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Rusmisbruk, rusavhengighet. Søkeord og tips litteratur

"Substance Use Disorder*"

"Substance-Related Disorder*"

"substance abuse"

"drug abuse*"


Kan søkes med nærhet mellom søkeord, Proximity operator
(i EBSCOhost: N#, ersatt # med tall for ønsket nærhet (I WoS NEAR/n i Scopus W/n)

(((drug OR substance) N3 (use* OR misuse* OR abuse*  OR depend* OR disorder* OR problem*)) OR addict*)

Scopus, eksempel

(((drug OR substance) W/2 (use* OR misuse* OR abuse*  OR depend* OR disorder* OR problem*)) OR addict*)


Oppsett avansert søk, ord i tittel, 


TITLE(((drug OR substance) W/2 (use* OR misuse* OR abuse*  OR depend* OR disorder* OR problem*)) OR addict*)

link treff:


Videre flere ord:


"Alcohol-Related Disorders"





Ord i tittel søk: 

TI feltkoden brukes i baser via EBSCOhost,  i ORIA bruk avansert søk og velg felt

I Scopus, velg feltkode fra Basic søk før søkeordene, alternativt i Avansert søk, sett inn feltkoden foran søkeord i en parentes: TITLE()


Rusmisbruk, ord i tittel:  

EBSCOhost baser: TI ((drug OR substance*) N3 (addic* OR depend* OR disorder* OR user* OR misuse*)) OR TI (addict*)

Søkt  med nærhet mellom søkeord (Proximity operator)


eksempel søkestreng, der w/n = nærhetsoperator (proximity operator)

((opioid OR opiate) w/2 (abuse* OR addict* OR disorder* OR misuse* OR user* OR depend* OR problem*))

Link til treff, søk i artikkelens tittel

AND oversikter, ord i tittel (kvantitative eller kvalitative, eller scoping, systematic): 

 (review* OR meta-analys* OR metasynthes* OR meta-synthes* OR meta-ethno* OR metaethno*) link til treff

McCann, T. V., Polacsek, M. & Lubman, D. I. (2019). Experiences of family members supporting a relative with substance use problems: a qualitative study. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 33(4), 902-911. 

Mardani, M., Alipour, F., Rafiey, H., Fallahi-Khoshknab, M. & Arshi, M. (2023). Challenges in addiction-affected families: a systematic review of qualitative studies. BMC Psychiatry, 23(1), 439. 

Yoon, S., Ploss, A., Hutzel, M., Webb, R., Hatfield, A., Lee, J. Y., Munshi, A., Radney, A. & McClellan, J. (2024). Parenting attitudes and behaviors among parents involved with the child welfare system and affected by substance use disorders. Child Abuse and Neglect, 149, Artikkel 106657. 

søkeord  ...








"next of kin*"


















Ord i tittel søk,

i databasene velger du felt, hvor ordene kan forekomme. Ord i tittel er et smalt søk, da ordene må forekomme i aritkkelens tittel

Søkekonsepter og noen søkeord for dette kan være:

Barn: (child* OR boy* OR girl* OR adolescen* OR youth* OR young* OR "growing up" OR offspring*)

Foreldre: (parent* OR mother* OR father* OR maternal* OR paternal* OR famil*)

Rusmisbruk: (addict* OR drug OR substance* OR alcohol* OR drink OR drinking)


Du vil også få irrelevante treff, der barn eller unge er rusmisbrukere

Noen eksempler på titler

Muir, C., Adams, E. A., Evans, V., Geijer-Simpson, E., Kaner, E., Phillips, S. M., Salonen, D., Smart, D., Winstone, L. & McGovern, R. (2022). A Systematic Review of Qualitative Studies Exploring Lived Experiences, Perceived Impact, and Coping Strategies of Children and Young People Whose Parents Use Substances. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 24(5), 3629-3646. 

Ahlborg, M. G., Nygren, J. M., Svedberg, P. & Regber, S. (2024). Resilience in children of parents with mental illness, alcohol or substance misuse—An integrative review. Nursing Open, 11(6), Artikkel e2219. 

Wlodarczyk, O., Schwarze, M., Rumpf, H.-J., Metzner, F. & Pawils, S. (2017). Protective mental health factors in children of parents with alcohol and drug use disorders: A systematic review. PloS One, 12(6), e0179140. 

Rossow, I., Felix, L., Keating, P., & McCambridge, J. (2016). Parental drinking and adverse outcomes in children: A scoping review of cohort studies. Drug & Alcohol Review, 35(4), 397–405.

Park, S., & Schepp, K. (2015). A Systematic Review of Research on Children of Alcoholics: Their Inherent Resilience and VulnerabilityJournal of Child & Family Studies, 24(5), 1222–1231.

Torvik, F. A. & Rognmo, K. (2011). Barn av foreldre med psykiske lidelser eller alkoholmisbruk: omfang og konsekvens (Rapport 2011:4). Folkehelseinstituttet

Werner, A. & Malterud, K. (2016). Children of parents with alcohol problems performing normality: A qualitative interview study about unmet needs for professional support. International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being, 11(1), 30673. 

Hjelmseth, M., & Aune, T. (2018). Uklare rammer gjör det vanskelig å ivareta barn som pårörendeSykepleien Forskning, 13(e-65521), 1-21.


Heimdahl K, Karlsson P. Psychosocial interventions for substance-abusing parents and their young children: A scoping review. Addiction Research & Theory. 2016;24(3):236-247. doi:10.3109/16066359.2015.1118064.

Bröning, S., Kumpfer, K., Kruse, K., Sack, P.-M., Schaunig-Busch, I., Ruths, S., … Thomasius, R. (2012). Selective prevention programs for children from substance-affected families: a comprehensive systematic review. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention & Policy, 7, 23.


Wallström, R., Persson, R. S., & Salzmann-Erikson, M. (2016). Working With Children in Families With Parental Substance Abuse: Nurses’ Experiences and Complexity in RelationshipsJournal Of Psychosocial Nursing And Mental Health Services, 54(6), 38–44.


Tingberg, B., Bredlöv, B., & Ygge, B.-M. (2008). Nurses’ experience in clinical encounters with children experiencing abuse and their parents. Journal Of Clinical Nursing, 17(20), 2718–2724.


Bøckmann, K., Kjellevold, A. & Sotberg, E. D. (2015). Barn og ungdom som pårørende. I K. Bøckmann, A. Kjellevold & E. D. Sotberg (Red.), Pårørende i helse- og omsorgstjenesten : en klinisk og juridisk innføring (2. utg. utg., s. 255-302). Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. Oppslag i ORIA


Selbekk, A. S., Faugli, A., Kufås, E., Løvås, M. & Ruud, T. (2019). Kunnskapsoppsummering om situasjon og hjelp til barn og partnere av personer med rusproblemer.  Akershus universitetssykehus

Barn av rusmisbrukere, alkoholmisbrukere, senere i voksenlivet


noen ord:

"growing up"
"adult children"
"later life"


Noen eksempler på artikler, rapporter

Lindgaard, H. (2005). Familier med alkoholproblemer—gør det en forskel for børnenes voksenliv? Nordisk Psykologi, 57(2), 107-129. 

Järvinen, M. (2013). Understanding Addiction: Adult Children of Alcoholics Describing Their Parents’ Drinking Problems. Journal of Family Issues, 36(6), 805-825. 

Søkeord ... 


I Scopus, velg søkefelt, for disse er valgt ord fra tittel, TITLE(peer OR peers) - eller bredere TITLE-ABS, eller TITLE-ABS-KEY

PRE/n - nærhetsoperator, det første ordet må komme før det andre, erstatt n med tall for nærhet:

Smalere søk: 

TITLE((peer OR peers) PRE/1 ( support* OR work*))

flere ord...

TITLE(lay PRE/2 (people* OR patient* OR person* OR client* OR support* OR worker* OR carer))

TITLE(patient* w/1 expert*)

Slått sammen, avansert søk:

(TITLE((peer OR peers) PRE/1 ( support* OR work*)) OR TITLE(lay PRE/2 (people* OR patient* OR person* OR client* OR support* OR worker* OR carer)) OR TITLE(patient* w/1 expert*))

AND også disse i tittelen ord for rusmisbruk:

TITLE(substance OR drug OR addict*)

AND ord for kvalitative studier/erfaringer, opplevelser

TITLE-ABS-KEY(qualitative OR interview* OR experience* OR explore* OR perspective* OR perception* OR attitude* OR "focus group*" OR themes OR thematic* OR phenomenolog*)

flere ord: OR view* OR opinion* OR beli*

Alt slått sammen, søkestreng Avansert søk:

(TITLE((peer OR peers) PRE/1 ( support* OR work*)) OR TITLE(lay PRE/2 (people* OR patient* OR person* OR client* OR support* OR worker* OR carer)) OR TITLE(patient* w/1 expert*)) AND (TITLE(substance OR drug OR addict*)) AND (TITLE-ABS-KEY(qualitative OR interview* OR experience* OR explore* OR perspective* OR perception* OR attitude* OR "focus group*" OR themes OR thematic* OR phenomenolog*))




flere treff om ordene for det første konseptet (erfaringskonsulenter), ikke kun trenger å stå i artikkelens tittel, eksempel


(TITLE-ABS((peer OR peers) PRE/1 ( support* OR work*)) OR TITLE-ABS(lay PRE/2 (people* OR patient* OR person* OR client* OR support* OR worker* OR carer)) OR TITLE-ABS(patient* w/1 expert*)) AND (TITLE(substance OR drug OR addict*)) AND (TITLE-ABS-KEY(qualitative OR interview* OR experience* OR explore* OR perspective* OR perception* OR attitude* OR "focus group*" OR themes OR thematic* OR phenomenolog*))


Eksempel på søkestreng: 

(erfaringskonsulent*  OR erfaringsmedarbeider* OR Peer OR peers OR likemenn) AND (rus* OR substance OR addict*)

link treff: 


Artikler, eksempler

du Plessis, C., Whitaker, L. & Hurley, J. (2020). Peer support workers in substance abuse treatment services: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Substance Use, 25(3), 225-230. 

Eddie, D., Hoffman, L., Vilsaint, C., Abry, A., Bergman, B., Hoeppner, B., Weinstein, C. & Kelly, J. F. (2019). Lived experience in new models of care for substance use disorder: A systematic review of peer recovery support services and recovery coaching. Front Psychol, 10(JUN), Artikkel 1052. 

Cooper, R. E., Saunders, K. R. K., Greenburgh, A., Shah, P., Appleton, R., Machin, K., Jeynes, T., Barnett, P., Allan, S. M., Griffiths, J., Stuart, R., Mitchell, L., Chipp, B., Jeffreys, S., Lloyd-Evans, B., Simpson, A. & Johnson, S. (2024). The effectiveness, implementation, and experiences of peer support approaches for mental health: a systematic umbrella review. BMC Medicine, 22(1), Artikkel 72. 

Chen, Y., Yuan, Y. & Reed, B. G. (2023). Experiences of peer work in drug use service settings: A systematic review of qualitative evidence. International Journal of Drug Policy, 120, Artikkel 104182.

Åkerblom, K. B. & Ness, O. (2023). Peer Workers in Co-production and Co-creation in Mental Health and Substance Use Services: A Scoping Review. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 50(2), 296-316. 


Sommer, M., Folkvord, G. A. B., Tveitstulen, L. M. & Seyffarth, L. (2022). «Det at vi kan si vi». En kvalitativ studie i hvordan erfaringsmedarbeidere opplever å bidra i psykisk helsearbeid. Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid, 19(4), 237-248. 

Krane, V., Sommer, M., Kippenes, M. & Karlsson, B. (2022). ‘It’s like there’s no staff here – we’re all a friendly bunch of people’ – Young service users’ experiences of peer support in a youth-friendly service. Nordisk välfärdsforskning | Nordic Welfare Research, 7(2), 121-132. 

Čtvrtečková, M., Stromšíková, A. & Roman, L. (2024). Role of Peer Support in Building Motivation to Change Addictive Behaviour. British Journal of Social Work, 54(2), 687-703. 

Ibrahim, N., Selim, A., Ng, F., Kasaby, M., Ali, A. M., Eweida, R., Almakki, D., Elaagib, A. & Slade, M. (2022). Experiences of peer support workers supporting individuals with substance use disorders in Egypt: phenomenological analysis. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), Artikkel 1012. 

Ingel, S., Barberi, D., Rudes, D. S. & Taxman, F. S. (2022). Lessons learned from a peer support program for individuals seeking substance use recovery. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 61(8), 411-425. 

Olding, M., Cook, A., Austin, T. & Boyd, J. (2022). “They went down that road, and they get it”: A qualitative study of peer support worker roles within perinatal substance use programs. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 132, Artikkel 108578. 

Pantridge, C. E., Charles, V. A., DeHart, D. D., Iachini, A. L., Seay, K. D., Clone, S. & Browne, T. (2016). A Qualitative Study of the Role of Peer Support Specialists in Substance Use Disorder Treatment: Examining the Types of Support Provided. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 34(3), 337-353. 

Scannell, C. (2022). By helping others we help ourselves: insights from peer support workers in substance use recovery. Advances in Mental Health, 20(3), 232-241. 

Sotskova, A., Woodin, E. & Cyr, K. S. (2016). Understanding the Role of Group Cohesion and Group Alliance in a Secular Peer Support Group for Recovery from Substance Misuse. Journal of Groups in Addiction and Recovery, 11(2), 137-154. 

Turpin, A. & Shier, M. L. (2017). Peer Support and Substance Use Disorder Treatment: Benefits and Barriers for Intra-Personal Development in Longer-Term Treatment Programs. Journal of Groups in Addiction and Recovery, 12(2-3), 117-134. 

Turuba, R., Toddington, C., Tymoschuk, M., Amarasekera, A., Howard, A. M., Brockmann, V., Tallon, C., Irving, S., Mathias, S., Henderson, J. L. & Barbic, S. (2023). “A peer support worker can really be there supporting the youth throughout the whole process”: a qualitative study exploring the role of peer support in providing substance use services to youth. Harm Reduction Journal, 20(1), Artikkel 118. 

Gillard, S., Foster, R., White, S., Barlow, S., Bhattacharya, R., Binfield, P., Eborall, R., Faulkner, A., Gibson, S., Goldsmith, L. P., Simpson, A., Lucock, M., Marks, J., Morshead, R., Patel, S., Priebe, S., Repper, J., Rinaldi, M., Ussher, M. & Worner, J. (2022). The impact of working as a peer worker in mental health services: a longitudinal mixed methods study. BMC Psychiatry, 22(1), Artikkel 373. 











Kvalitative studier/erfaringer/opplevelser

qualitative OR interview* OR experience* OR explore* OR perspectiv* OR attitude* OR percept* OR satisf* OR themes OR thematic OR "focus group*" OR "grounded theor*" 



metasynthes* OR meta-synthes* OR meta-ethnog* OR metaethnog*

OR review


Lavterskel, eksempel Scopus søkt med nærhet mellom ordene, se w/5:

("low Threshold*" or "easy access*") w/5 (service* or care or support* or context* or clinic* or setting*)

link til treff søkt på ord fra tittel-sammendrag-keyword: TITLE-ABS-KEY(("low Threshold*" or "easy access*") w/5 (service* or care or support* or context* or clinic* or setting*))

Flere ord:

communit* w/2 (service* OR care OR support* OR centr* OR center*)

"Prompt Mental*" or "Improv* access to psychological*"


AND ord for rusmisbruk

Eksempel på søkestreng, Scopus, søk med to søke-konsepter, lavterskel AND rusmisbruk, satt opp i Avansert søkeskjerm, med feltkoder foran søkestrengene: FELTKODE()

TITLE-ABS-KEY(("low Threshold*" OR "easy access*") W/5 (service* OR care OR support* OR context* OR clinic* OR setting*)) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY(((drug OR substance) W/2 (use* OR misuse* OR abuse* OR depend* OR disorder* OR problem*)) OR addict*)

Link til treff Scopus


Google Scholar

eksempel på søkestreng

| = OR

intitle:  ord fra tittel


"low threshold" intitle:addiction|addicted|addictions|substance|drug


Søkestreng, eksempel: (lavterskel* OR "low threshold*" OR "rask psykisk") AND (rus* OR psykisk* OR psykiatri* OR mental*)


Eksempler artikler, Legg merke til ord som brukes ...


Hoeppner, B. B., Simpson, H. V., Weerts, C., Riggs, M. J., Williamson, A. C., Finley-Abboud, D., Hoffman, L. A., Rutherford, P. X., McCarthy, P., Ojeda, J., Mericle, A. A., Rao, V., Bergman, B. G., Dankwah, A. B. & Kelly, J. F. (2024). A Nationwide Survey Study of Recovery Community Centers Supporting People in Recovery From Substance Use Disorder. Journal of Addiction Medicine, 18(3), 274-281. 


Dobbel diagnose psykiatri:

"Diagnosis, Dual*"
"Dual Psychiatric Diagnosis"
"Psychiatric Dual Diagnoses"

"co-occurring disorder*"
 "co-occurring diagnosis*"


ROP Pasienter med samtidig rusmisbruk og psykiatri:

Utrykkes på mange måter i litteraturen her noen eksempler:

substance abuse patients with psychiatric disorders..
Psychiatric Comorbidities of Substance Use Disorders...
Persons with Co-occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders


kan søkes samlet, feks med nærhet mellom ord. i EBSCOhost utrykkes med N#, ersatt # med ord for antall ord som tillates. Se søkeguiden for EBSCOhost

(substance* N2 (use* OR abuse* OR misuse* OR disorder* OR addict* OR use* OR dependenc*)) N5 (psychiatric* OR mental OR mentally)

Søker du i WoS, ersattes N2 med NEAR/2 og N5 med NEAR/5


Eksempel artikkel, legg merket til nærhet mellom ordene

Brekke, E., Lien, L. & Biong, S. (2018). Experiences of Professional Helping Relations by Persons with Co-occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 16(1), 53-65. 

Ould Brahim, L., Hanganu, C. & Gros, C. P. (2019). Understanding Helpful Nursing Care From the Perspective of Mental Health Inpatients With a Dual Diagnosis: A Qualitative Descriptive Study. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 26(3), 250-261.



(famil* w/2 (based OR therap* OR intervent*))

AND rusmisbruk

link til treff:

Eksempler på treff

Binumon, K. V., Ezhumalai, S., Janardhana, N. & Chand, P. K. (2024). Family Intervention Models for Young Adults with Substance Abuse: A Systematic Review. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine. 

Lindgaard, H. (2006). Familier med alkoholproblemer. Et litteraturstudium af familieorienteret alkoholbehandling.

Lindegaard, H. (2006). Familieorientert alkoholbehandling - et litteraturstudie af familiebehandlingens effekter. Sundhedsstyrelsen.

Helsedirektoratet (2016, sist faglig oppdatert 24. januar 2017). 12-trinns rusbehandling. I Behandling og rehabilitering av rusmiddelproblemer og avhengighet. Nasjonal faglig retningslinje.

McKay, J.R, (2024). Substance use disorders: Psychosocial management. I UpToDate.  ... Sitat:... "Efficacy — Eight randomized clinical trials with an aggregate total of 2546 patients compared 12-step facilitation with other active interventions or treatment as usual, including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) [56-59], motivational enhancement therapy [56], and the community reinforcement approach (CRA) [60], and treatment as usual [61-63]. Findings were mixed, with the majority showing increased participation in the 12-step program and improved substance use outcomes"




PRE = nærhet (proximty), 12  eller twelve må stå før step - det kan stå 1 ord mellom de to PRE/1

((12 OR twelve) PRE/1 step*)


rus ...

Søkestreng, Avansert søk, feltkoder foran ordene: TITLE-ABS = ord fra tittel eller sammendrag, TITLE ord fra tittelen

TITLE-ABS((12 OR twelve ) W/1 step*) AND TITLE(drug OR substance OR addict* OR alcoholism* OR alcoholic*)

Link til treff

(12 OR twelve)  AND (trinn* OR step*) AND (rus* OR alkohol* OR drug OR substance OR alcohol*)

tolvtrinn* OR 12-trinn*

Eksempler artikler ...


Donovan, D. M., Ingalsbe, M. H., Benbow, J. & Daley, D. C. (2013). 12-Step Interventions and Mutual Support Programs for Substance Use Disorders: An Overview. Social work in public health, 28(3-4), 313-332.

Giannelli, E., Gold, C., Bieleninik, L., Ghetti, C. & Gelo, O. C. G. (2019). Dialectical behaviour therapy and 12-step programmes for substance use disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 19(3), 274-285. 

Hennessy, E. A. & Fisher, B. W. (2015). A Meta-Analysis Exploring the Relationship Between 12-Step Attendance and Adolescent Substance Use Relapse. Journal of Groups in Addiction & Recovery, 10(1), 79-96. 

Kristensen, Ø. & Vederhus, J.-K. Stoffmisbrukere i 12-trinnsbehandling. Rus & avhengighet, 8(1). 

Laudet, A. B. (2003). Attitudes and Beliefs About 12-Step Groups Among Addiction Treatment Clients and Clinicians: Toward Identifying Obstacles to Participation. Substance Use and Misuse, 38(14), 2017-2047. 
Nash, A. J. (2020). The Twelve Steps and Adolescent Recovery: A Concise Review. Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment, 14, 1178221820904397. 

Solhaug, P., Høie, M. & Vederhus, J.-K. (2015). Endring i psykisk velvære etter gjennomført 12-trinnsbasert rusbehandling - En sammenligning av dag- og døgnbehandling. Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid, 12(1), 29-38. 

Timko, C., DeBenedetti, A. & Billow, R. (2006). Intensive referral to 12-Step self-help groups and 6-month substance use disorder outcomes. Addiction, 101(5), 678-688. 

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