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178-179 Etikk (1. etg)
570 Kjemi (Se også 612.015 Biokjemi (mennesker)
611 Anatomi
612 Fysiologi
612.3 Fordøyelsessystemet
612.39 Stoffskifte. Metabolisme
613 Helsefremmende arbeid
613.2 Ernæring og helsefremming SE også 612.3, 612.39
613.2083 Ernæring-Barn
641 Mat og drikke
641.2 Drikke
641.3 Mat
641.5 Matlaging - kokebøker
394.1 - Matkultur-skikker
370-379: Pedagogikk, didaktikk, utdanning
371.334 Digitale verktøy. IKT i undervisningen
327.21 Barnehage
372.37 Fagdidaktikk mat og helse og 372.373, se også 613.2 (helsefremmende arbeid, ernæring). Se også 641.071(2)
Grunnskolens lærebøker i faget Mat og helse, se i 2etg. i biblioteket samlingen LG20
300.72 Forskningsmetoder -samfunnsvitenskap (1. etg)
610.72 Forskningsmetoder, medisin/helsefag
808.066 Oppgaveskriving/akadmisk skriving
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Food Culture in Scandinavia by Henry Notaker
The food cultures of Scandinavian countries are similar in important ways but also have many different traditions because of variations in geography and climate and unique social, cultural and political history. Food Culture in Scandinavia covers Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Iceland's unique and common foodways, all in the context of significant recent changes. This is the most exhaustive overview available in English with all the latest insight. Students writing country reports and food mavens get the up-to-date scoop from an insider on how Scandinavians eat and live. Readers see how everyday food habits are quickly changing in Scandinavia, mostly in urban areas and among the younger generation. The trends are shown to stem from Scandinavians travelling more, Americanization and globalization, new immigrants bringing their cuisines, classic national and regional products being revitalized, high-end restaurants for the new business elite springing up, and a growing interest in healthful and organic food. The Historical Overview chapter lays the groundwork to understand the evolution from the traditional Scandinavian fare--fish, porridge, bread, milk. A chapter on major foods and ingredients elaborates on these staples and more and updates their use. In the Cooking chapter, the new gender dynamics are discussed in terms of who is shopping and cooking and especially the impact of the supermarket. Typical Meals discusses the mainstays for daily fare and notes the biggest changes in the choices of pizza and fast food for youth. Eating out in Scandinavia is becoming more common, and Chapter 5 highlights the growing options for casual family meals out, business and school lunches, as well as take-out food and more. The Special Occasions chapter illuminates the major events in the calendar, especially the magical Christmas time plus the famous seasonal fests such as Midsummer in Sweden and life-cycle events such as weddings, where innovation is expected. A final chapter on diet and health emphasizes the familiar health concerns related to diets too high in fat and sugar and too low in vegetables and fruit. A timeline, selected bibliography, illustrations, and classic recipes complement the narrative.
Call Number: 394.109481 Not
ISBN: 9780313349225
Publication Date: 2008-12-30
om boka - forlagets beskrivelse "Bogen beskriver en række madsociologiske teorier og problemstillinger og viser, hvordan disse kan bruges i praksis i analyser af mad og forbrug.
Det er bogens formål at gøre denne viden håndterbar og anvendelig for kommende mad- og sundhedsprofessionelle.
Bogen bygger på nyere forskning inden for madområdet og har således et videnskabeligt grundlag med udgangspunkt i forskning både nationalt og internationalt.
Hvem kan have glæde af bogen?
Bogen henvender sig til professionsbachelorer, der studerer fag inden for ernæring og sundhed, men fagprofessionelle med interesse for området vil også have stor glæde af bogen."
Call Number: 394.12 Mad
Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease by Shils; Katherine L. Tucker; Benjamin Caballero; Robert J. Cousins; A. Catharine Ross; Thomas R. Ziegler
This widely acclaimed book is a complete, authoritative reference on nutrition and its role in contemporary medicine, dietetics, nursing, public health, and public policy. Distinguished international experts provide in-depth information on historical landmarks in nutrition, specific dietary components, nutrition in integrated biologic systems, nutritional assessment through the life cycle, nutrition in various clinical disorders, and public health and policy issues. Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, 11th Edition, offers coverage of nutrition's role in disease prevention, international nutrition issues, public health concerns, the role of obesity in a variety of chronic illnesses, genetics as it applies to nutrition, and areas of major scientific progress relating nutrition to disease.
Call Number: 613.2 og elektronisk tilgjengelig
ISBN: 9781605474618
Publication Date: 2012-12-26
Sustainable Consumption and the Good Life by Karen Lykke Syse (Editor); Martin Lee Mueller (Editor)
What does it mean to live a good life in a time when the planet is overheating, the human population continues to steadily reach new peaks, oceans are turning more acidic, and fertile soils the world over are eroding at unprecedented rates? These and other simultaneous harms and threats demand creative responses at several levels of consideration and action. Written by an international team of contributors, this book examines in-depth the relationship between sustainability and the good life. Drawing on wealth of theories, from social practice theory to architecture and design theory, and disciplines, such as anthropology and environmental philosophy, this volume promotes participatory action-research based approaches to encourage sustainability and wellbeing at local levels. It covers topical issues such the politics of prosperity, globalization, and indigenous notions of "the good life" and happiness". Finally it places a strong emphasis on food at the heart of the sustainability and good life debate, for instance binding the global south to the north through import and exports, or linking everyday lives to ideals within the dream of the good life, with cookbooks and shows. This interdisciplinary book provides invaluable insights for researchers and postgraduate students interested in the contribution of the environmental humanities to the sustainability debate.
Call Number: 306.3 Sus
ISBN: 9781138013001
Publication Date: 2014-12-03