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EndNote brukerstøtte. Guide fra biblioteket

Rayyan (Sceening tool)

Rayyan innfører gradert betaling. Det blir fortsatt mulig å ha en gratis konto, men da mister man muligheten til å screene på telefon, man får ikke tilgang til nye funksjoner og man får begrenset brukerstøtte. Les mer om de ulike typene medlemskap på Rayyans sider. UIA har ikke lisens men du kan bruke gratis versjonen


Priority screening:

"Rayyan's rating system uses machine learning and Artificial Intelligence to dramatically speed up systematic reviews. This short video explains how Rayyan's 5 star ratings work" Cited from:

See also:

How to do super fast title-only screening Link:

Using Rayyan's 5-star Relevance Ranking link:


more User guides

Ouzzani, M., Hammady, H., Fedorowicz, Z. & Elmagarmid, A. (2016). Rayyan—a web and mobile app for systematic reviews. Systematic Reviews, 5(1), 210.

Norwegian guide,from the Library UiO

Norwegian guide and English guide, from the Library at UiS - based on the guide from UiO

Rayyan Help Center  How-To  Tips and Tricks


How to divide work among more than two reviewer:

Norwegian guide, from the Library UiO, page 18 Norwegian guide,from the Library UiO

How to divide the work among your review team in Rayyan. Rayyan help Center, How-to, Tips and Tricks


Exporting reference from EndNote to Rayyan

Remove duplicates before upload the unique references to Rayyan through EndNote. You can also check for more duplicates in Rayyan - but remove most of the duplicates through EndNote before upload references to a review in Rayyan

EndNote - export references

  1. Mark reference, choose all in a grup, ctrl+a / cmnd + a
  2. Command: File- Export
  3. Choose a name and file place. Choose filetype: .txt and Reference output style: RIS. If you do not find this choice, choose Select another style, then search for RIS, mark and click Choose


You do not have to export references from EndNote:The RIS files from the database search is also possible to direct import into Rayyan. If you do not need to remove duplicates before screening in Rayyan, then import the RIS files directly. When exporting references from databases, choose RIS format. You will find the files in the download folder.

Rayyan - import references

  • Go to
  • Create user account,
  • Create review
  • Select the file from EndNote export for uploading,
  • Click continue

Demo below: Exporting reference from EndNote to a RIS format file:

More screening tools, see information from Systematic review toolbox