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Sykepleie: Bibliotekets fagside

Universitetsbiblioteket i Agder. (2025) Sykepleie. Bibliotekets fagside

Diabetes- tips litteratur og søkeord

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kronisk syke

mestring og stress


Sykepleieteori - fenomener

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Søkeord ...


diabetes - eller smalere ord i tittel: TI (diabetes)

(diabetes AND "type 1")

(diabetes AND "type 2")

Pasientundervisning: "Patient Education" OR "Diabetes Education" - eller bredere: education* OR teaching OR information* 

Egenomsorg: "self care" OR  "self-monitoring" OR "self-management" OR "self management" OR "disease management"

Erfaringer: experience* OR perspectiv* OR perception* OR view* OR satisf*

Kvalitative studier: qualitative OR interview* OR themes OR thematic OR phenomenolog* OR "foucs group*"

Sykepleie: nurse OR nurses OR nursing - smalt søk, ord i tittel: TI (nurse OR nurse OR nursing)

Eksempel treff i CINAHL



Søk i ORIA - Finn på hylla:

Diabetes - barn 618.92462 

Diabetes: 616.462 

​Kronisk syke 616.044 - se også emnesiden Kronisk syke

Sykepeie: 610.73  / 618.9200231 Barnesykepleie 

Sykepleieteorier: 610.7301

Orem - egenomsorg - self-care

Travelbee -Mellemmenneskelige aspekter i sykepleie

Pasientundervisning - kommunikasjon - sykepleier-pasient relasjoner: 610.730699 - Se også et utvalg bøker nedenfor


Helsefremmende sykepleie: 613

Sykdomslære - oppslagsverk

Norsk elektronisk legehåndbok: søk Diabetes

UpToDate. Søk Diabetes

BMJ Best Practice


Retningslinjer - veiledere

Helsedirektoratet. Diabetes (Sist oppdatert 2020). Nasjonal faglig retningslinje.

Temaside fra Helsedirektoratet: Retningslinjer om diabetes og svangerskapsdiabetes. Opplæringsmateriell til helsepersonell.

WHO. Diabetes

Se også emnesiden Endokrinologi fra Helsebiblioteket

Se også Regional kompetansetjeneste for pasient- og påørendeopplæring


Søkeord ...

Pasientundervisning: "Patient Education" OR "Diabetes Education" - eller bredere: education* OR teaching OR information

diabetes: diabetes, eller samlere ord i tittel: TI (diabetes)

(diabetes AND "type 1")

(diabetes AND "type 2")

Egenomsorg: "self care" OR "self-monitoring" OR self-management OR "self management" OR  "disease management"




Eksempel på søkestrenger. TI = ord fra tittel

TI (diabetes AND "type 2") AND ("patient education" OR "diabetic education" OR "diabetes education") 

TI (diabetes AND "type 1") AND ("patient education" OR "diabetic education" OR "diabetes education") 



Søk i ORIA - Let på hylla- noen aktuelle steder

616.462- se også





Søkeord ...

"glycemic control" OR "self care" OR self-care OR "self management" OR self-management OR  cope OR coping OR  "living with" OR  adapt* OR orem OR orem`s OR  "Roy Adaptation Model" OR "Orem Self-Care Model"


Artikler Diabetes II - Eksempler


Sayed Reza Borzou, Safura Khan Mohammadi, Gholam Hossein Falahinia, Mousavi, S., & Khalili, Z. (2015). Effects of roy’s adaptation model in nursing practice on the quality of life in patients with type II diabetes. Journal of Nursing & Midwifery Sciences, 2(4), 1–7.

Hall, M., & Tolhurst, E. (2020). Nurses’ perspectives on supporting self-management of type 2 diabetes within a primary care setting. Journal of Diabetes Nursing, 24(5), 1–5.


Flere - Lenke til  treff i CINAHL (EBSCOhost)


Se også emnet Mestring



Helsedirektoratet (2016, sist oppdatert 2020). Kap 3. Kommunikasjon, mestring og motivasjon ved diabetes I: Diabetes. Nasjonal faglig retningslinje


Bøker: Søk i ORIA - eller let på hylla 610.730699


Søkeord ...

diabetes AND "type 2"

diabetes AND "type 1"

"life style" OR  lifestyle - eller smalere, "Life Style Change*"

"health behavior" 

"health promotion"

counseling OR guidance OR Counselling OR "patient education"

eller bredere education* eller smalere, "Diabetes Education" eller mer generelt "health education"

"self care" OR self management"

motivation Eller smalere "motivat* interview*" eller bredere motivat*

.og flere: nutrition* OR diet* OR eat OR eating  OR food OR "physical activ*" OR exercise


Kvalitative studier; kan ev legge til ord for dette, eksempler: 

experience* OR qualitative OR phenomenolog* OR interview* OR themes OR thematic OR explore* OR perspectiv* OR "focus group"


Søk i CINAHL & MEDLINE (EBSCOhost) - eksempler søkestrenger

  • livstil - diabetes type 2: TI ("life style" OR "health behav*" OR lifestyle) AND TI ( diabetes AND "type 2") AND (education* OR counseling OR counselling OR guidance OR motivat*)  
  • TI (diabetes AND "type 2" ) AND "patient education"
  • Norge...TI diabetes AND TI (lifestyle OR "life style" OR nutrition* OR diet* OR exercise OR "physical activ*" OR "health promot*" OR "self care" OR "self management") AND (qualitative OR interview* OR phenomenolog* OR themes OR thematic OR experience* ) AND TX (norway OR norwegian OR scandinav* OR sweden OR denmark OR swedish OR denmark)

Se også

helsefremmende sykepleie

Diabetes pasientundervisning

Diabetes - sykepleie

motiverende intervju - bøker i biblioteket, søk i ORIA

Motiverende intervju- Helsedirektoratet



Livsstil - helseatferd- helsefremming ... eksempler på artikler


Katangwe, T., Bhattacharya, D., & Twigg, M. J. (2019). A systematic review exploring characteristics of lifestyle modification interventions in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes for delivery in community pharmacy. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 27(1), 3–16. 

Seojin Park, Jinhee Kim, & Jina Lee. (2021). Effects of Exercise Intervention on Adults With Both Hypertension and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 36(1), 23–33. 

Whittemore R, Chase S, Mandle CL, & Roy C. (2001). The content, integrity, and efficacy of a nurse coaching intervention in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Educator, 27(6), 887–898. 

Gabre, M., Wireklint Sundström, B., & Olausson, S. (2019). “A little good with the bad”: Newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes patients’ perspectives on self-care: A phenomenological approach. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 39(1), 20–28. 

Breen, C., McKenzie, K., Yoder, R., Ryan, M., Gibney, M. J., & O’Shea, D. (2016). A qualitative investigation of patients’ understanding of carbohydrate in the clinical management of type 2 diabetes. Journal of Human Nutrition & Dietetics, 29(2), 146–155. 

Sawyer, A. T., Wheeler, J., Jennelle, P., Pepe, J., & Robinson, P. S. (2020). A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Motivational Interviewing Intervention to Improve Whole-Person Lifestyle. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health, 11, 1–7. 

Jansink, R., Braspenning, J., Keizer, E., van der Weijden, T., Elwyn, G., & Grol, R. (2013). No identifiable Hb1Ac or lifestyle change after a comprehensive diabetes programme including motivational interviewing: A cluster randomised trial. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, 31(2), 119–127. 

Hansen, E., Landstad, B. J., Hellzén, O., & Svebak, S. (2011). Motivation for lifestyle changes to improve health in people with impaired glucose tolerance. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 25(3), 484–490. 


Tarr Anderson, N., & Moore, E. P. (2017). A Clinical Practice Lifestyle Intervention for Type 2 Diabetes. Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 13(1), e35–e38. 

Zappas, M. P., & Granger, T. A. (2017). Managing Adolescents With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 13(4), 171–176.

Pasienterfaringer -livsstil


søkeord: (TI diabetes) -  (experience* OR perspective* OR attitude* OR perception* OR view*) -  (qualitative OR interview* OR phenomenolog* OR themes OR thematic OR "focus group*") - (diet* OR nutrition*) - (lifestyle OR "life style" OR habit* OR "health behavi*") - ("physical activ*" OR sedentar*)

Arana, M. A., Valderas, J. M., & Solomon, J. (2019). Being tested but not educated – a qualitative focus group study exploring patients’ perceptions of diabetic dietary advice. BMC Family Practice20(1), N.PAG.

Ball, L., Davmor, R., Leveritt, M., Desbrow, B., Ehrlich, C., & Chaboyer, W. (2016). The nutrition care needs of patients newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes: informing dietetic practice. Journal of Human Nutrition & Dietetics29(4), 487–494.

Vanstone, M., Rewegan, A., Brundisini, F., Giacomini, M., Kandasamy, S., & DeJean, D. (2017). Diet modification challenges faced by marginalized and nonmarginalized adults with type 2 diabetes: A systematic review and qualitative meta-synthesis. Chronic Illness13(3), 217–235.

Ball, L., Davmor, R., Leveritt, M., Desbrow, B., Ehrlich, C., & Chaboyer, W. (2016). Understanding the nutrition care needs of patients newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes: a need for open communication and patient-focussed consultations. Australian Journal of Primary Health22(5), 416–422.

Castro-SÃ, nchez, A. E., & Natividad Ãvila-Ortíz, M. (2013). Changing Dietary Habits in Persons Living With Type 2 DiabetesJournal of Nutrition Education & Behavior45(6), 761–766.

Thorsen, I. K., Kayser, L., Teglgaard Lyk, J. H., Rossen, S., Ried-Larsen, M., & Midtgaard, J. (2022). “ I Tried Forcing Myself to do It, but Then It Becomes a Boring Chore” : Understanding (dis)engagement in Physical Activity Among Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes Using a Practice Theory Approach. Qualitative Health Research, 32(3), 520–530.

Lidegaard, L. P., Schwennesen, N., Willaing, I., & Færch, K. (2016). Barriers to and motivators for physical activity among people with Type 2 diabetes: patients’ perspectives. Diabetic Medicine, 33(12), 1677–1685.
hlin, K., & Billhult, A. (2012). Lifestyle changes - a continuous, inner struggle for women with type 2 diabetes: A qualitative study. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, 30(1), 41–47.

Ørtenblad, L., Høtoft, D., Krogh, R. H., Lynggaard, V., Juel Christiansen, J., Vinther Nielsen, C., & Hedeager Momsen, A.-M. (2021). Women’s perspectives on motivational factors for lifestyle changes after gestational diabetes and implications for diabetes prevention interventions. Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism, 4(3), e00248.

Walker, K. C., Valentiner, L. S., & Langberg, H. (2018). Motivational factors for initiating, implementing, and maintaining physical activity behavior following a rehabilitation program for patients with type 2 diabetes: a longitudinal, qualitative, interview study. Patient Preference and Adherence, 12, 145–152.

Sykepleiers erfaringer 

eksempler på artikler fra søk CINAHL&MEDLINE ...

Søkeord:  (TI diabetes) - (TI nurs*) . (experience* OR perspective* OR attitude* OR perception* OR view*) -  (qualitative OR interview* OR phenomenolog* OR themes OR thematic OR "focus group*") - (diet* OR nutrition*) - (lifestyle OR "life style" OR habit* OR "health behavi*") - ("physical activ*" OR sedentar*) - motivat*

Eksempler på artikler

Jansink, R., Braspenning, J., van der Weijden, T., Elwyn, G., & Grol, R. (2010). Primary care nurses struggle with lifestyle counseling in diabetes care: a qualitative analysis. BMC Family Practice, 11, 41.

Polhuis, C. M. M., Vaandrager, L., Soedamah-Muthu, S. S., & Koelen, M. A. (2020). Salutogenic model of health to identify turning points and coping styles for eating practices in type 2 diabetes mellitus. International Journal for Equity in Health, 19(1), 1–20.

Gianfrancesco, C., & Johnson, M. (2020). Exploring the provision of diabetes nutrition education by practice nurses in primary care settings. Journal of Human Nutrition & Dietetics, 33(2), 263–273.

Östlund, A.-S., Wadensten, B., Kristofferzon, M.-L., & Häggström, E. (2015). Motivational interviewing: Experiences of primary care nurses trained in the method. Nurse Education in Practice, 15(2), 111–118.

Östlund, A.-S., Kristofferzon, M.-L., Häggström, E., & Wadensten, B. (2015). Primary care nurses’ performance in motivational interviewing: a quantitative descriptive study. BMC Family Practice, 16(1), 1–12.

Östlund, A., Wadensten, B., Häggström, E., & Kristofferzon, M. (2014). District nurses’ and registered nurses’ training in and use of motivational interviewing in primary care settings. Journal of Clinical Nursing (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.), 23(15–16), 2284–2294.

Noordman, J., de Vet, E., van der Weijden, T., & van Dulmen, S. (2013). Motivational interviewing within the different stages of change: An analysis of practice nurse-patient consultations aimed at promoting a healthier lifestyle. Social Science & Medicine, 87, 60–67.

Brobeck, E., Bergh, H., Odencrants, S., & Hildingh, C. (2011). Primary healthcare nurses’ experiences with motivational interviewing in health promotion practice. Journal of Clinical Nursing (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.), 20(23–24), 3322–3330.

Engelen, M. M., van Dulmen, S., Nijhuis-van der Sanden, M. W. G., Adriaansen, M. J. M., Vermeulen, H., Bredie, S. J. H., & van Gaal, B. G. I. (2020). Self-management support in cardiovascular consultations by advanced practice nurses trained in motivational interviewing: An observational study. Patient Education & Counseling, 103(1), 159–164.

Dobber, J., Latour, C., Snaterse, M., van Meijel, B., ter Riet, G., Scholte op Reimer, W., & Peters, R. (2019). Developing nurses’ skills in motivational interviewing to promote a healthy lifestyle in patients with coronary artery disease. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 18(1), 28–37.

Noordman, J., de Vet, E., van der Weijden, T., & van Dulmen, S. (2013). Motivational interviewing within the different stages of change: An analysis of practice nurse-patient consultations aimed at promoting a healthier lifestyle. Social Science & Medicine, 87, 60–67.

Engelen, M. M., van Dulmen, S., Nijhuis-van der Sanden, M. W. G., Adriaansen, M. J. M., Vermeulen, H., Bredie, S. J. H., & van Gaal, B. G. I. (2020). Self-management support in cardiovascular consultations by advanced practice nurses trained in motivational interviewing: An observational study. Patient Education & Counseling, 103(1), 159–164.

Channon, S., Bekkers, M.-J., Sanders, J., Cannings-John, R., Robertson, L., Bennert, K., Butler, C., Hood, K., & Robling, M. (2016). Motivational interviewing competencies among UK family nurse partnership nurses: a process evaluation component of the building blocks trial. BMC Nursing, 15, 1–11.

Söderlund LL, Nilsen P, & Kristensson M. (2008). Learning motivational interviewing: exploring primary health care nurses’ training and counselling experiences. Health Education Journal, 67(2), 102–109.

og flere via søk CINAHL - link treff

Oppslagsverk -  diabetes hos barn:


Høyer, S.E (2019).Diabetes mellitus hos barn. I Norsk elektronisk legehåndbok. Hentet fra


Artikler i UpToDate - Søk diabetes - avgrens pediatric

BMJ Best Practice (2019). Type 1 Diabetes (2019). PDF versjon, hentet fra


Søk forskningsartikler

diabetes (ord i tittel), limit forskningsartikler link til treff


Eksempler på artikler

Albertini Früh, E., Misvær, N. & Helseth, S. Ungdommers erfaring med nyoppdaget diabetes 1. Nordisk sygeplejeforskning, 11(4), 324-335. 

Chapman, P. E., Aas, A.-M., Bjerkan, K. & Garnweidner-Holme, L. (2023). Experiences of follow-up and dietary guidance among young adults diagnosed with type 1 diabetes as children: a qualitative study. Norsk tidsskrift for ernæring, 21(3), 2-10. 




Eksempel på søk i CINAHL: Barn med diabetes- mestring, opplevelser, tilpassing, egenomsorg

TI = søk på ord fra tittel


TI (diabetes ) AND TI (child OR children OR pediatric* OR pre-adolescent* OR young OR younger OR kids OR toddler OR boy OR boys OR girl* ungdom*) AND TI ("glycemic control" OR "self care" OR "self management" OR cope OR coping OR "living with" OR adapt* OR mestring*) 

Se ellers søkeguiden for CINAHL & MEDLINE



Kvalitative studier- barn og unge med diabetes (CINAHL)

TI = ord fra tittel

TI (diabetes) AND TI (child OR children OR pediatric* OR pre-adolescen* OR young OR younger OR kids OR toddler OR boy OR boys OR girl* OR adolescen* OR youth OR teen OR teens OR teenager*) AND (qualitative OR phenomenolog* OR interview* OR experience* OR explore* OR perspective* OR themes OR thematic) 

Velg fra limit, klik show more: Peer Reviewed; Language: Danish, English, Norwegian, Swedish; Publication Date: 20140101-; Publication Type: Research



Noen eksempler på artikler



Eines, T. F., Kieczka, E. A., Klungnes, S. H., Johnsen, T. A. & Grønvik, C. K. U. (2022). Adolescents’ experiences living with type 1 diabetes mellitus: A scoping review. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 43(1), 20571585221132652. 

Phiri, T., Mowat, R., & Cook, C. (2022). What nursing interventions and healthcare practices facilitate type 1 diabetes self-management in young adults? An integrative review. Nursing Praxis in Aotearoa New Zealand, 38(2), 32–43.

dos Santos Pennafort, V. P., Newle Sousa Silva, A., & Veraci Oliveira Queiroz, M. (2014). The perception of nurses regarding educational practices for children with diabetes in hospital care. Revista Gaucha de Enfermagem, 35(3), 130–136.

Iversen, E., Kolltveit, B. H., Hernar, I., Mårtensson, J., & Haugstvedt, A. (2019). Transition from paediatric to adult care: a qualitative study of the experiences of young adults with type 1 diabetes. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 33(3), 723–730.

Ekra, E. M. R., Korsvold, T., & Gjengedal, E. (2015). Characteristics of being hospitalized as a child with a new diagnosis of type 1 diabetes: a phenomenological studyof children’s past and present experiences. BMC Nursing, 14(1), 1–19.

Strand, M., Broström, A., & Haugstvedt, A. (2019). Adolescents’ perceptions of the transition process from parental management to self‐management of type 1 diabetes. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 33(1), 128–135.

Ekra, E. M. R., Blaaka, G., Korsvold, T., & Gjengedal, E. (2012). Children in an adult world: A phenomenological study of adults and their childhood

Ekra, E. M. R., & Gjengedal, E. (2012). Being hospitalized with a newly diagnosed chronic illness— A phenomenological study of children’s lifeworld in the hospital. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health & Well-Being, 7, 1–9. experiences of being hospitalised with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes. Journal of Child Health Care, 16(4), 395–405.


Flere eksempler:


Albertini Früh, E., Misvær, N. & Helseth, S. (2021). Ungdommers erfaring med nyoppdaget diabetes 1. Nordisk sygeplejeforskning, 11(4), 324-335.
Chao, A., Whittemore, R., Minges, K. E., Murphy, K. M. & Grey, M. (2014). Self-Management in Early Adolescence and Differences by Age at Diagnosis and Duration of Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes Educator, 40(2), 167-177. 

Eines, T. F., Kieczka, E. A., Klungnes, S. H., Johnsen, T. A. & Grønvik, C. K. U. (2022). Adolescents’ experiences living with type 1 diabetes mellitus: A scoping review. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 43(1), 20571585221132652.

Früh, E. A., Misvær, N. & Helseth, S. (2020). Mødres erfaringer med omsorg for en ungdom med nyoppdaget diabetes type 1. Sykepleien Forskning, (82224), e-82224. 

Hawkes, C. P., Willi, S. M. & Murphy, K. M. (2019). A structured 1‐year education program for children with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes improves early glycemic control. Pediatric Diabetes, 20(4), 460-467. 

Konradsdottir, E. & Svavarsdottir, E. K. (2013). The Role of Advanced Nurse Practitioners in Offering Brief Therapeutic Conversation Intervention for Families of Children and Adolescents with Diabetes Type 1. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research & Clinical Studies / Vård i Norden, 33(3), 44-47. 

Marker, A. M., Monzon, A. D., Goggin, K., Clements, M. A. & Patton, S. R. (2021). Parent Perspectives on Educational and Psychosocial Intervention for Recent-Onset Type 1 Diabetes in Their School-Age Child: A Qualitative Study. Diabetes Spectrum, 34(2), 166-174. 

Mayen, S., Lagouanelle-Simeoni, M.-C., Cote, J., Fonte, D., Reynaud, R., Gentile, S. & Colson, S. (2022). Educational needs and type 1 diabetes mellitus: The voices of adolescents, parents and caregivers. Health Education Journal, 81(2), 226-237. 

Pereira, C., Catarino, M. & Nunes, A. C. (2023). Therapeutic Nursing Education in Promoting Self-Management of Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: Integrative Literature Review. Nursing Reports, 13(1), 470-479. 

Rankin, D., Harden, J., Barnard, K., Bath, L., Noyes, K., Stephen, J. & Lawton, J. (2018). Barriers and facilitators to taking on diabetes self-management tasks in pre-adolescent children with type 1 diabetes: a qualitative study. BMC Endocrine Disorders, 18(1), N.PAG-N.PAG. 

Rankin, D., Harden, J., Jepson, R. & Lawton, J. (2017). Children's experiences of managing Type 1 diabetes in everyday life: a thematic synthesis of qualitative studies. Diabetic Medicine, 34(8), 1050-1060. 

Ronkowska, J. & Stefanowicz-Bielska, A. (2020). Nursing care of a child with type 1 diabetes mellitus – a nursing process using the International Classification of Nursing Practice ICNP®. Nursing in the 21st Century, 19(3), 174-183. 

Tanenbaum, M. L., Addala, A., Hanes, S., Ritter, V., Bishop, F. K., Cortes, A. L., Pang, E., Hood, K. K., Maahs, D. M. & Zaharieva, D. P. (2024). "It changed everything we do": A mixed methods study of youth and parent experiences with a pilot exercise education intervention following new diagnosis of type 1 diabetes. Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications, 38(1). 

Thoft, D. S., Nielsen, B. K. & Enggaard, H. (2022). To become an expert within a week: Children's and parents' experiences of the child being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and receiving diabetes education – A qualitative interview study. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 67, e24-e30. 



Se også Regional kompetansetjeneste for pasient- og påørendeopplæring


Søkeord ...

parent* OR mother* OR father* - søk på ord i tittel: TI (parent* OR mother* OR father*)

diabetes- søk på ord i tittel: TI (diabetes)

children OR child OR young OR kid OR kids OR boy OR boys OR girl OR girls  - søk på ord i tittel, TI (children OR child OR young OR kid OR kids OR boy OR boys OR girl OR girls)

experience* OR perspective* OR attitude* OR perception* OR qualitative OR interview* OR phenomenolog* OR thematic OR themes (ord for kvalitative studier, eller erfaringer)

Eksempel på søk i CINAHL, limit 2012- peer review; språk, norsk, engelsk, dansk eller svensk 


Eksempler på artikler

Oppsummert forskning: Kimbell, B., Lawton, J., Boughton, C., Hovorka, R. & Rankin, D. (2021). Parents’ experiences of caring for a young child with type 1 diabetes: a systematic review and synthesis of qualitative evidence. BMC Pediatrics, 21(1), 160.