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Idrett og fysisk aktivitet. Kroppsøving

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Kroppsøving - fagdidaktikk - Bøker i biblioteket

 Søk i ORIA

Let på hylla: 

372.86 Kroppsøving grunnskolen, se også 796.071

371.1024 Klasseromsledelse

371.3 Metoder for undervisning og læring

371.384 uteskole, friluft, metoder i undervisningen

371.27 Elevvurdering

152.3 Motorikk/bevegelse (fysiologisk psykologi). Se og 155.4123 og 612.76

155.4123 Barn - motorisk utvikling. Se også 152.3 og 612.76 og 370.155 (Motorikk /bevegelse - pedagogikk)

155.418 - Barn - lek/Barnepsykologi

306.483 Idrettsosiologi

796.071 Idrettspedagogikk Se også fagdidaktikk grunnskolen 372.86

796.077 Coaching 

796-799 Enkelte aktiviteter

796.1 Diverse spill og leker
796.2 Aktiviteter, spill og leker som krever utstyr
796.3 Ballspill og kulespill
796.4 Vektløfting, friidrett, gymnastikk
796.5 Friluftsliv - se også utendørskole - 371.384
796.6 Sykling og lignende aktiviteter
796.7 Kjøring med motorkjøretøyer
796.8 Kampidretter
796.9 Is- og snøsport

Databaser og nettsteder for søk artikler


søk med ord som du mener beskriver det du er på jakt etter. Søk også med synonyme/relaterte ord. Søk ev både engelsk og norsk. Se søkehjelp ORIA og databaser EBSCOhost. Nedenfor noen eksempler, generelle på kroppsøving

Norske artikler

Internasjonale artikler

Eksempler på søk  i databaser, se nedenfor, Kroppsøving/Norge

  • Kroppsøving, norge: TI ("physical education" OR "PE" OR "PEH") AND TX (norway OR norwegian)  limit Peer Review, year:2009- (fra søk i basene SPORTDiscus & ERIC via EBSCOhostlink til treff  (Se eksempel på søk i basene nedenfor film)
  • Tilsvarende søk som ovenfor link i Web of Science, Core Collection: link til søk
  • Artikler i tidsskriftet Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education

Eksempel på søk i baser via EBSCOhost

(via EBSCOhost finner du basene ERIC og SPORTDiscus)

Du kan også finne artikler via å bla i enkelte tidsskrifter

European Physical Education Review
Eksempler artikler 

Diloy-Peña, S., Abós, Á., Sevil-Serrano, J., García-Cazorla, J. & García-González, L. (2024). Students’ perceptions of physical education teachers’ (de)motivating styles via the circumplex approach: Differences by gender, grade level, experiences, intention to be active, and learning. European Physical Education Review, 1356336X241229353. 

Treschman, P., Stylianou, M. & Brooks, C. (2024). A scoping review of feedback in physical education: Conceptualisations and the role of teachers and students. European Physical Education Review, 1356336X241230829. 

Eksempel på søkeord, engelsk:

Bevegelsesglede: Joy* OR OR delight* OR enjoy* OR happy OR happiness OR meaningful* OR pleasure* OR flow OR fun OR funny  OR affection*

Videre mulige

... satisfact* OR wellbeing OR well-being OR attitude* OR perception*

Kroppsøving; "physical education"

Lærer: teach*

skole: school*

Noen titler, norsk og engelsk

Ingulfsvann, L. S. (2021). Bevegelsesglede i kroppsøving- hva, hvorfor og hvordan. I K. Skjesol & I. Lyngstad (Red.), Kroppsøving, læreren og eleven : pedagogiske emner og forskningsinnsikter (s. 39-55). Fagbokforlaget. Søk boka i ORIA

Eksempel på treff, søk på ord i tittel: TI ( Joy* OR OR delight* OR enjoy* OR happy OR happiness OR meaningful* OR pleasure* OR flow OR fun OR funny  OR affection*) AND TI "physical education" limit Peer review/English, ERIC & SPORTDiscus via EBSCOhost. Link til treff

Søk norske artikler:

søk i Norske tidsskriftartikler NORART, ikke oppdater etter 2020: 

Søk i ORIA (mitt bibliotek, dekker bøker og artikler) søk norske artikler og bøker:  Limit ev til søk på artikler

Gå til spesifikke tidsskrift, bla i innhold: eksempel det nordiske, Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education 

Aasland, E., & Engelsrud, G. (2017). «Det er lett å se hvem av dere som har god innsats». Om elevers innsats og lærerens blikk i kroppsøving. Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education1(3).

Søk forskningsartikler, publisert på engelsk, via flere databaser:


Søk i SPORTDiscus og ERIC via EBSCOhost:

Noen søkeord, OR mellom ord for samme konspet, ordene kan trunkeres med en * for treff på ulike endelser. Ordene kan også avgrenses i søket til søk på ord fra spesifikke felt, som ord fra tittelen. Sett forkortelser i anførselstegn, det samme gjelder ord som skal søkes ved siden av hverandre

  • Elevvurdering, karakter: evaluat* OR grading OR assess*
  • Kroppsøving: "physical education"
  • Lærer: teacher* OR instructor* OR pedagog* OR Educator*
  • student, elev: student* OR pupil*
  • Skandinavisk kontekst, søkt med feltkode TX (alle felt som er søkbare):  TX (norway OR norwegian OR sweden OR swedish OR denmark OR danish OR scandinav* OR nordic*) 

Eksempel på søk, avgrenset søk med ord fra tittelen til artikkelen, se feltkoden TI foran søkeordene: 

TI ("physical education*" OR "PE" OR "PEH")  AND TI (grading OR assess* OR evaluat*) 
Limit 2010-current, Peer Review

Link treff:


Søk i WoS basene, Core Collection:

avgrenset søk på ord fra tittelen


suppler eventuelt med søk i Google Scholar,

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intitle: ord fra tittel

intitle:"physical education"|PE|PEH intitle:grading|assessing|assessment|evaluat|evaluation



Nytt søk, her lagt til kontekst: Skandinavia

intitle:"physical education"|PE|PEH intitle:grading|assessing|assessment|evaluat|evaluation sweden|norway|norwegian|swedish|denmark|danish|scandinavian|nordic


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Eksempler artikler:

Fra søk kontekst Skandinavia

Utvalg artikler fra søk ovenfor
Linda Røset, Ken Green, Thorsteinn Sigurjonsson, Hege Eikeland Tjomsland, Lorraine Cale, & Miranda Thurston. (2024). “Now We Have Gym, Now We ‘Have’ to Perform”: Norwegian Students’ Perceptions of Assessment and Grading in Physical Education. European Educational Research Journal, 23(6), 879–901.

Modell, N., & Gerdin, G. (2022). “But in PEH It Still Feels Extra Unfair”: Students’ Experiences of Equitable Assessment and Grading Practices in Physical Education and Health (PEH). Sport, Education and Society, 27(9), 1047–1060.

Aarskog, Eirik. 2021. “‘No Assessment, No Learning’: Exploring Student Participation in Assessment in Norwegian Physical Education (PE).” Sport, Education and Society 26 (8): 875–88. doi:10.1080/13573322.2020.1791064.

Lyngstad, I., Bjerke, Ø., Bang, K. M., & Lagestad, P. (2022). Norwegian Upper Secondary Students’ Experiences of Their Teachers’ Assessment of and for Learning in Physical Education: Examining How Assessment Is Interpreted by Students of Different Physical Abilities. Sport, Education and Society, 27(3), 320–331.

Svennberg, L., Meckbach, J., & Redelius, K. (2018). Swedish PE Teachers Struggle with Assessment in a Criterion-Referenced Grading System. Sport, Education and Society, 23(4), 381–393.

Backman, E., Nyberg, G., & Larsson, H. (2020). Moving beyond Rigid Orthodoxies in the Teaching and Assessment of Movement in Swedish Physical Education Teacher Education: A Student Perspective. European Physical Education Review, 26(1), 111–127.

Backman, E., & Pearson, P. (2016). “We Should Assess the Students in More Authentic Situations”: Swedish PE Teacher Educators’ Views of the Meaning of Movement Skills for Future PE Teachers. European Physical Education Review, 22(1), 47–64.

Leirhaug, P. E., MacPhail, A., & Annerstedt, C. (2016). “The Grade Alone Provides No Learning”: Investigating Assessment Literacy among Norwegian Physical Education Teachers. Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education, 7(1), 21–36.

Leirhaug, P. E., & MacPhail, A. (2015). “It’s the Other Assessment That Is the Key”: Three Norwegian Physical Education Teachers’ Engagement (or Not) with Assessment for Learning. Sport, Education and Society, 20(5), 624–640.

Svennberg, L. (2017). Swedish PE Teachers’ Understandings of Legitimate Movement in a Criterion-Referenced Grading System. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 22(3), 257–269.

Leirhaug, P. E., & Annerstedt, C. (2016). Assessing with New Eyes? Assessment for Learning in Norwegian Physical Education. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 21(6), 616–631.

Tolgfors, B. (2018). Different Versions of Assessment “for” Learning in the Subject of Physical Education. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 23(3), 311–327.

Leirhaug, P. E. (2016). Exploring the Relationship between Student Grades and Assessment for Learning in Norwegian Physical Education. European Physical Education Review, 22(3), 298–314.

Annerstedt, C., & Larsson, S. (2010). “I Have My Own Picture of What the Demands Are...”: Grading in Swedish PEH--Problems of Validity, Comparability and Fairness. European Physical Education Review, 16(2), 97–115.

Svennberg, L., Meckbach, J., & Redelius, K. (2014). Exploring PE Teachers’ “Gut Feelings”: An Attempt to Verbalise and Discuss Teachers’ Internalised Grading Criteria. European Physical Education Review, 20(2), 199–214.

Tolgfors, B. (2019). Transformative Assessment in Physical Education. European Physical Education Review, 25(4), 1211–1225.

Tolgfors, B., & Öhman, M. (2016). The Implications of Assessment for Learning in Physical Education and Health. European Physical Education Review, 22(2), 150–166.

Redelius, K., & Hay, P. (2012). Student views on criterion-referenced assessment and grading in Swedish physical education. Physical Education & Sport Pedagogy, 17(2), 211–225.



Annerstedt, C. & Larsson, S. (2010). 'I have my own picture of what the demands are ... ': Grading in Swedish PEH - problems of validity, comparability and fairness. European Physical Education Review, 16(2), 97-115.
Backman, E., Nyberg, G. & Larsson, H. (2020). Moving beyond rigid orthodoxies in the teaching and assessment of movement in Swedish physical education teacher education: A student perspective. European Physical Education Review, 26(1), 111-127.

Backman, E. & Pearson, P. (2016). "We should assess the students in more authentic situations': Swedish PE teacher educators' views of the meaning of movement skills for future PE teachers. European Physical Education Review, 22(1), 47-64.

 Backman, E., Quennerstedt, M., Tolgfors, B. & Nyberg, G. (2024). Peer assessment in physical education teacher education - a complex process making social and physical capital visible. Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, 15(3), 274-288.

Barkoukis, V., Taylor, I., Chanal, J. & Ntoumanis, N. (2014). The relation between student motivation and student grades in physical education: A 3-year investigation. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 24(5), E406-E414.
Bezeau, D., Chevrier, J. R. & Savard, M. (2023). Opinions on grading and difficulties encountered by physical education and health teachers in relation to assessment. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy. 

Bezeau, D., Turcotte, S., Desbiens, J. F., Spallanzani, C., Roy, M., Vandercleyen, F. & Beaudoin, S. (2023). Physical education teachers' assessment practices in health education. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy. 

Davies, K. F., Foweather, L., Watson, P. M., Bardid, F., Roberts, S. J., Davids, K., . . . Rudd, J. R. (2023). Assessing the motivational climates in early physical education curricula underpinned by motor learning theory: SAMPLE-PE. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 28(6), 630-657.
Eriksson, C., Quennerstedt, M. & Öhman, M. (2007). Physical education in Sweden -: a national evaluation. European Journal of Public Health, 17, 204-204. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000251544100538
Jansson, A., Mattsson, T. & Gerdin, G. (2024). Does it run in the family? How family background influences grades in physical education and health in Sweden. Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education.
Leirhaug, P. E. (2016). Exploring the relationship between student grades and assessment for learning in Norwegian physical education. European Physical Education Review, 22(3), 298-314.
Leirhaug, P. E. & MacPhail, A. (2015). 'It's the other assessment that is the key': three Norwegian physical education teachers' engagement (or not) with assessment for learning. Sport Education and Society, 20(5), 624-640.
Lyngstad, I., Bjerke, O., Bang, K. M. & Lagestad, P. (2022). Norwegian upper secondary students' experiences of their teachers' assessment of and for learning in physical education: examining how assessment is interpreted by students of different physical abilities. Sport Education and Society, 27(3), 320-331.
Modell, N. & Gerdin, G. (2022). 'But in PEH it still feels extra unfair': students' experiences of equitable assessment and grading practices in physical education and health (PEH). Sport Education and Society, 27(9), 1047-1060.
Modell, N. & Gerdin, G. (2022). 'Why don't you really learn anything in PEH?' - Students' experiences of valid knowledge and the basis for assessment in physical education and health (PEH). European Physical Education Review, 28(3), 797-815, Artikkel 1356336x221084514. 

Redelius, K. & Hay, P. (2009). Defining, acquiring and transacting cultural capital through assessment in physical education. European Physical Education Review, 15(3), 275-294.

Redelius, K. & Hay, P. J. (2012). Student views on criterion-referenced assessment and grading in Swedish physical education. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 17(2), 211-225.
Roset, L., Green, K., Sigurjonsson, T., Tjomsland, H. E., Cale, L. & Thurston, M. (2024). 'Now we have gym, now we <i>have</i> to perform': Norwegian students' perceptions of assessment and grading in physical education. European Educational Research Journal, 23(6), 879-901.
Svennberg, L. (2017). Swedish PE teachers' understandings of legitimate movement in a criterion-referenced grading system. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 22(3), 257-269.
Svennberg, L., Meckbach, J. & Redelius, K. (2014). Exploring PE teachers' 'gut feelings': An attempt to verbalise and discuss teachers' internalised grading criteria. European Physical Education Review, 20(2), 199-214.
Svennberg, L., Meckbach, J. & Redelius, K. (2018). Swedish PE teachers struggle with assessment in a criterion-referenced grading system. Sport Education and Society, 23(4), 381-393.
Tolgfors, B. (2018). Different versions of assessment <i>for</i> learning in the subject of physical education. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 23(3), 311-327. 

Tolgfors, B. (2019). Transformative assessment in physical education. European Physical Education Review, 25(4), 1211-1225.
Tolgfors, B., Quennerstedt, M., Backman, E. & Nyberg, G. (2022). Enacting assessment for learning in the induction phase of physical education teaching. European Physical Education Review, 28(2), 534-551. 

Tolgfors, B. & Öhman, M. (2016). The implications of assessment for learning in physical education and health. European Physical Education Review, 22(2), 150-166.
Tremoen, T., Sorensen, A. & Lagestad, P. (2024). The past and current role of pupil's effort and physical tests in Norwegian physical education teacher's assessment. Frontiers in Education, 9, Artikkel 1437937.
Tremoen, T. S. & Lagestad, P. (2024). Norwegian physical education teachers' assessment after the introduction of a new curriculum-LK20. Sport Education and Society. 

Aarskog, E. (2021). 'No assessment, no learning' exploring student participation in assessment in Norwegian physical education (PE). Sport Education and Society, 26(8), 875-888. 

Kroppsøving - fagdidaktikk - Aktuelle bøker i biblioteket