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Sykepleie: Bibliotekets fagside

Universitetsbiblioteket i Agder. (2025) Sykepleie. Bibliotekets fagside


Forgiftninger - emnebibliotek Helsebiblioteket 


NRR Norsk Resuscitasjonsråd. 
Retningslinjer. Norsk Resuscitasjonsråd (NRR) er dannet av Den norske lægeforenings spesialforeninger Norsk Anestesiologisk Forening og Norsk Cardiologisk Selskap som et felles, faglig, nasjonalt referanseorgan. NRR er gjennom dette rådgivende i spørsmål vedr. resuscitering overfor Den norske lægeforening og Norsk Førstehjelpsråd. NRR utgjør Norges faglige representasjon i Skandinavisk Resuscitasjonsråd (SRC) og European Resuscitation Council (ERC). NRR arbeider for faglig forsvarlighet og kvalitetssikring av undervisning og pasientbehandling med hensyn til både basal og avansert hjerte-lunge-redning (HLR) i og utenfor sykehus i Norge. Rådet arbeider også opp mot norske helsemyndigheter for å oppnå dette. Flere faggrupper både fra sykehus og fra prehospitale tjenester er representert i NRR. Akuttmedisinsk Update er Norsk Resuscitasjonsråd sitt offisielle organ og har egne informasjonssider spesielt for medlemmer. Vi holder også våre medlemmer og andre oppdatert via rådets web-sider og gjennom egne informasjonsskriv. 


Akuttmedisin se lenkesamling fra

Finn bøker i  biblioteket, hyllenummer: 616.025 eller søk i ORIA

"Acute Disease"
​"Acute Care "
"Acute Care Nurse Practitioners"
"Critically Ill Patients"


"Emergency Service"
"Emergency Nurse Practitioners"
"Emergency Medical Service Communication Systems"
"Emergency Care"

Ikke emneord: 

"emergency departement*"  - "emergency unit*"

"Prehospital Care"
"Rapid Response (Emergency Care)"
"Rapid Response Team"

Pårørende ... se også under

"Professional-Family Relations"
"Family Centered Care"


Generelle.. foreldre - ektefelle barn
  • "next of kin*"
  • "loved one"
  • relatives
  • caregiver*
    • "Caregiver Burden"
    • "Caregiver Attitudes"
    • "Caregiver Support"
  • carer
  • carers
  • family
  • "Visitors to Patients"
  • parent*
  • mother*
  • father*
  • maternal*
  • Spouses
  • child
  • children
  • sibling*
  • brother*
  • sister*
  • "Parent-Child Relations"

CINAHL emneord:

  • "Children of Impaired Parents" (MeSH: "Child of Impaired Parents")
    • Children of one or more parents afflicted by an organic, psychiatric, or behavioral disorder. Material on this subject tends to focus on the child from the social, behavioral, or psychological viewpoint, rather than the genetic. Use with any age group.
  • "Children of Alcoholics"

Sykepleie - familie: 

CINAHL emneord: 

  • "Professional-Family Relations"
    • (The relationship and interactions between a health care professional and the family of a patient)
  • "Family Centered Care"
    • Collaborative relationship between families and professionals in the continued pursuit of being responsive to the priorities and choices of the families.

Eksempel på søk i CINAHL (EBSCOhost) - søkeord. Merk TI foran søkeord avgrenser til treff på ord fra artikkels tittel





TI ("heart failure*" OR resuscitation OR "heart arrest*" OR "Cardiac Arrest" OR "Cardio* Arrest")



TI (caregiver* OR "next of kin*" OR relatives OR famil* OR visit*)






acute* OR emergen* OR critical*







Limiters - Peer Reviewed; Language: Danish, English, Norwegian, Swedish; Published Date: 20000101-


Link til treff

Eksempler på treff

Rafiei, H., Senmar, M., Mostafaie, M. R., Goli, Z., Avanaki, S. N., Abbasi, L., & Mafi, M. H. (2018). Self-confidence and attitude of acute care nurses to the presence of family members during resuscitation. British Journal of Nursing, 27(21), 1246–1249. Fulltekst via CINAHL

Grimes, C. (2020). The effects of family-witnessed resuscitation on health professionals. British Journal of Nursing, 29(15), 892–896 Fulltekst via CINAHL

Gomes, B. D., Dowd, O. P., & Sethares, K. A. (2019). Attitudes of Community Hospital Critical Care Nurses Toward Family-Witnessed Resuscitation. American Journal of Critical Care, 28(2), 142–148. Fulltekst via CINAHL

Bellali, T. (2020). Factors Associated With Emergency Department Health Professionals’ Attitudes Toward Family Presence During Adult Resuscitation in 9 Greek Hospitals. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, 39(5), 269–277.
Magowan, E., & Melby, V. (2019). A survey of emergency department staff’s opinions and experiences of family presence during invasive procedures and resuscitation. Emergency Nurse, 27(3), 13–19. Fullteks via ProQuest

Porter, D. J. E. (2019). Family presence during resuscitation (FPDR): A qualitative descriptive study exploring the experiences of emergency personnel post resuscitation. Heart & Lung, 48(4), 268–272.

Ramage, E., Porter, J. E., & Biedermann, N. (2018). Family presence during resuscitation (FPDR): A qualitative study of implementation experiences and opinions of emergency personnel. Australasian Emergency Care, 21(2), 51–55.

Porter, J. E., Miller, N., Giannis, A., & Coombs, N. (2017). Family Presence During Resuscitation (FPDR): Observational case studies of emergency personnel in Victoria, Australia. International Emergency Nursing, 33, 37–42.

Abuzeyad, F. H., Elhobi, A., Kamkoum, W., Bashmi, L., Al-Qasim, G., Alqasem, L., Mansoor, N. M. A., Hsu, S., & Das, P. (2020). Healthcare providers’ perspectives on family presence during resuscitation in the emergency departments of the Kingdom of Bahrain. BMC Emergency Medicine, 20(1), N.PAG.

Ferrara, G., Ramponi, D., & Cline, T. W. (2016). Evaluation of Physicians’ and Nurses’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Compliance With Family Presence During Resuscitation in an Emergency Department Setting After an Educational Intervention. Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal, 38(1), 32–42.

Ramaekers, S. M. (2017). Witnessed Resuscitation in the Emergency Department: The Family’s Experience. Emergency Nurse New Zealand, P9–P13. Fulltekst via CINAHL

Tomlinson KR, Golden IJ, Mallory JL, & Comer L. (2010). Family presence during adult resuscitation: a survey of emergency department registered nurses and staff attitudes. Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal, 32(1), 45–58.

MacLean SL, Guzzetta CE, White C, Fontaine D, Eichhorn DJ, Meyers TA, & Désy P. (2003). Family presence during cardiopulmonary resuscitation and invasive procedures: practices of critical care and emergency nurses. JEN: Journal of Emergency Nursing, 29(3), 208–221.

Moreland P. (2005). Family presence during invasive procedures and resuscitation in the emergency department: a review of the literature. JEN: Journal of Emergency Nursing, 31(1), 58–123.

Egging, D., Crowley, M., Arruda, T., Proehl, J., Walker-Cillo, G., Papa, A., Li, S., Walsh, J., & Bokholdt, M. L. (2011). Emergency Nursing Resource: Family Presence During Invasive Procedures and Resuscitation in the Emergency Department. JEN: Journal of Emergency Nursing, 37(5), 469–473.

Davidson, J. E., Buenavista, R., Hobbs, K., & Kracht, K. (2011). Identifying Factors Inhibiting or Enhancing Family Presence During Resuscitation in the Emergency Department. Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal, 33(4), 336–343.

Jabre, P., Belpomme, V., Azoulay, E., Jacob, L., Bertrand, L., Lapostolle, F., Tazarourte, K., Bouilleau, G., Pinaud, V., Broche, C., Normand, D., Baubet, T., Ricard-Hibon, A., Istria, J., Beltramini, A., Alheritiere, A., Assez, N., Nace, L., Vivien, B., Turi, L., Launay, S., Desmaizieres, M., Borron, S. W., Vicaut, E. & Adnet, F. (2013). Family presence during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. N Engl J Med, 368(11), 1008-1018.


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