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Universitetsbiblioteket i Agder (2025). Bibliotekets fagside. Ressurser for ditt emne. Databaser og søkhjelp. Tips litteratur

Friluftsliv - tips litteratur - søkeord

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review* OR meta-analys*

Bruk eventuelt feltkoder for avgrensening:

EBSCOhost grensesnittet: : TI (review* OR meta-analys*)  I MEDLINE kan ev også dette legges til: OR PT (review* OR meta-analys*).

WoS, avansert søk: TI=(review* OR meta-analys*)

Scopus, avansert søk: TITLE(review* OR meta-analys*)

Ovid, avansert søk: (review* OR meta-analys*).ti



ord i tittel: 

EBSCOhost: TI (outdoor* OR adventure* OR green* OR nature OR natural OR hiking OR camping OR wilderness)

WoS: TI=(outdoor* OR adventure* OR green* OR nature OR natural OR hiking OR camping OR wilderness)

Scopus, avansert søk: TITLE(outdoor* OR adventure* OR green* OR nature OR natural OR hiking OR camping OR wilderness)

Ovid, avansert søk: (outdoor* OR adventure* OR green* OR nature OR natural OR hiking OR camping OR wilderness).ti

Merk at nature og natural gir mye støy (mange irrelevante treff), men også relevante treff


Helse ...

merk at enkeltord søkes, så søk på health* gir også treff på mental health, søkes med trunkering gir også treff på healthy eller andre endelser, også healthcare 

legg til - ta vekk ord ...feks sedentar*  - obesity  - overweight* ... cognitive ...

EBSCOhost: TI (health* OR depress* OR anxiety OR stress* OR distress* OR wellness* OR wellbeing OR well-being OR "quality of life")

WoS, avansert søk TI=(health* OR depress* OR anxiety OR stress* OR distress* OR wellness* OR wellbeing OR well-being OR "quality of life")

Scoups, avansert søk: TITLE(health* OR depress* OR anxiety OR stress* OR distress* OR wellness* OR wellbeing OR well-being OR "quality of life")

Ovid, avansert søk: (health* OR depress* OR anxiety OR stress* OR distress* OR wellness* OR wellbeing OR well-being OR "quality of life").ti



legg ev til ord for populasjon; barn, voksne, eldre


legg ev til ord for kontekster;



dekker hovedsakelig publisert litteratur

MEDLINE basen kan søkes via flere søkegrensesnitt (EBSCOhost, Ovid og PubMed. Alt innhold i PubMed (som hovedsakelig består av poster fra MEDLINE finnes også i MEDLINE basene via Ovid og EBSCOhsot)

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Epistemonikos database

ord i tittelsøk: outdoor* OR adventure* OR green* OR nature OR natural OR hiking OR camping OR wilderness

link til treff, limit Systematic review

link til treff; limit Broad synthesis

link til treff: limit Structured summaries


Eventuelle flere ord for helseeffekter/gevinster, legg til - eller ta vekk: 



Advanced search screen:

TITLE(outdoor* OR adventure* OR green* OR nature OR natural OR hiking OR camping OR wilderness) AND TITLE(health* OR depress* OR anxiety OR stress* OR distress* OR wellness* OR wellbeing OR well-being OR "quality of life") AND TITLE(review* OR meta-analys*)



Web of Science, Core Collection databases,

Advanced search screen:

TI=(outdoor* OR adventure* OR green* OR nature OR natural OR hiking OR camping OR wilderness) AND TI=(health* OR depress* OR anxiety OR stress* OR distress* OR wellness* OR wellbeing OR well-being OR "quality of life") AND TI=(review* OR meta-analys*)


MEDLINE & APA PsycInfo (Ovid)

Alle ord fra tittel:

((outdoor* or adventure* or green* or nature or natural or hiking or camping or wilderness) and (health* or depress* or anxiety or stress* or distress* or wellness* or wellbeing or well-being or "quality of life") and (review* or meta-analys*)).ti.

Remove duplicates


Review of reviews:


Bird, E. L., Ige, J. O., Pilkington, P., Pinto, A., Petrokofsky, C. & Burgess-Allen, J. (2018). Built and natural environment planning principles for promoting health: an umbrella review. BMC Public Health, 18, Artikkel 930. 

Shrestha, T., Chi, C. V. Y., Cassarino, M., Foley, S., Di Blasi, Z. & Mbeye, N. M. (2023). Factors influencing the effectiveness of nature-based interventions (NBIs) aimed at improving mental health and wellbeing: Protocol of an umbrella review. PloS One, 18(7), Artikkel e0273139. 

van den Bosch, M. & Ode Sang, Å. (2017). Urban natural environments as nature-based solutions for improved public health – A systematic review of reviews. Environmental Research, 158, 373-384. 

Yang, B. Y., Zhao, T. Y., Hu, L. X., Browning, M., Heinrich, J., Dharmage, S. C., Jalaludin, B., Knibbs, L. D., Liu, X. X., Luo, Y. N., James, P., Li, S. S., Huang, W. Z., Chen, G. B., Zeng, X. W., Hu, L. W., Yu, Y. J. & Dong, G. H. (2021). Greenspace and human health: An umbrella review. Innovation, 2(4), Artikkel 100164. 


Markozannes, G., Pantavou, K., Rizos, E. C., Sindosi, O. Α., Tagkas, C., Seyfried, M., Saldanha, I. J., Hatzianastassiou, N., Nikolopoulos, G. K. & Ntzani, E. (2022). Outdoor air quality and human health: An overview of reviews of observational studies. Environmental Pollution, 306, Artikkel 119309. 


noen eksempler fra treff søk, vedlagt dokument

Søk bøker i ORIA

Se nedenfor noen titler

Søkeord  ...

friluftsliv - green - outdoor - nature - environment  - wilderness - leisure ... biodiversity - plant - plants - forest

aktivitet - walking - exercise - "physical activity" ...

"physical activity" - "physical education" - movement - play

helse - folkehelse - health - mental helse - psykisk helse - mental health - depresjon - depression - mood - emotion - angst - anxiety...

joy OR pleasure* OR well-being OR wellbeing OR happiness OR happy OR  OR "mental health" OR stress 

studiedesign - randomized - review - scoping - association - cohort - cross-section

Se ellers lenker til databaser

Eksempel på søk - friluftsliv - glede/velvære

Søk på ord fra tittel i flere databaser via EBSCOhost: CINAHL, Academic Search Complete, ERIC, MEDLINE, SocINDEX
TI (green OR nature OR natural OR outdoor OR environment) AND TI (joy OR pleasure* OR well-being OR wellbeing OR "mental health" OR happiness OR happy)
Lenke til søk 

Forklaring på søkestrengen: 

  • TI foran søkeord = feltkode for tittel
  • AND = og
  • OR = enten/eller
  • Dvs. mInst et av ordene green... må forekomme i tittelen, samtidig må minst et av ordene joy ... fra neste parentes også forekomme i tittelen

Eksempel på søk i MEDLINE & SPORTDiscus (EBSCOhost): 

TI (outdoor* OR "Green Exercise" OR natur OR "Walking Green") AND (depression OR "mental health" OR well-being)  Lenke til søk l

Her må ord for friluft - utendørs - natur forekomme - men ord for psykisk - mental helse, velvære kan forekomme i tittel, sammendrag eller emneord

Her må alle ord forekomme i tittelen

  • TI ( green OR nature OR natural OR outdoor OR environment ) AND TI ( joy OR pleasure* OR well-being OR wellbeing OR happiness OR happy) 

andre søkeord - 

  • "mountain hiking"
  • "quality of life" - stress ...
  • health
  • associat* OR exposure* OR benefit* OR ...

Noen artikler som omhandler psykisk helse og natur, friluft-utendørs aktiviteter


Jimenez, M. P., DeVille, N. V., Elliott, E. G., Schiff, J. E., Wilt, G. E., Hart, J. E. & James, P. (2021). Associations between Nature Exposure and Health: A Review of the Evidence. International Journal of  Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(9). 

Lahart, I., Darcy, P., Gidlow, C. & Calogiuri, G. (2019). The Effects of Green Exercise on Physical and Mental Wellbeing: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(8).

Wendelboe-Nelson, C., Kelly, S., Kennedy, M. & Cherrie, J. W. (2019). A Scoping Review Mapping Research on Green Space and Associated Mental Health Benefits. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, 16(12).

Dybvik, J. B., Sundsford, S., Wang, C. E. A. & Nivison, M. (2018). Significance of nature in a clinical setting and its perceived therapeutic value from patients’ perspective. European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling, 20(4), 429-449. 

Bratland-Sanda, S., Andersson, E., Best, J., Høegmark, S. & Roessler, K. K. (2019). The use of physical activity, sport and outdoor life as tools of psychosocial intervention: the Nordic perspective. Sport in Society, 22(4), 654-670. Lenke

Gascon, M., Zijlema, W., Vert, C., White, M. P. & Nieuwenhuijsen, M. J. (2017). Outdoor blue spaces, human health and well-being: A systematic review of quantitative studies. International Journal Of Hygiene And Environmental Health, 220(8), 1207-1221.

Marselle, M. R., Martens, D., Dallimer, M., & Irvine, K. N. (2019). Review of the Mental Health and Well-being Benefits of Biodiversity. In M. R. Marselle, J. Stadler, H. Korn, K. N. Irvine, & A. Bonn (Eds.), Biodiversity and Health in the Face of Climate Change (pp. 175-211). Cham: Springer International Publishing. Hentet fra

Vikene, O. (2012). Psykisk helse og opplevelsen av deltakelse i friluftsliv. Tidsskrift for Psykisk Helsearbeid, (4), 345-354.

Gabrielsen, L. E. & Fernee, C. R. (2014). Psykisk helsearbeid i naturen - friluftsliv inspirert av vår historie og identitet. Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid, 11(4), 358-367. Hentet fra 

Thompson Coon, J., Boddy, K., Stein, K., Whear, R., Barton, J. & Depledge, M. H. (2011). Does participating in physical activity in outdoor natural environments have a greater effect on physical and mental wellbeing than physical activity indoors? A systematic review. Environ Sci Technol, 45(5), 1761-1772.

Berman, M. G., Kross, E., Krpan, K. M., Askren, M. K., Burson, A., Deldin, P. J., . . . Jonides, J. (2012). Interacting with nature improves cognition and affect for individuals with depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 140(3), 300-305. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2012.03.012

de Brito, J. N., Pope, Z. C., Mitchell, N. R., Schneider, I. E., Larson, J. M., Horton, T. H., & Pereira, M. A. (2019). Changes in Psychological and Cognitive Outcomes after Green versus Suburban Walking: A Pilot Crossover Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(16). doi:10.3390/ijerph16162894

Gascon, M., Sánchez-Benavides, G., Dadvand, P., Martínez, D., Gramunt, N., Gotsens, X., . . . Nieuwenhuijsen, M. (2018). Long-term exposure to residential green and blue spaces and anxiety and depression in adults: A cross-sectional study. Environmental Research, 162, 231-239. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2018.01.012

Gladwell, V. F., Brown, D. K., Wood, C., Sandercock, G. R., & Barton, J. L. (2013). The great outdoors: how a green exercise environment can benefit all. Extrem Physiol Med, 2(1), 3. doi:10.1186/2046-7648-2-3

Grahn, P., Palsdottir, A. M., Ottosson, J., & Jonsdottir, I. H. (2017). Longer Nature-Based Rehabilitation May Contribute to a Faster Return to Work in Patients with Reactions to Severe Stress and/or Depression. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(11). doi:10.3390/ijerph14111310

Korpela, K. M., Stengård, E., & Jussila, P. (2016). Nature Walks as a Part of Therapeutic Intervention for Depression. Ecopsychology, 8(1), 8-15. doi:10.1089/eco.2015.0070

Koselka, E. P. D., Weidner, L. C., Minasov, A., Berman, M. G., Leonard, W. R., Santoso, M. V., . . . Horton, T. H. (2019). Walking Green: Developing an Evidence Base for Nature Prescriptions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(22). doi:10.3390/ijerph16224338

Lachowycz, K., & Jones, A. P. (2013). Towards a better understanding of the relationship between greenspace and health: Development of a theoretical framework. Landscape and Urban Planning, 118, 62-69. doi:

Mitchell, R. (2013). Is physical activity in natural environments better for mental health than physical activity in other environments? Social Science and Medicine, 91, 130-134. doi:

Robertson, R., Robertson, A., Jepson, R., & Maxwell, M. (2012). Walking for depression or depressive symptoms: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 5(1), 66-75. doi:

Townsend, M. (2006). Feel blue? Touch green! Participation in forest/woodland management as a treatment for depression. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 5(3), 111-120. doi:

Wahrborg, P., Petersson, I. F., & Grahn, P. (2014). Nature-assisted rehabilitation for reactions to severe stress and/or depression in a rehabilitation garden: long-term follow-up including comparisons with a matched population-based reference cohort. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 46(3), 271-276. doi:10.2340/16501977-1259

Corazon, S. S., Sidenius, U., Poulsen, D. V., Gramkow, M. C. & Stigsdotter, U. K. (2019). Psycho-Physiological Stress Recovery in Outdoor Nature-Based Interventions: A Systematic Review of the Past Eight Years of Research. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, 16(10).

Abraham, A., Sommerhalder, K. & Abel, T. (2010). Landscape and well-being: a scoping study on the health-promoting impact of outdoor environments. International Journal Of Public Health, 55(1), 59-69.

Akers, A., Barton, J., Cossey, R., Gainsford, P., Griffin, M. & Micklewright, D. (2012). Visual color perception in green exercise: positive effects on mood and perceived exertion. Environmental Science & Technology, 46(16), 8661-8666.

Aliyas, Z. (2019). Physical, mental, and physiological health benefits of green and blue outdoor spaces among elderly people. International Journal Of Environmental Health Research, 1-12.

Bammann, K., Drell, C., Lübs, L. L. & Stalling, I. (2018). Cluster-randomised trial on participatory community-based outdoor physical activity promotion programs in adults aged 65-75 years in Germany: protocol of the OUTDOOR ACTIVE intervention trial. BMC Public Health, 18(1), 1197-1197.

Barton, J. & Pretty, J. (2010). What is the best dose of nature and green exercise for improving mental health? A multi-study analysis. Environmental Science & Technology, 44(10), 3947-3955.

Becker, C., Lauterbach, G., Spengler, S., Dettweiler, U. & Mess, F. (2017). Effects of Regular Classes in Outdoor Education Settings: A Systematic Review on Students' Learning, Social and Health Dimensions. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, 14(5).

Bélanger, M., Gallant, F., Doré, I., O'Loughlin, J. L., Sylvestre, M.-P., Abi Nader, P., … Sabiston, C. M. (2019). Physical activity mediates the relationship between outdoor time and mental health. Preventive Medicine Reports, 16, 101006-101006.

Beyer, K. M. M., Szabo, A. & Nattinger, A. B. (2016). Time Spent Outdoors, Depressive Symptoms, and Variation by Race and Ethnicity. American Journal Of Preventive Medicine, 51(3), 281-290.

Glover, N. & Polley, S. (2019). GOING GREEN: The Effectiveness of a 40-Day Green Exercise Intervention for Insufficiently Active AdultsSports (Basel, Switzerland), 7(6).

Haluza, D., Schönbauer, R. & Cervinka, R. (2014). Green perspectives for public health: a narrative review on the physiological effects of experiencing outdoor nature. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, 11(5), 5445-5461.

Kondo, M. C., Triguero-Mas, M., Donaire-Gonzalez, D., Seto, E., Valentín, A., Hurst, G., … Nieuwenhuijsen, M. J. (2020). Momentary mood response to natural outdoor environments in four European cities. Environment International, 134, 105237-105237.

Lacharité-Lemieux, M., Brunelle, J.-P. & Dionne, I. J. (2015). Adherence to exercise and affective responses: comparison between outdoor and indoor training. Menopause (New York, N.Y.), 22(7), 731-740.

Largo-Wight, E., Guardino, C., Wludyka, P. S., Hall, K. W., Wight, J. T. & Merten, J. W. (2018). Nature contact at school: The impact of an outdoor classroom on children's well-beingInternational Journal Of Environmental Health Research, 28(6), 653-666.

Lomranz, J., Bergman, S., Eyal, N. & Shmotkin, D. (1988). Indoor and outdoor activities of aged women and men as related to depression and well-being. International Journal Of Aging & Human Development, 26(4), 303-314. Hentet fra   

McCurdy, L. E., Winterbottom, K. E., Mehta, S. S. & Roberts, J. R. (2010). Using nature and outdoor activity to improve children's healthCurrent Problems In Pediatric And Adolescent Health Care, 40(5), 102-117.

Pretty, J., Peacock, J., Sellens, M. & Griffin, M. (2005). The mental and physical health outcomes of green exercise. International Journal Of Environmental Health Research, 15(5), 319-337. Hentet fra  

Salbach, N. M., Barclay, R., Webber, S. C., Jones, C. A., Mayo, N. E., Lix, L. M., … Chilibeck, P. D. (2019). A theory-based, task-oriented, outdoor walking programme for older adults with difficulty walking outdoors: protocol for the Getting Older Adults Outdoors (GO-OUT) randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 9(4), e029393-e029393.

Thompson Coon, J., Boddy, K., Stein, K., Whear, R., Barton, J. & Depledge, M. H. (2011). Does participating in physical activity in outdoor natural environments have a greater effect on physical and mental wellbeing than physical activity indoors? A systematic review. Environmental Science & Technology, 45(5), 1761-1772.

Yang, C.-H. & Conroy, D. E. (2018). Feasibility of an Outdoor Mindful Walking Program for Reducing Negative Affect in Older AdultsJournal Of Aging And Physical Activity, 1-10.

Stigsdotter, U. K., Ekholm, O., Schipperijn, J., Toftager, M., Kamper-Jørgensen, F. & Randrup, T. B. (2010). Health promoting outdoor environments - Associations between green space, and health, health-related quality of life and stress based on a Danish national representative survey. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 38(4), 411-417.

Frühauf, A., Niedermeier, M., Elliott, L. R., Ledochowski, L., Marksteiner, J. & Kopp, M. (2016). Acute effects of outdoor physical activity on affect and psychological well-being in depressed patients – A preliminary study. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 10, 4-9.

Friluftsliv -utendørsaktiviteter - skolen - glede - psykisk helse velvære

Eksempel på søk i ERIC - databasen for pedagogikk og undervisning

( "physical education" OR "physical activity" OR movement OR play ) AND ( green OR nature OR natural OR outdoor OR environment ) AND ( joy OR pleasure* OR well-being OR wellbeing OR "mental health" OR happiness OR happy ) 

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Se også emnet Fysisk aktivitet og helse

Bøker - rapporter - Friluftsliv - helse - livsmestring - psykisk helse