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Sykepleie: Bibliotekets fagside

Universitetsbiblioteket i Agder. (2025) Sykepleie. Bibliotekets fagside

Helsesykepleie. Litteraturtips

Helsedirektoratet (2017, oppdatert 2022).  Helsestasjons- og skolehelsetjenesten. Nasjonal faglig retningslinjeLink

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150 Psykologiske emner

155 Utviklingspsykologi

155.4 Barnepsykologi

300 Sosiologi, samfunnsvitenskap

300.72 Forskningsmetoder, samfunnsvitenskap

362 Helsetjenester

362.12 Helsetjenste; Poliklinisk behandling, kommunale helsetjenester, helsesentre, helsestasjoner

362.173 - helsetjenester - sykepleietjenester. Helsesykepleie. Se også 610.73

362.2 Psykisk helsevern

362.2083 Ungdom, psykisk helse

362.7 Barnevern, Omsorssvikt. Barn - Sosial velferd

371.71 Elevers helse

371.712 Skolehelsetjeneste

610 Medisin. Helse. Sykepleie

610.72 Forskningsmetoder, medisin, se også 610.73072 Forskningsmetoder, sykepleie

610.73 Sykepleie - se også 362.173

610.7301 Sykepleie-teori

610.730699 Sykepleier - pasientrelasjoner, pasientundervisning, kommunikasjon

613 Helsefremmende arbeid

613.0433 Helsefremmende arbeid, barn og unge 

613.2 Kosthold

613.7 Fysisk aktivitet

616 Sykdomslære

618.92 Pediatri, barnesykepleie

808.066 Oppgaveskriving

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Weum, M., Bragstad, L. K. & Glavin, K. (2017). Hvordan helsesøstre bruker kunnskapskilder. Sykepleien Forskning, (64242), e-64242.


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Helsesykepleiere,  Skolehelsetjeneste, skolesykepleier: Emneord som brukes i databasene

MeSH (Medical Subject headings). "Nurses, Public Health" - "School Health Services" - "School Nursing" 

CINAHL Subject headings: "Community Health Nursing" - "School Nursing"  - "School Health Services"

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("Nurse*, Public Health" OR "Community Health* Nurs*" OR "public health* nurs*" OR "School Nurs*" OR "School Health* Service*" OR "school health* nurs*" OR "Child* health* nurse*" OR "child health service*" OR "Child Health* Center*")  link 


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("Nurse*, Public Health" OR "Community Health* Nurs*" OR "public health* nurs*" OR "School Nurs*" OR "School Health* Service*" OR "school health* nurs*" OR "Child* health* nurse*" OR "child health service*") AND (norway OR norwegian)  link til treff



"Child Health Services" helsetjensester for barn
"Maternal-Child Health Centers" - Sentre som gir tilbud om helsetjenester til mor og barn.
"Maternal-Child Health Services" Helseprogrammer med formål å sørge for helse- og sosialtjenester for mor og barn.

Link til søk CINAHL&MEDLINE: ("Maternal-Child Health Center*" OR "Child Health Service*" OR "Maternal-Child Health Service") AND (norway OR norwegian) treff



"School nursing"
Scope note MeSH: A nursing specialty concerned with health and nursing care given to primary and secondary school students by a registered nurse.

"School Health Services"
Scope note MeSH: Forebyggende helsetjenester for skoleelever, omfatter ikke høyskole- og universitetsstudenter.

Link til søk CINAHL & MEDLINE: ("School nurs*" OR "School Health Service*") AND (norway OR norwegian)  treff




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OR ((patient* OR self OR child* OR parent* OR carer* OR caregiver* OR proxy) N2 (apprais* OR report* OR self OR rating* OR rated OR assess*))


Måleegenskaper: reliabil* OR valid* OR "Sensitivity and Specificity" OR "Predictive Value of Tests" OR "Reproducibility of Results"


Søk i Google Scholar, eksempel

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Hege Therese Størksen m.fl.: Søvnvansker hos barn: Ny metode kan hjelpe, Sykepleien 18.03.2022

Filip Drozd m.fl.: An overview of reviews for preventing and treating sleep problems in infants. Acta Paediatrica 2022

Xiaojing Peng m.fl.: Cosleeping and sleep problems in children: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Sleep and Biological Rhythms 2019. Sammendrag.

Pawils, S., Heumann, S., Schneider, S. A., Metzner, F. & Mays, D. (2023). The current state of international research on the effectiveness of school nurses in promoting the health of children and adolescents: An overview of reviews. PloS One, 18(2), e0275724.  

Flodin, N., Lejtzen, S., & Gunnarsdóttir, H. (2025). The Perceived Power and Powerlessness in School Health Nurses’ Mental Health Promotion Practices: A Synthesis of Qualitative Studies. Journal of School Nursing, 41(1), 75–90. 

Costa, T. F. O., Sampaio, F. M. C., Sequeira, C. A. da C., Lluch Canut, M. T., & Moreno Poyato, A. R. (2022). A qualitative study exploring adolescents’ perspective about Mental Health First Aid Training Programmes promoted by nurses in upper secondary schools. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 31(2), 326–338. 


Eksempel på artikler i CINAHL & MEDLINE (EBSCOhost)

Noen nedenfor,

Flodin, N., Lejtzen, S., & Gunnarsdóttir, H. (2025). The Perceived Power and Powerlessness in School Health Nurses’ Mental Health Promotion Practices: A Synthesis of Qualitative Studies. Journal of School Nursing, 41(1), 75–90. 

Bringaker, A. O., & Dahl, B. M. (2024). Public health nurses’ experiences with mental health promotion for adolescent immigrants in schools: A qualitative study. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 38(2), 417–425.

Mattebo, M., Gottvall, M., & Grandahl, M. (2024). School Nurses’ Perceptions and Experiences of Delivering a School-Based Intervention to Improve Primary Prevention of Human Papillomavirus Among Adolescents—A Focus Group Study Following a Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of School Nursing, 40(2), 166–173. 

Flodin, N., Lejtzen, S., & Gunnarsdóttir, H. (2025). The Perceived Power and Powerlessness in School Health Nurses’ Mental Health Promotion Practices: A Synthesis of Qualitative Studies. Journal of School Nursing, 41(1), 75–90.

Sweeney, E. N., Fisher, C. M., & Adkins, M. M. (2024). Elementary School Nurses’ Perceptions Regarding Menstruation Education: An Exploratory Study. Journal of School Nursing, 40(3), 336–341. 

Odenbring, Y., & Lindén, L. (2023). Gender, sex and equal health: school nurses’ strategies and experiences of including boys in the HPV vaccination programme in Swedish primary schools. Sex Education, 23(5), 617–630.

Kostenius, C. (2023). School Nurses’ Experiences With Health Dialogues: A Swedish Case. Journal of School Nursing, 39(5), 345–356.

Kostenius, C., & Lundqvist, C. (2021). Health Dialogue Experiences of Students, Teachers and School Nurses in Swedish Health-promoting Schools. Californian Journal of Health Promotion, 19(1), 22–33. 

Nygård, I. J., Hallström, I. K., & Sollesnes, R. (2024). Norwegian Public Health Nurses’ Perspectives on Their Role in High Schools-A Qualitative Study. Public Health Nursing

Angelhoff, C., & Grundström, H. (2023). Supporting girls with painful menstruation - A qualitative study with school nurses in Sweden. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 68, e109–e115. 

Inkeroinen, S., Hupli, M., & Stolt, M. (2023). School Nurses’ Experiences of Health Promotion for School-Age Asylum Seekers. Journal of School Nursing, 39(3), 229–237. 

Kvarme, L. G., Misvær, N., Valla, L., Myhre, M. C., Holen, S., & Sagatun, Å. (2020). Bullying in School: Importance of and Challenges Involved in Talking to the School Nurse. Journal of School Nursing, 36(6), 451–457.

Wilhsson, M., Santo da Silva, E. H., Löf, S. L., & Larsson, M. (2023). Swedish school nurses’ experience of identifying students who are exposed to violence – a qualitative study. British Journal of Child Health, 4(3), 122–129. 

Silivri, M., Wirf, T., Hodges, E. A., Fredholm, Y. S., & Björk, M. (2023). Conversations About Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights—From a School Nurse Perspective. Journal of School Nursing, 39(5), 406–414.

Johannessen, B., Hoie, M., Haraldstad, K., Helseth, S., Fegran, L., Westergren, T., Slettebø, Å., & Rohde, G. (2020). School nurses’ and teachers’ perceptions of pain in young immigrants living in Norway. International Journal of Migration, Health & Social Care, 16(1), 1–11. 

Robstad, N., Westergren, T., Mølland, E., Abildsnes, E., Haraldstad, K., Stamnes Köpp, U. M., Håland, Å. T., & Fegran, L. (2022). Experiences of Norwegian child and school health nurses with the “Starting Right™” child health assessment innovation: a qualitative interview study. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), 1–10.

Runngren, E., Eriksson, M., & Blomberg, K. (2022). Balancing Between Being Proactive and Neutral: School Nurses’ Experiences of Offering Human Papilloma Virus Vaccination to Girls. Journal of School Nursing, 38(3), 270–278. 

Hoekstra, B. A., Young, V. L., Eley, C. V., Hawking, M. K. D., & McNulty, C. A. M. (2016). School Nurses’ perspectives on the role of the school nurse in health education and health promotion in England: a qualitative study. BMC Nursing, 15, 1–9.

Bartley JD. (2004). Health promotion and school nurses: the potential for change. Community Practitioner, 77(2), 61–64. 

Reuterswärd M, & Lagerström M. (2010). The aspects school health nurses find important for successful health promotion. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 24(1), 156–163.

Anttila, M., Ylitalo, M., Kurki, M. H., Hipp, K., & Välimäki, M. (2020). School Nurses’ Perceptions, Learning Needs and Developmental Suggestions for Mental Health Promotion: Focus Group Interviews. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(24). 

Wiklund, E., Wiklund, M., Vikman, J., & Hedenborg, S. (2024). “A constant battle against sedentary lifestyle and screen time”: Swedish school nurses’ views on school children’s physical activity and its promotion - a grounded theory study. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 6, 1393336. 

Wiklund, E., Wiklund, M., & Hedenborg, S. (2023). Physical Activity on Prescription “Not a Quick Fix”: School Nurses’ Experiences of Promoting and Tailoring Physical Activity to Children in Swedish Compulsory School. The Journal of School Nursing : The Official Publication of the National Association of School Nurses, 10598405231166124.

Hilli, Y., & Pedersen, G. (2021). School nurses’ engagement and care ethics in promoting adolescent health. Nursing Ethics, 28(6), 967–979. 

Su, Y., Sendall, M. C., Fleming, M., & Lidstone, J. (2013). School based youth health nurses and a true health promotion approach: The Ottawa what? Contemporary Nurse: A Journal for the Australian Nursing Profession, 44(1), 32–44. 

Larsson, M., Björk, M., Ekebergh, M., & Sundler, A. J. (2014). Striving to Make a Positive Difference: School Nurses’ Experiences of Promoting the Health and Well-Being of Adolescent Girls. Journal of School Nursing, 30(5), 358–365.

Holmström, M. R., Asplund, K., & Kristiansen, L. (2013). Promoting a relationship- based health practice: A challenge for school nurses. British Journal of School Nursing, 8(1), 30–38. 

Persson, L., Rahr, C., Garmy, P., & Einberg, E.-L. (2022). School nurses’ experiences of health-promoting work to prevent stress in Swedish adolescents. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 933879.

Granrud, M. D., Anderzèn‐Carlsson, A., Bisholt, B. & Steffenak, A. K. M. (2019). Public health nurses' perceptions of interprofessional collaboration related to adolescents' mental health problems in secondary schools: A phenomenographic study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 28(15/16), 2899-2910.   

Ikke registrert i CINAHL & MEDLINE:

Hilli, Y. & Wasshede, K. (2017). Swedish school nurses’ perspectives on caring for and promoting the health of adolescents with mental health problems – A qualitative study the Health of Adolescents with Mental Health Problems – A Qualitative Study. Clinical Nursing Studies, 5(3).