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Mat og helse i grunnskolen

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613.2 Ernæring - helsefremmende arbeid

370-379: Pedagogikk undervisning, didaktikk

371.334 Digitale verktøy, IKT i undervisningen. Digitale ferdigheter - learning technology

372.37 Fagdidaktikk mat og helse, 372.373

371.716 Matservering skolen. Skolemåltid

641.5. Kokebøker, matlaging

394.1 Matkultur

Databaser og nettsteder, se førstesiden


Søkeord ....

"home economic*"

"home and consumer studies"

"food and health" OR "nutrition and health"


"meal preparation*"

teaching, education, educational, learning ...


school, primary, elementary, secondary ... "grade 1"  - "grade 2" - grade 3" .... "grade 12"

student*, pupil*

"food literacy", "nutrition* literacy", "health literacy" ...

"food* instruction*", "nutrition instruction", "health education",  curriculum*, lesson*  ...

food, nutrition, diet, vegan, vegetarian ...

"food skill*" OR "nutrition* skill*"

sustainability, "carbon footprint", "environmental impact*", "climate change*"

hem- och konsumentkunskap


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("mat og helse" OR skolekjøkken* OR heimkunnskap* OR matlaging*) AND (grunnskole* OR barneskole* OR skole* OR lære* OR læring OR ungdomsskole* OR skole* OR læreplan* OR rammeplan* OR undervisning*) link til treff

"mat og helse*" link

Helland, M., Aadland, E. K. ., Ask, A. S., & Sandvik, C. . (2021). Rammefaktorenes betydning for mat- og helseundervisningen på 1.- 4.trinn. Acta Didactica Norden, 15(1)

Beinert, C., Palojoki , P. ., Åbacka, G. K. ., Øverby , N. C. ., & Vik, F. N. . (2021). “Is there any sugar in bread?” A qualitative video analysis of student activating learning tasks in Home Economics. Acta Didactica Norden15(1).

Veka, I., Wergedahl, H., & Holteh, A. (2018). Oppskriften- den skjulte læreplanen i mat og helse. Acta Didactica Norge, 12(3).

Bottolfs, M. (2020). Mat og helsefaget i dagens skole. Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, 104(2), 181-193.


Google scholar søk; 

sustainability "home economics"- tilsvarende i ERIC & Academic Search Complete (EBSCOhost), link

Øvrebø, E. M. (2015). How Home Economics teachers in Norwegian lover secondary schools implement sustainability in their teaching. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 10(2), 72-83. 

Google scholar: 

"food and health" teaching norway

Ask, A. M. S., Aarek, I., Helland, M. H., Sandvik, C. & Aadland, E. K. (2020). The Challenge of Teaching Food and Health in the First Four Years of Primary School in Norway. Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education, 24(1), 60-70. Link


Bla i tidsskrifter

Journal of home economics

Journal of nutrition education and behavior

Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift

Norsk tidsskrift for ernæring

International Journal of Home Economics

Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education

Ask, A. M. S., Aarek, I., Helland, M. H., Sandvik, C. & Aadland, E. K. (2020). The challenge of teaching food and health in the first four years of primary school in Norway. Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education, 24(1), 60-70. 

Beinert, C., Overby, N. C., Abacka, G. K., Engeset, D., Hillesund, E. R., Ask, A. M. S. & Vik, F. N. (2020). The state of learning activities in teaching Home Economics: A cross sectional study in Norwegian schools. International journal of Home Economics, 13(1), 2-14.

Aadland, E. K., Helland, M. H., Ask, A. S. & Sandvik, C. (2023). Tilfeldigheter styrer undervisningspraksis i mat og helse på 1.-4. trinn. Acta Didactica Norden, 17(1). 

Aadland, E. K. & Wergedahl, H. (2022). Lesson signature in food and health education. Education Inquiry, 1-16. 

Beinert, C., Palojoki, P., Åbacka, G., Hardy-Johnson, P., Engeset, D., Rudjord Hillesund, E., Selvik Ask, A. M., Øverby, N. C. & Nordgård Vik, F. (2021). The mismatch between teaching practices and curriculum goals in Norwegian Home Economics classes: a missed opportunity. Education Inquiry, 12(2), 183-201. 

Bjørkkjær, T., Palojoki, P. & Beinert, C. (2024). Harnessing the untapped potential of food education in schools: Nurturing the school subject Food and Health. Maternal & child nutrition, 20(S2), e13521. 

Helland, M., Sandvik, C., Ask, A. S. & Aadland, E. K. (2023). Young students' perception of the health perspective in the Norwegian school subject Food and Health. Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education, 27(2), 41-57. 

Læreplaner og lærebøker (grunnskolens)

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