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Systematic literature studies, Health & Sport

Library subject page. The University Library, Agder University

2. Were - Databases - database hosts

Notice the different between platform (or vendor, also called a database provider), and a database. A platform or a vendor offer one or more databases, and special search functionalities (interface) for searching these databases.

MEDLINE from different vendors/hosts (platforms)

  1. PubMed Coverage: "PubMed citations come from 1) MEDLINE indexed journals, 2) journals/manuscripts deposited in PMC, and 3) NCBI Bookshelf" Readad more about the difference between PubMed and MEDLINE
  2. Ovid MEDLINE  - segments Medall includes all content from PubMed
  3. EBSCOhost MEDLINE  includes all content from PubMed

As from January 2010, MEDLINE records are included in Embase on all vendor platforms (DataStar, Dialog, DIMDI, EBSCO, Ovid, ProQuest, STN) as well as on the Elsevier platform. Read more: Embase Whitepaper 2011. Scopus includes records from both MEDLINE & EMBASE

Reference (Bibliographic) Databases:

Other sources

  • Grey literature
  • Reference lists of your included article (Scopus covers also reference list of the article)
  • Cited articles (articles that cites your included studies): Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, PubMed, Ovid database. Document your source(s) for the cited articles search. 
  • Hand-searching (browsing) journals
  • Experts

Also see below databases: AI - Cited by - Bibliometric databases