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Universitetsbiblioteket i Agder (2024). Bibliotekets fagside. Ressurser for ditt emne. Databaser og søkhjelp. Tips litteratur

Studier med støtte - litteraturtips


  • ImpuISE - Supported Education for people with psychiatric disabilities. The purpose of the Erasmus ImpuSE project is to develop and implement Supported Education services (Toolkit) in European countries and to establish a European Network Supported Education (ENSEd).


Tilbudet startet opp i Bergen - og videreføres i Nasjonal strategiplan - se nedenfor

Se rapport 

Haugland, S., Ravneberg, B., Ludvigsen, K. & Lie, S. A. (2012). Studier med støtte. En evaluering på oppdrag av Arbeids- og velferdsdirektoratet (Rapport Uni Rokkansenteret ; 10:2012). Hentet fra

"...Regjeringen foreslår derfor utvidelse av forsøk med ”Studier med støtte”..." hentet fra: 

Arbeids- og inkluderingsdepartementet & Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet. (2009). Nasjonal strategiplan for arbeid og psykisk helse 2007 – 2012. Hentet fra 



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"Metoden som används inom SMS [Studier med støtte] har hämtats från Supported Education (SeD)"  (Aalto & Olaussen, 2014)

Eksempel på søk og lenker til treff

  • MEDLINE & ERIC (EBSCOhost): TI "supported education"  lenke til treff
  • Google scholar: "supported education" psychiatric|mental|mentally. Lenke til treff

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  • Knis-Matthews, L., Bokara, J., DeMeo, L., Lepore, N. & Mavus, L. (2007). The meaning of higher education for people diagnosed with a mental illness: Four students share their experiences. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 31(2), 107-114. - "The supported education program got me back into the classroom to see if I was ready to be a student again"
  • Ringeisen, H., Langer Ellison, M., Ryder-Burge, A., Biebel, K., Alikhan, S. & Jones, E. (2017). Supported education for individuals with psychiatric disabilities: State of the practice and policy implications. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 40(2), 197-206.
  • Sommer, M., Ness, O. & Borg, M. (2018). Helpful support to promote participation in school and work: Subjective experiences of people with mental health problems. A literature review. Social Work in Mental Health, 16(3), 346-366.
  • Hartrey, L., Denieffe, S. & Wells, J. S. G. (2017). A systematic review of barriers and supports to the participation of students with mental health difficulties in higher education. Mental Health and Prevention, 6, 26-43.
  • Shor, R. (2017). Difficulties Experienced by University Students with Severe Mental Illness Who Participate in Supported Education Programs. Community Mental Health Journal, 53(3), 281-287.
  • Corrigan, P. W., Sheehan, L., Walley, G., Qin, S., Nieweglowski, K. & Maurer, K. (2019). Strengths and challenges of peer coaches for supported education in colleges and universities. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, (Online first publication).