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Universitetsbiblioteket i Agder. (2025) Sykepleie. Bibliotekets fagside

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Ostomy OR Ostom* OR colostom* OR ileostom* OR stoma OR stomas OR stomata OR enterostom*

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TI (Ostomy OR Ostom* OR colostom* OR ileostom* OR stoma OR stomas OR stomata OR enterostom*)

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Adapt* OR cope OR coping OR psychosocial* OR psychological*




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Kvalitative studier

qualitativ* OR interview* OR phenomenolog* OR experience* OR themes OR thematic OR "focus group*"

experience* OR perspectiv* OR explore* OR attitude* OR perception* OR view* OR opinion* OR satisf*


Noen eksempler, både oversiktsartikler og enkeltstudier!

  • Smith, J. A., Spiers, J., Simpson, P., & Nicholls, A. R. (2017). The psychological challenges of living with an ileostomy: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. Health Psychology, 36(2), 143-151. doi:10.1037/hea0000427  Fulltekst tilgang her; 
  • Thorpe, G., McArthur, M., & Richardson, B. (2009). Bodily change following faecal stoma formation: qualitative interpretive synthesis. Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 65(9), 1778-1789. Link
  • Petersén, C., & Carlsson, E. (2021). Life with a stoma—coping with daily life: Experiences from focus group interviews. Journal of Clinical Nursing (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)30(15/16), 2309–2319.
  • Vural, F., Harputlu, D., Karayurt, O., Suler, G., Durmaz Edeer, A., Ucer, C., & Cenan Onay, D. (2016). The Impact of an Ostomy on the Sexual Lives of Persons With Stomas. Journal of Wound, Ostomy & Continence Nursing, 43(4), 381–384.


Tripaldi, C. (2019). Sexual function after stoma formation in women with colorectal cancer. British Journal of Nursing, 28(16), S4–S15.

CHEN Meixu, LU Liming, YANG Xiaoxia, & REN Yanyu. (2023). Sexual life and intimate relationship experience of ostomy patients:a qualitative meta-synthesis. Chinese Journal of Nursing, 58(13), 1648–1654.

Humphreys, N. (2017). Sexual health and sexuality in people with a stoma: a literature review. Gastrointestinal Nursing, 15(10), 18–26.

Black PK. (2004). Stoma care nursing. Psychological, sexual and cultural issues for patients with a stoma. British Journal of Nursing, 13(12), 692–697.

Bird, A. (2019). Mentioning the unmentionable: a stoma care nurse's journey to discussing sexuality comfortably with ostomates. Gastrointestinal Nursing, 17(3), 24-28. 


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body - bodily

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fra søk

Olsen, I. Ø. & Jacobsen, K. (2016). En ny agenda i stomipleje. Klinisk Sygepleje, 30(4), 277-292. 
Hansen, B. K., Winther, B. & Norlyk, A. (2015). At udholde forandringer i hverdagslivet – patienters oplevelse af at være i behandling for endetarmskræft. Klinisk Sygepleje, 29(1), 17-29. 

Å leve med stomi...

  • Smith, J. A., Spiers, J., Simpson, P., & Nicholls, A. R. (2017). The psychological challenges of living with an ileostomy: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. Health Psychology, 36(2), 143–151. 
  • Thorpe, G., & McArthur, M. (2017). Social adaptation following intestinal stoma formation in people living at home: a longitudinal phenomenological study. Disability & Rehabilitation, 39(22), 2286–2293.
  • Lim, S. H., He, H., Chan, S. W. C., & Lai, J. H. (2019). A qualitative evaluation of the STOMA psychosocial intervention programme for colorectal cancer patients with stoma. Journal of Advanced Nursing , 75(1), 108–118. 
  • Ayaz, A. S. (2019). Overview of psychosocial problems in individuals with stoma: A review of literature. International Wound Journal, 16(1), 243–249. 
  • Andersson, G., Engström, Å. & Söderberg, S. (2010). A chance to live: Women's experiences of living with a colostomy after rectal cancer surgery. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 16(6), 603-608.  
  • Bonill-de-las-Nieves, C., Celdrán-Mañas, M., Hueso-Montoro, C., Morales-Asencio, J. M., Rivas-Marín, C. & Fernández-Gallego, M. C. (2014). Living with digestive stomas: strategies to cope with the new bodily reality. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem (RLAE), 22(3), 394-400.  
  • Bulkley, J. E., McMullen, C. K., Hornbrook, M. C., Grant, M., Wendel, C. & Krouse, R. S. (2018). Ongoing ostomy self-care challenges of long-term rectal cancer survivors. Supportive Care in Cancer, 26(11), 3933-3939.  
  • Capilla-Díaz, C., Montoya-Juárez, R., Pérez-Marfil, M. N., Bonill-de las Nieves, C., Hernández-Zambrano, S. M., Morales-Asencio, J. M. & Hueso-Montoro, C. (2019). Living With an Intestinal Stoma: A Qualitative Systematic Review. Qualitative Health Research, 29(9), 1255-1265.  
  • Ercolano, E., Grant, M., McCorkle, R., Tallman, N. J., Cobb, M. D., Wendel, C. & Krouse, R. (2016). Applying the Chronic Care Model to Support Ostomy Self-Management: Implications for Oncology Nursing Practice. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 20(3), 269-274.  
  • Haughey, S. & McGroggan, G. (2017). Living well with a stoma: a descriptive evaluation. Gastrointestinal Nursing, 15(7), 41-48. 1 
  • Hernán Ferreira Umpiérrez, A. (2013). LIVING WITH AN OSTOMY: PERCEPTIONS AND EXPECTATIONS FROM A SOCIAL PHENOMENOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE. Texto & Contexto Enfermagem, 22(3), 687-694. 
  • Hood, D. G., Haskins, T. L. & Roberson, S. C. (2018). Stepping Into Their Shoes: The Ostomy Experience. Journal of Nursing Education, 57(4), 233-236.  
  • Karabulut, H. K., Dinç, L. & Karadag, A. (2014). Effects of planned group interactions on the social adaptation of individuals with an intestinal stoma: a quantitative study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 23(19-20), 2800-2813.  
  • Lapkin, S., Levido, D., Palesy, D., Mamo, A., Perez, M., Dutchak, D. & Fernandez, R. (2018). What's the plan? Supporting individualised care for hospitalised patients with stomas. Journal of Stomal Therapy Australia, 38(2), 12-18. Fulltekst CINAHL
  • Lim, S. H., He, H. G., Chan, S. W. C. & Lai, J. H. (2019). A qualitative evaluation of the STOMA psychosocial intervention programme for colorectal cancer patients with stoma. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 75(1), 108-118.  
  • Monteiro Macêdo, L., Mamede Vasconcelos Cavalcante, V., de Mendonça Figueirêdo Coelho, M., Torres Costa Ramos, S. L., Correia, D. L., Alves Chagas Menezes, T. & Bezerra Rodrigues, A. (2020). The perception of ostomized patients with colorectal cancer regarding their quality of life. Rev Rene, 21(1), 1-9.  
  • Mota, M. S., Gomes, G. C., Petuco, V. M., Heck, R. M., Barros, E. J. L. & de Oliveira Gomes, V. L. (2015). Facilitators of the transition process for the self-care of the person with stoma: subsidies for Nursing. Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP, 49(1), 80-86.  
  • O'Flynn, S. K. (2015). Encouraging change: exploring perceptions of stoma care nurses on community stoma care services. Gastrointestinal Nursing, 13(8), 32-42.  
  • Reinwalds, M., Blixter, A. & Carlsson, E. (2017). A Descriptive, Qualitative Study to Assess Patient Experiences Following Stoma Reversal After Rectal Cancer Surgery. Ostomy Wound Management, 63(12), 29-37.  
  • Saraiva de Aguiar, F. A., Pinheiro de Jesus, B., Cardoso Rocha, F., Barbosa Cruz, I., de Andrade Neto, G. R., Meira Rios, B. R., Parrela Piris, Á. & Batista Andrade, D. L. (2019). COLOSTOMY AND SELF-CARE: MEANINGS FOR OSTOMIZED PATIENTS. Journal of Nursing UFPE / Revista de Enfermagem UFPE, 13(1), 105-110.  
  • Saunders, S. & Brunet, J. (2019). A qualitative study exploring what it takes to be physically active with a stoma after surgery for rectal cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer, 27(4), 1481-1489.  
  • Senol Celik, S., Tuna, Z. & Yildirim, M. (2015). The experience of urostomists who do not have access to pre-operative and post-operative stoma care nursing intervention. International Journal of Urological Nursing, 9(2), 101-107.  
  • Siew Hoon, L., Wai Chi Chan, S. & Hong-Gu, H. (2015). Patients' Experiences of Performing Self-care of Stomas in the Initial Postoperative Period. Cancer Nursing, 38(3), 185-193. 
  • Smith, J. A., Spiers, J., Simpson, P. & Nicholls, A. R. (2017). The psychological challenges of living with an ileostomy: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. Health Psychology, 36(2), 143-151.  
  • Sujianto, U., Billy, R. & Margawati, A. (2020). Family's Experience: Nursing Care for Colorectal Cancer Patients with Colostomy. Nurse Media Journal of Nursing, 10(1), 96-106.  
  • Sun, V., Bojorquez, O., Grant, M., Wendel, C. S., Weinstein, R. & Krouse, R. S. (2020). Cancer survivors' challenges with ostomy appliances and self-management: a qualitative analysis. Supportive Care in Cancer, 28(4), 1551-1554.  
  • Sun, V., Grant, M., McMullen, C. K., Altschuler, A., Mohler, M. J., Hornbrook, M. C., Herrinton, L. J. & Krouse, R. S. (2014). From diagnosis through survivorship: health-care experiences of colorectal cancer survivors with ostomies. Supportive Care in Cancer, 22(6), 1563-1570.  
  • Tao, H., Songwathana, P., Isaramalai, S. a. & Zhang, Y. (2014). Personal awareness and behavioural choices on having a stoma: a qualitative metasynthesis. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 23(9-10), 1186-1200.  
  • Taylor, C., Munro, J., Goodman, W., Beeken, R., Dames, N., Oliphant, R., Watson, A. & Hubbard, G. (2020). Stoma support garments: a survey on patient information needs, product selection and equity of provision. Gastrointestinal Nursing, 18(3), 18-26.  
  • Thorpe, G., Arthur, A. & McArthur, M. (2016). Adjusting to bodily change following stoma formation: a phenomenological study. Disability and Rehabilitation, 38(18), 1791-1802.  
  • Thorpe, G. & McArthur, M. (2017). Social adaptation following intestinal stoma formation in people living at home: a longitudinal phenomenological study. Disability and Rehabilitation, 39(22), 2286-2293.  
  • Thorpe, G., McArthur, M. & Richardson, B. (2014). Healthcare experiences of patients following faecal output stoma-forming surgery: A qualitative exploration. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 51(3), 379-389.  
  • Tiranda, Y., Siripul, P., Sangchart, B. & Septiwi, C. (2019). PERSPECTIVES OF ADULT SURVIVORS OF COLORECTAL CANCER WITH AN OSTOMY ON THEIR NEEDS: SYNTHESIS OF QUALITATIVE RESEARCH STUDIES. Central European Journal of Nursing & Midwifery, 10(4), 1155-1166.  
  • Wallace, A. (2016). The key factors that affect psychological adaptation to a stoma: a literature review. Gastrointestinal Nursing, 14(6), 39-47.  
  • Zheng, M.-C., Zhang, J.-E., Qin, H.-Y., Fang, Y.-J. & Wu, X.-J. (2013). Telephone follow-up for patients returning home with colostomies: Views and experiences of patients and enterostomal nurses. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 17(2), 184-189. 



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Søkt slik, Legg merke til feltkoden TI  = ord fra tittel: (se guiden om søk)

TI (Ostom* OR colostom* OR ileostom* OR stoma OR stomas OR stomata OR enterostom*) AND TI  (sexual* OR sex)

limit language: norwegian, danish, swedish, english

Eksempler på artikler


Lin, S., Yin, G. & Chen, L. (2023). The sexuality experience of stoma patients: a meta-ethnography of qualitative research. BMC Health Services Research, 23(1), 489. 
Enkeltartikler oppsummert i Lin (2023):

  • Manderson L. (2005). Boundary breaches: the body, sex and sexuality after stoma surgery. Social Science & Medicine, 61(2), 405–415.
  • Ramirez M, McMullen C, Grant M, Altschuler A, Hornbrook MC, & Krouse RS. (2009). Figuring out sex in a reconfigured body: experiences of female colorectal cancer survivors with ostomies. Women & Health49(8), 608–624.
  • Rodrigues Cardoso, D. B., Eduardo Almeida, C., de Santana, M. E., Seabra de Carvalho, D., Megumi Sonobe, H., & Okino Sawada, N. (2015). Sexuality of people with intestinal ostomy. Rev Rene, 16(4), 576–585.
  • Vural, F., Harputlu, D., Karayurt, O., Suler, G., Durmaz Edeer, A., Ucer, C., & Cenan Onay, D. (2016). The Impact of an Ostomy on the Sexual Lives of Persons With Stomas. Journal of Wound, Ostomy & Continence Nursing, 43(4), 381–384.
  • flere se tabellen i artikkelen

Flere andre artikler:

  • Humphreys, N. (2017). Sexual health and sexuality in people with a stoma: a literature review. Gastrointestinal Nursing, 15(10), 18-26. doi:10.12968/gasn.2017.15.10.18 Bestill kopi
  • Vural, F., Harputlu, D., Karayurt, O., Suler, G., Edeer, A. D., Ucer, C. & Onay, D. C. (2016). The Impact of an Ostomy on the Sexual Lives of Persons With Stomas: A Phenomenological Study. Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing, 43(4), 381-384. 

  • Sutsunbuloglu, E. & Vural, F. (2018). Evaluation of Sexual Satisfaction and Function in Patients Following Stoma Surgery: A Descriptive Study. Sexuality and Disability, 36(4), 349-361. 

  • Araújo, I. F. M., derson Reis de Sousa, A., de Santana, E. S. & Pereira, Á. (2022). SEXUALITY OF MEN EXPERIENCING INTESTINAL OSTOMIES: STORIES ABOUT FEELINGS AND MEANINGS. Revista Estima, 20, 1-10. 

  • Bird, A. (2019). Mentioning the unmentionable: a stoma care nurse's journey to discussing sexuality comfortably with ostomates [fagartikkel]. Gastrointestinal Nursing, 17(3), 24-28. 

  • Tripaldi, C. (2019). Sexual function after stoma formation in women with colorectal cancer. British Journal of Nursing, 28(16), S4-S15.  Fulltekst via CINAHL

  • Black, P. K. (2004). Psychological, sexual and cultural issues for patients with a stoma. British Journal of Nursing, 13(12), 692-697. Fulltekst CINAHL
  • Junkin, J. & Beitz, J. M. (2005). Sexuality and the person with a stoma: implications for comprehensive WOC nursing practice. Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing, 32(2), 121-128; quiz 129-130. 
  • Coca, C., Fernández de Larrinoa, I., Serrano, R. & García-Llana, H. (2015). The Impact of Specialty Practice Nursing Care on Health-Related Quality of Life in Persons With Ostomies. Journal of Wound Ostomy & Continence Nursing, 42(3), 257-263. 


Tripaldi, C. (2019). Sexual function after stoma formation in women with colorectal cancer. British Journal of Nursing, 28(16), S4–S15.

CHEN Meixu, LU Liming, YANG Xiaoxia, & REN Yanyu. (2023). Sexual life and intimate relationship experience of ostomy patients:a qualitative meta-synthesis. Chinese Journal of Nursing, 58(13), 1648–1654.

Humphreys, N. (2017). Sexual health and sexuality in people with a stoma: a literature review. Gastrointestinal Nursing, 15(10), 18–26.

Black PK. (2004). Stoma care nursing. Psychological, sexual and cultural issues for patients with a stoma. British Journal of Nursing, 13(12), 692–697.


Bird, A. (2019). Mentioning the unmentionable: a stoma care nurse's journey to discussing sexuality comfortably with ostomates. Gastrointestinal Nursing, 17(3), 24-28. 



Flere artikler som omhandler seksuell helse - og sykepeleiers erfaringer- fra søk i CINAHL

søkeord: ...

  • kvalitative studier: qualitativ* OR interview* OR phenomenolog* OR experience* OR themes OR thematic OR "focus group*"
  • erfaringer: experience* OR perspectiv* OR attitude* OR perception* OR view* OR opinion* OR belie* OR knowledge
  • sykepleier: nurse* OR nursing
  • stomi: Ostom* OR colostom* OR ileostom* OR stoma OR stomas OR stomata OR enterostom*

Tittelord for avgrense:

  • sykepleier: TI nurs*
  • stomi: TI (Ostom* OR colostom* OR ileostom* OR stoma OR stomas OR stomata OR enterostom*)

Eksempel på søk i CINAHL, link

TI nurs* AND TI ( Ostom* OR colostom* OR ileostom* OR stoma OR stomas OR stomata OR enterostom* ) AND ( experience* OR perspectiv* OR interview* OR qualitative ) Limit Peer Review, år; 2013-current, språk; dansk, norsks, svensk, engelsk

Díaz, C. C., Zambrano, S. M. H., Muñoz, B. M., Crisol, I. S., Marfil, M. N. P., Montoya-Juárez, R., & Montoro, C. H. (2018). Stoma care nurses’ perspectives on the relative significance of factors influencing ostomates’ quality of life. Gastrointestinal Nursing, 16(3), 28–33. UiA har ingen fulltekst-tilgang


Capilla-Díaz, C., Moya-Muñoz, N., Matas-Terrón, J. M., Pérez-Morente, M. Á., Álvarez-Serrano, M. A., Montoya-Juárez, R. & Hueso-Montoro, C. (2022). Evaluation of interventions in people with digestive stoma through the Nursing Interventions Classification. International Journal of Nursing Knowledge, 33(1), 40-48. 

Coca, C., Fernández de Larrinoa, I., Serrano, R. & García-Llana, H. (2015). The Impact of Specialty Practice Nursing Care on Health-Related Quality of Life in Persons With Ostomies. Journal of Wound Ostomy & Continence Nursing, 42(3), 257-263. 

Indrebø, K. L., Aasprang, A., Olsen, T. E. & Andersen, J. R. (2023). Experiences and results from using a novel clinical feedback system in routine stoma care nurse follow-up of patients with an ostomy: a longitudinal study. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes, 7(1), 27.  fra sammendraget ... this study aimed to examine experiences and outcomes using a new clinical feedback system with patient-reported outcome measures... in ostomy care. Methods: In this longitudinal explorative study, 69 ostomy patients were followed by a stoma care nurse in an outpatient clinic



Persson, Berndtsson, Carlsson, Persson, Eva, Berndtsson, Ina, & Carlsson, Eva. (2008). Stomi- och tarmopererad : Ett helhetsperspektiv. Lund: Studentlitteratur. ORIA

Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2019). Supporting Adults Who Anticipate or Live with an Ostomy  Hentet fra 


Torill Olsen, K. L. I., Anita Lindam, Liv Guri Skogmo og Vigdis & Dagsland. (2020). FAGLIG ANBEFALING FOR OPPFØLGING AV STOMIOPERERTE. NSF`faggruppe av Sykepleirere i Stomi – og Kontinensomsorg (SISK).