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Eksempel på treff fra søk- barn og inntak fisk

  • Helland, S. H., Bere, E., Bjørnarå, H. B. & Øverby, N. C. (2017). Food neophobia and its association with intake of fish and other selected foods in a Norwegian sample of toddlers: A cross-sectional study. Appetite, 114, 110-117.
  • Birch, D., Dean, D., Fazal-e-Hasan, S. M. & Lawley, M. (2018). Train the child and teach the adult: Developing intervention strategies for increasing seafood consumption. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 17(4), 426-438.
  • Mitterer Daltoé, M. L., Breda, L. S., Belusso, A. C., Nogueira, B. A., Rodrigues, D. P., Fiszman, S. & Varela, P. (2017). Projective mapping with food stickers: A good tool for better understanding perception of fish in children of different ages. Food Quality and Preference, 57, 87-96.
  • Altintzoglou, T., Skuland, A. V., Carlehög, M., Sone, I., Heide, M. & Honkanen, P. (2015). Providing a food choice option increases children’s liking of fish as part of a meal. Food Quality and Preference, 39, 117-123.

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  • Caine-Bish, N. L. & Scheule, B. (2009). Gender differences in food preferences of school-aged children and adolescents. The Journal Of School Health, 79(11), 532-540.
  • Carstairs, S. A., Marais, D., Craig, L. C. A. & Kiezebrink, K. (2017). How important are the influencing factors to the decision on whether to provide seafood in infant and young child feeding? Appetite, 117, 224-233.
  • Garemo, M., Arvidsson Lenner, R., Nilsson, E. K., Borres, M. P. & Strandvik, B. (2007). Food choice, socio-economic characteristics and health in 4-year olds in a well-educated urban Swedish community. Clinical Nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland), 26(1), 133-140.
  • Longbottom, P. J., Wrieden, W. L. & Pine, C. M. (2002). Is there a relationship between the food intakes of Scottish 5(1/2)-8(1/2)-year-olds and those of their mothers? Journal Of Human Nutrition And Dietetics: The Official Journal Of The British Dietetic Association, 15(4), 271-279.
  • McManus, A., Burns, S. K., Howat, P. A., Cooper, L. & Fielder, L. (2007). Factors influencing the consumption of seafood among young children in Perth: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health, 7, 119-119.
  • Nicklaus, S. & Schwartz, C. (2019). Early influencing factors on the development of sensory and food preferences. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, 22(3), 230-235.
  • Nicklaus, S., Schwartz, C., Monnery-Patris, S. & Issanchou, S. (2019). Early Development of Taste and Flavor Preferences and Consequences on Eating Behavior. Nestle Nutrition Institute Workshop Series, 91, 1-10.
  • Yuan, W. L., Rigal, N., Monnery-Patris, S., Chabanet, C., Forhan, A., Charles, M.-A. & de Lauzon-Guillain, B. (2016). Early determinants of food liking among 5y-old children: a longitudinal study from the EDEN mother-child cohort. The International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 13, 20-20.

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