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Sykepleie: Bibliotekets fagside

Universitetsbiblioteket i Agder. (2024) Sykepleie. Bibliotekets fagside

Barnesykepleie - finn litteratur

Pasient- og brukerrettighetsloven (1999, oppdatert siste 2019). Kapittel 6. Barns særlige rettigheter. Lovdata 

Forskrift om barns opphold i helseinstitusjon (2000, oppdatert 2016). Lovdata

NSFs etiske retningslinjer.

UpToDate (OBS krever VPN også på Kampus) - Emne Pediatri

Norsk elektronisk legehåndbok - pediatri

BMJ Best practice - pediatri

Retningslinjer: Barn og unge. Lenker fra

Prosedyer: VAR Healthcare - søk på barn

Systematiske oversikter oppsummerer forskning. Aktuelle databaser/nettsteder for søk:

Cochrane library

Joanna Briggs Institute

Nasjonale sentre som Folkehelseinstituttet

Oversikter kan også finnes via søk i CINAHL og MEDLINE - avgrens søket til oversikter feks AND TI review* OR TI meta* - eller via limit - valg fra Clinical queries


Jepsen, S. L., Haahr, A., Eg, M., & Jørgensen, L. B. (2019). Coping with the unfamiliar: How do children cope with hospitalization in relation to acute and/or critical illness? A qualitative metasynthesis. Journal of Child Health Care, 23(4), 534–550.

Uman, L. S., Birnie, K. A., Noel, M., Parker, J. A., Chambers, C. T., McGrath, P. J. & Kisely, S. R. (2013). Psychological interventions for needle-related procedural pain and distress in children and adolescents. Cochrane Database of Systematic reviews.

Bice, A. A. & Wyatt, T. H. (2017). Holistic Comfort Interventions for Pediatric Nursing Procedures: A Systematic Review. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 35(3), 280-295.

Kusi Amponsah, A., Björn, A., Bam, V. & Axelin, A. (2019). The Effect of Educational Strategies Targeted for Nurses on Pain Assessment and Management in Children: An Integrative Review. Pain Management Nursing, 20(6), 604-613.

Sng, Q. W., He, H., Wang, W., Taylor, B., Chow, A., Klainin, Y. P., & Zhu, L. (2017). A Meta-Synthesis of Children’s Experiences of Postoperative Pain Management. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 14(1), 46–54.

Woragidpoonpol, P., Yenbut, J., Picheansathian, W. & Klunklin, P. (2013). Effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions in relieving children's postoperative pain: a systematic review. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 11(10), 117-156.

Søk i ORIA for å finne bøker

Tips - ta en hyllevandring i bibliotek - se aktuelle hylleplasseringer:

Start søk i Svemed+ (OBS databasen er ikke oppdatert etter 2019)

Svemed+ bruker de medisinske emneordene fra MeSH - noen aktuelle søkeord kan være

Barn på sykehus: "Child, Hospitalized"

Nyfødte: "Infant, Newborn"

Prematurt spedbarn: "Infant, Premature" se også Premature fødsel: "Premature Birth"

Du kan finne flere via søk i eller søke med norske ord i Svemed+

Eksempler på søk i SveMed+

Søk på Premature spedbarn: exp:"infant premature" Limits: granskning:"peer reviewed"

Barn på sykehus -  Limit- fagfellevurderte tidsskrift:  Child, Hospitalized Limits: granskning:"peer reviewed"​ Lenke til søk

Barnesykepleie  - eller barn på sykehus: Lenke til søk exp:"Child, Hospitalized" OR exp:"Pediatric Nursing" OR exp:"Pediatric Nurse Practitioners" Limits: granskning:"peer reviewed"

Eksempel på søk i ORIA - artikkelsøk

ORIA, Avansert søk.
Tittel: (sykeple* OR sjukeple* OR sygeple*) AND (barn* OR pediatr*)
Materialtype: Artikler
Siste 20 år
Limit Fagfellevurderte
Link til treff

Start søk i CINAHL (via EBSCOhost) 

Via EBSCOhost finner du også databasen MEDLINE

Forslag til søkeord nedenfor 

Merk: feltkode MH foran søkeord = søk på CINAHL emneord. MM foran søkeord = søk på CINAHL emneord, der dette emnet er hovedfokus i artikkelen. Settes ikke feltkode foran søkeordene søkes det både fra ord i tittel, sammendrag, eller ord fra emneord) 

Søkeord ?





"Child, Hospitalized"


"Intensive Care Units"

adapt* OR cope OR coping






"Mother-Infant Relations" 
Father-Infant Relations
bonding OR bond OR bonds OR attachement*


"Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing"
Neonatal Nursing
Neonatal, Infant
Newborn* OR neonat*

"Premature, Infant"

"infant, premature"


"Pediatric nursing"
"Pediatric Oncology Nursing"

"Nurse Attitude*"
"Nurse-Patient Relation*"
"Nursing Interventions" 
"Parent-Child Relations"
"Parent-Infant Bonding"
"Parent-Infant Relations"
"Patient Attitudes"

"Professional-Family Relations"

(The relationship and interactions between a health care professional and the family of a patient)

"Family Centered Care"

Collaborative relationship between families and professionals in the continued pursuit of being responsive to the priorities and choices of the families.



sjekk norsk oversettelse av MeSH: Medical Subject headings, emneord som brukes i MEDLINE. CINAHL emneordene bygger på disse. Gå til

Søk med norske ord i basen SveMed+

Barn på sykehus - prosedyrer - smerter - opplevelser - mestring ... Søk artikler, eksempler

Fra søk i CINAHL (EBSCOhost)

Søkeord ...

child OR children OR pediatric


"Child, Hospitalized"

child* AND (hospital* OR inpatient*)

Venipuncture* OR Injection* OR Needles OR needle

procedure* OR procedural*


fear OR anxiety OR worry OR worrying OR scared OR scaring ...

play* OR drawing* OR painting* OR relaxation* OR distraction* OR Psychological*

Nonpharmac* OR Non-pharmal*  OR "Non pharmac*" OR "non medical*"

"Patient Attitudes" OR experience* OR perception* OR "Patient Satisfaction" - attitude* OR perception* OR experience*

cope OR coping OR adapt* OR salutogen* OR empower*



Eksempel på søk på CINAHL emneord, avgrenset til psykososiale faktorer: 

MH "Child, Hospitalized/PF")  - limit: Peer Reviewed; Language: Danish, English, Norwegian, Swedish Lenke til søk

Eksempel på søk i CINAHL - ord fra tittel

TI ((child OR children) AND (Procedur* OR needle OR needles OR venipuncture*))

Eksempler på artikler funnet. Legg merke til ord i tittel, sammendrag ... 

Pelander, T., & Leino-Kilpi, H. (2010). Children’s best and worst experiences during hospitalisationScandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 24(4), 726-33.

Söderbäck, M. (2013). Young (3–5 year-old) children’s ways of engagement in care procedures involving venepuncture. Journal of Research in Nursing, 18(7), 636–648.

Karlsson, K., Dalheim Englund, A.-C., Enskär, K., Nyström, M., & Rydström, I. (2016). Experiencing Support During Needle-Related Medical Procedures: A Hermeneutic Study With Young Children (3–7 Years). Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 31(6), 667–677.

Karlsson, K., RydstrÖM, I., EnskÄR, K., & Dalheim Englund, A.-C. (2014). Nurses’ perspectives on supporting children during needle-related medical procedures. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health & Well-Being, 9, 1–11.

Jepsen, S. L., Haahr, A., Eg, M., & Jørgensen, L. B. (2019). Coping with the unfamiliar: How do children cope with hospitalization in relation to acute and/or critical illness? A qualitative metasynthesis. Journal of Child Health Care, 23(4), 534–550.

Sng, Q. W., He, H., Wang, W., Taylor, B., Chow, A., Klainin, Y. P., & Zhu, L. (2017). A Meta-Synthesis of Children’s Experiences of Postoperative Pain Management. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 14(1), 46–54.

Ford, K. (2011). ‘I didn’t really like it, but it sounded exciting’: Admission to hospital for surgery from the perspectives of children. Journal of Child Health Care, 15(4), 250–260.

Lisieux Lima Gomes, G., & Miriam Lima da Nóbrega, M. (2015). Anxiety in children following hospitalization: a proposal for a nursing diagnosis. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem (RLAE), 23(5), 963–970.

Sundal, H. (2019). Hospitalized Children -- Parents’ and Nurses’ Collaboration in Procedural Situations. Pediatric Nursing, 45(4), 174–179. Fulltekst via CINAHL

og flere ... søk med ordet procedure*

Ueki, S., Yamagami, Y., & Makimoto, K. (2019). Effectiveness of vibratory stimulation on needle-related procedural pain in children: a systematic review. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews & Implementation Reports, 17(7), 1428–1463.

Olmstead, D. L., Scott, S. D., Mayan, M., Koop, P. M., & Reid, K. (2014). Influences shaping nurses’ use of distraction for children’s procedural pain. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 19(2), 162–171.

Uman, L. S., Birnie, K. A., Noel, M., Parker, J. A., Chambers, C. T., McGrath, P. J. & Kisely, S. R. (2013). Psychological interventions for needle-related procedural pain and distress in children and adolescents. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (10), Cd005179.

Wieland, L. S. (2019). Psychological Interventions for Needle-Related Procedural Pain and Distress in Children and Adolescents: Summary of a Cochrane Review. Explore: The Journal of Science & Healing, 15(1), 74–75.

Karakaya, A., & Gözen, D. (2016). The Effect of Distraction on Pain Level Felt by School-age Children During Venipuncture Procedure—Randomized Controlled Trial. Pain Management Nursing, 17(1), 47–53.
Sundal, H. (2019). Hospitalized Children -- Parents’ and Nurses’ Collaboration in Procedural Situations. Pediatric Nursing, 45(4), 174–179. Fulltekst via CINAHL

Lloyd M, Law GU, Heard A, & Kroese B. (2008). When a child says “no”: experiences of nurses working with children having invasive procedures. Paediatric Nursing, 20(4), 29–34. Fulltekst via ProQuest

Ives M, & Melrose S. (2010). Immunizing children who fear and resist needles: is it a problem for nurses? Nursing Forum, 45(1), 29–39.

Bray, L., Appleton, V. & Sharpe, A. (2019). The information needs of children having clinical procedures in hospital: Will it hurt? Will I feel scared? What can I do to stay calm? Child: Care, Health and Development, 45(5), 737-743.

Dalley, J. S. & McMurtry, C. M. (2016). Teddy and I Get a Check-Up: A Pilot Educational Intervention Teaching Children Coping Strategies for Managing Procedure-Related Pain and Fear. Pain Research & Management, 1-12.

Kristensen, H. N., Sørensen, E. E., Stinson, J. & Thomsen, H. H. (2019). "WE do it together!" An Ethnographic Study of the Alliance Between Child and Hospital Clown During Venipunctures. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 46, e77-e85.

Kuo, H.-C., Pan, H.-H., Creedy, D. K. & Tsao, Y. (2018). Distraction-Based Interventions for Children Undergoing Venipuncture Procedures: A Randomized Controlled Study. Clinical Nursing Research, 27(4), 467-482.

Ortiz, G. S., O'Connor, T., Carey, J., Vella, A., Paul, A., Rode, D., … OʼConnor, T. (2019). Impact of a Child Life and Music Therapy Procedural Support Intervention on Parental Perception of Their Child's Distress During Intravenous Placement. Pediatric Emergency Care, 35(7), 498-505.

Shave, K., Ali, S., Scott, S. D. & Hartling, L. (2018). Procedural pain in children: a qualitative study of caregiver experiences and information needs. BMC Pediatrics, 18(1).

Taylor, C., Sellick, K. & Greenwood, K. (2011). The influence of adult behaviors on child coping during venipuncture: A sequential analysis. Research in Nursing and Health, 34(2), 116-131.

Eksempel på søkeord:

Prosedyrerelatert tvang, elementer i søket tvang AND prosedyrerer, spesfikke eller generelt: 

(holding OR restrain* OR Coercion* OR force*) AND (procedure* OR treatment* OR Venipuncture)

Eller søk med nærhet, færre treff (Se søketeknikker for bruk av nærhetsoperator, N#)

(holding OR restrain* OR Coercion* OR force*) N5 (procedure* OR treatment* OR Venipuncture)


child* OR pediatric*

flere; toddler OR kid OR kids OR boy* OR girl*



Noen eksempler på artikler, legg merke til ord du kan bruke i ditt søk


Rønningen, R. B. & Eilertsen, M.-E. (2023). Tvang på barneavdeling – en kartleggingsstudie. Sykepleien Forskning, (91598), e-91598. 

Sundal, H. (2021). Children’s Co-Determination During Challenging Procedures: Nurses and Parents Experiences of Caring Under Short-Term Hospital Stays in Norway. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 57, e34–e39.

Bray, L., Ford, K., Dickinson, A., Water, T., Snodin, J. & Carter, B. (2018). A qualitative study of health professionals’ views on the holding of children for clinical procedures: Constructing a balanced approach. Journal of Child Health Care, 23(1), 160-171.  

Kirwan, L. & Coyne, I. (2017). Use of restraint with hospitalized children: A survey of nurses' perceptions of practices. Journal of Child Health Care, 21(1), 46-54.  

Svendsen, E. J., Pedersen, R., Moen, A. & Bjørk, I. T. (2017). Exploring perspectives on restraint during medical procedures in paediatric care: a qualitative interview study with nurses and physicians. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health & Well-Being, 12(1),  

Tomás-Jiménez, M., Díaz, E. F., Sánchez, M. J. F., Pliego, A. N. & Mir-Abellán, R. (2021). Clinical Holding in Pediatric Venipuncture: Caring by Empowering the Caregiver. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(14).

Brenner M. (2007). Child restraint in the acute setting of pediatric nursing: an extraordinarily stressful event. Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing, 30(1–2), 29–37.

Karlsson, K., RydstrÖM, I., EnskÄR, K., & Dalheim Englund, A.-C. (2014). Nurses’ perspectives on supporting children during needle-related medical procedures. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health & Well-Being, 9, 1–11.

Lloyd M, Law GU, Heard A, & Kroese B. (2008). When a child says “no”: experiences of nurses working with children having invasive procedures. Paediatric Nursing, 20(4), 29–34.


Barn som pårørende

Oslo Universitetssykehus (2022). Barn som pårørende. (eHåndbok for Oslo universitetssykehus).

Søk etter forskningsartikler

CINAHL emneord: 


"Visitors to Patients"

"Professional-Family Relations"

(The relationship and interactions between a health care professional and the family of a patient)

"Family Centered Care"

Collaborative relationship between families and professionals in the continued pursuit of being responsive to the priorities and choices of the families.

CINAHL subject headings: "Children of Impaired Parents" - MeSH: "Child of Impaired Parents"

Tekstord - søkeord  - eksempler ...

W3 mellom søkeord = ordet må stå i nærhet av hverandre, 0-3 ord kan stå mellom søkeordene, ordene må stå i denne rekkefølgen. TI = ord fra artikkelens tittel

TI ((child* OR young  OR kid OR kids) W3 (parent* OR relatives)) AND TI (sick* OR ill*)

Koble ev med annet søkeord, for tilstand...

Eksempler på artikler - legg merke til ord...

Stavnes, K., Ruud, T., Benth, J. Š., Hanssen-Bauer, K., Weimand, B. M., Solantaus, T., Hilsen, M., Skogøy, B. E., Kallander, E. K., Kufås, E., Peck, G. C., Birkeland, B., & Hagen, K. A. (2022). Norwegian health personnel’s compliance with new legislation on children of ill parents: an exploratory cross-sectional multicentre study. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), 1–18.

Knutsson, S., Enskär, K., Andersson-Gäre, B. & Golsäter, M. (2016). Children as relatives to a sick parent: Healthcare professionals’ approaches. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 37(2), 61-69.

Knutsson, S., Enskär, K., & Golsäter, M. (2017). Nurses’ experiences of what constitutes the encounter with children visiting a sick parent at an adult ICU. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing, 39, 9–17.

Golsäter, M., Enskär, K. & Knutsson, S. (2019). Parents' perceptions of how nurses care for children as relatives of an ill patient- Experiences from an oncological outpatient department. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 39, 35-40.

Kallander, E. K., Weimand, B. M., Becker, S., Van Roy, B., Hanssen‐Bauer, K., Stavnes, K., … Ruud, T. (2018). Children with ill parents: extent and nature of caring activities. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 32(2), 793-804.

Skogøy, B. E., Sørgaard, K., Maybery, D., Ruud, T., Stavnes, K., Kufås, E., … Ogden, T. (2018). Hospitals implementing changes in law to protect children of ill parents: a cross-sectional study. BMC Health Services Research, 18(1).



BarnsBeste - Nasjonalt kompetansenettverk for barn som pårørende.

Lek - søk litteratur - eksempler

Søkeord ...

play ; playthings ; toy  toys ; clown (s) ...puppet*  OR ...

anxiety ; fear ; stress ; cope ; coping ; adapt* ... Uncertainty ; trust; 

preoperativ*  ; pre-operativ* ; procedure* ; needle*  ; Venipuncture*  ; "medical procedur*" 


Eksempel på søk i CINAHL  barn på sykehus og lek



Limiters/ Expanders



"child, hospitalized" OR ( TI (child* OR pediatric) AND hospital* )




"play and playthings" OR "play therapy" OR TI play*









Limiters - Peer Reviewed; Language: Danish, English, Norwegian, Swedish; Published Date: 20070101-



Lenke til søk


Nytt eksempel  søk - her på søk med ord i i tittel, se TI foran søkeord som må forekomme i artikkelens tittel, limit år 2012- og språk:

  • Play AND TI (child* OR pediatric* OR kid OR kids OR toddler* OR schoolchild*) AND TI (needle* OR procedure* OR Venipuncture*) 
  • LInk til treff i CINAHL

Eksempeler på artikler - legg merke til ord som kan brukes i ditt eget søk!

Díaz-Rodríguez, M., Alcántara-Rubio, L., Aguilar-García, D., Pérez-Muñoz, C., Carretero-Bravo, J., & Puertas-Cristóbal, E. (2021). The Effect of Play on Pain and Anxiety in Children in the Field of Nursing: A Systematic Review. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 61, 15–22.

Kyriakidis, I., Tsamagou, E. & Magos, K. (2021). Play and medical play in teaching pre-school children to cope with medical procedures involving needles: A systematic review. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 57(4), 491-499.

da Cunha Salomão Barroso, M. C., Fernandes Vieira dos Santos, R. d. S., Vieira dos Santos, A. E., Rodrigues Nunes, M. D. & Fonseca Lucas, E. A. J. C. (2020). Children's perception of venipuncture through therapeutic toy. Acta Paulista de Enfermagem, 33(1), 1-8. 

Soares da Silva, J. R., Leite Pizzoli, L. M., do Prado Amorim, A. R., Pinheiros, F. T., Romanini, G. C., da Silva, a. G., da Silva Pepi, J. G., Joanete, S. & Alves, S. S. M. (2016). Using Therapeutic Toys to Facilitate Venipuncture Procedure in Preschool Children. Pediatric Nursing, 42(2), 61-68. Fulltekst hentet fra CINAHL (EBSCOhost) 

Soares Maia, E. B., Ortiz La Banca, R., Rodrigues, S., de Castro Duarte Pontes, E., Caetano Sulino, M. & Garcia de Lima, R. A. (2022). The power of play in pediatric nursing. The perspectives of nurses participatiting in focal groups. Texto & Contexto Enfermagem, 31, 1-14. 

Oluç, T., & Sarialioğlu, A. (2023). The effect of a hand puppet-based therapeutic play for preschool children on the fear and pain associated with blood collection procedure. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 72, e80–e86.

Ebnezar, J. N. P. (2014). Effectiveness of Medical Play on the Reduction of Fear in Children Aged 4 - 8 Years Undergoing Hospital Procedures in Selected Hospitals at Mangalore. International Journal of Nursing Education, 6(2), 61–66.

Kırkan, Ç., & Kahraman, A. (2023). Effect of therapeutic play using a toy nebulizer and toy mask on a child’s fear and anxiety levels. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 73, e556–e562.

Jones, M. T., Kirkendall, M., Grissim, L., Daniels, S., & Boles, J. C. (2021). Exploration of the Relationship Between a Group Medical Play Intervention and Children’s Preoperative Fear and Anxiety. Journal of Pediatric Healthcare, 35(1), 74–83.

Li, W. H. C., Oi Kwan Chung, J., Ka Yan Ho, Ming Chau Kwok, B., Chung, J. O. K., Ho, K. Y., & Kwok, B. M. C. (2016). Play interventions to reduce anxiety and negative emotions in hospitalized children. BMC Pediatrics, 16, 1–9.

Og noen flere link til artikler CINAHL

Díaz-Rodríguez, M., Alcántara-Rubio, L., Aguilar-García, D., Pérez-Muñoz, C., Carretero-Bravo, J., & Puertas-Cristóbal, E. (2021). The Effect of Play on Pain and Anxiety in Children in the Field of Nursing: A Systematic Review. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 61, 15–22.


Premature Nyfødtsykepleie - søk etter litteratur

Søkeord ...

"Neonatal Nursing"
"Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing"

"Mother-Infant Relations" 
Father-Infant Relations
bonding OR bond OR bonds OR attachement* OR interact* OR relation*


"Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program" OR nidcap: Link

skin-to-skin OR "skin to skin"

"infant, premature"

"Neonatal, Infant"
Newborn* OR neonat*

"Intensive Care Units, Neonatal" OR NICU OR "neonatal intensive care unit*" 

parent* OR mother* OR father* OR maternal* OR paternal* 

"family centered care" 

Kvalitative metoder: qualitative OR interview* OR experience* OR phenomenolog* OR themes OR thematic OR "focus group*"

Erfaringer, meninger, holdninger, ... perspectiv* OR experience* OR attitude* OR percpetion* OR satisfaction* OR view* OR belie* OR opinion*



Merk at databasen SveMed+ ikke er oppdatert etter 2019. Kan være en god start, hvor du feks kan finne engelske søkeord for søk videre i CINAHL ovenfor

"Neonatal Nursing" OR "Intensive Care Units, Neonatal" OR  "Infant, Premature"  - limit peer reveiw- Lenke

Fra søk


Moe, K., Skisland, A. V.-S. & Söderhamn, U. (2017). Encountering parents of a sick newborn child. Sykepleien Forskning, (62155), e-62155.

Fra søk premature* OR nyfødt* OR nicu OR neonatal* -  Limit forskningsartikler. Link

Ambrus, T. B., Pedersen, M., Lund Andersen, B. & Brødsgaard, A. (2019). Partnerskab via familiefokuserede sygeplejesamtaler. Klinisk Sygepleje, 33(2), 109-126. 

Koreska, M., Rydahl-Hansen, S. & Brødsgaard, A. (2018). ”Vi glæder os til at samarbejde med jer …”. Klinisk Sygepleje, 32(4), 249-264.


Fra søk CINAHL:


Koliouli, F., Gaudron, C. Z., Bourque, C. J., & Raynaud, J.-P. (2022). Parental sense of competence, paternal stress and perceived construction of the relationship with the premature newborn: A mixed method study. Early Human Development, 168.

Guillaume, S., Michelin, N., Amrani, E., Bernier, B., Durrmeyer, X., Lescure, S., Bony, C., Danan, C., Baud, O., Jarreau, P.-H., Zana-Glaieb, E., & Caeymaex, L. (2013). Parents expectation of staff in the early bonding process with their premature babies in the intensive care setting: a qualitative multicenter study with 60 parents. Neonatal Intensive Care, 26(3), 40–46.

Hladík, M., Jakšová, K., & Sikorová, L. (2016). Nurses’ Role in Promoting Relations between Parents and Premature Newborns in Accordance with the Concept of Family-Centered Care. Central European Journal of Nursing & Midwifery, 7(1), 396–401.

Oversiktsartikkel: Alnuaimi, N., & Tluczek, A. (2022). Father’s Bonding With an Infant Born Prematurely: A Qualitative Meta-synthesis. Western Journal of Nursing Research44(5), 493–505.

UpToDate: pain neonatal

Se emnet smerter

Eksempel på søk CINAHL

TI = ord i tittel. Søker på ord for smerte, ord for sykepleie eller nicu:

TI (pain*) AND TI (premature* OR neonat* OR newborn*) AND TI (nurs* OR NICU) link til treff

link treff


ORIA  - bøker, link - flere link

Barn med kreftsykdommer