen, P. (2017). Are children participating in a quasi-experimental education outside the classroom intervention more physically active? BMC Public Health, 17(1), 523. 

Neville, I. A., Petrass, L. A. & Ben, F. (2023). Cross disciplinary teaching: A pedagogical model to support teachers in the development and implementation of outdoor learning opportunities. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 26(1), 1-21. 

Jacqueline M. Swank. (2024). Taking Learning Outside: The Effect on Middle School Students’ Mood. RMLE Online: Research in Middle Level Education47(2).

Sandseter, E. B. H., Little, H., & Wyver, S. (2012). Do Theory and Pedagogy Have an Impact on Provisions for Outdoor Learning? A Comparison of Approaches in Australia and Norway. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 12(3), 167–182.

Guardino, C., Hall, K. W., Largo-Wight, E. & Hubbuch, C. (2019). Teacher and student perceptions of an outdoor classroom. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 22(2), 113-126.

Ayotte-Beaudet, J. P., Potvin, P., Lapierre, H. G. & Glackin, M. (2017). Teaching and learning science outdoors in schools' immediate surroundings at K-12 levels: A meta-synthesis. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 13(8), 5343-5363.

Joyce, S. S., Chundeli, F. A. & Vijayalaxmi, J. (2023). The Impact of Outdoor School Environments on Students' Overall Development: A Review of Current Knowledge. ISVS e-journal, 9(5), 155-167

Mann, J., Gray, T., Truong, S., Brymer, E., Passy, R., Ho, S., Sahlberg, P., Ward, K., Bentsen, P., Curry, C. & Cowper, R. (2022). Getting Out of the Classroom and Into Nature: A Systematic Review of Nature-Specific Outdoor Learning on School Children's Learning and Development. Frontiers in public health, 10.  

Miller, N. C., Kumar, S., Pearce, K. L. & Baldock, K. L. (2021). The outcomes of nature-based learning for primary school aged children: a systematic review of quantitative research. Environmental Education Research, 27(8), 1115-1140.

Nadeau-Tremblay, S., Boily, É., Brault, M. C., Chevrette, T., Jacob, E., Langelier, M. È., Laprise, C., Mercure, C. & Pulido, L. (2023). Supporting the emergence of outdoor teaching practices in primary school settings: a literature review. Education 3-13. 

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