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Artikler om: Sykepleiere. Erfaringer, kunnskap, holdning, etiske moralske, beslutningstaking ... smerter i ulike settinger

Sykepleiere – erfaringer – moralsk stress – etikk -beslutningstaking – smerte

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sykepleierere smerter erfaringer ...  kartlegging kvaliative studier
Nurse* OR nursing – avgrenset til tittel: TI (nurse* OR nursing)

Pain – avgrenset til tittel: TI (pain)

"postoperative pain" OR "post-operative pain"

pain N1 postoperative

experience* OR attitude* OR perception* OR perspective* OR moral* OR ethic* OR "decision making" OR judgement OR judgment* OR  uncertaint*  OR practic* OR role* OR view* OR belie* OR Opinion* OR knowledge OR skill OR skills OR competence OR "Decision Factor*" OR barrier* assess* OR measur* OR scale* OR test OR instrument* OR question* OR evaluat* OR identi* OR management OR screen OR screening OR tool OR tools qualitative OR interview* OR phenomenolog* OR experience* OR themes OR thematic OR "focus group*"

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Sykepleiere: holdninger, erfaringer ..smerte ulike kontekster. Artikkeltips

Generell setting:

  • Helmrich, S., Yates, P., Nash, R., Hobman, A., Poulton, V. & Berggren, L. (2001). Factors influencing nurses' decisions to use non-pharmacological therapies to manage patients' pain. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 19(1), 27-35.
  • Anne, S. & Solveig, H. (2012). Satisfied physicians and frustrated nurses - A study on communication concerning sedation and pain relief. Nordisk Sygeplejeforskning, 2(3), 197-209.
  • Bernhofer, E. I. & Sorrell, J. M. (2014). Nurses Managing Patients’ Pain May Experience Moral Distress. Clinical Nursing Research, 24(4), 401-414.  
  • Hunter, S. (2000). Determination of Moral Negligence in the Context of the Undermedication of Pain by Nurses. Nursing Ethics, 7(5), 379-391.  
  • Shugarman, L. R., Goebel, J. R., Lanto, A., Asch, S. M., Sherbourne, C. D., Lee, M. L., Rubenstein, L. V., Wen, L., Meredith, L. & Lorenz, K. A. (2010). Nursing Staff, Patient, and Environmental Factors Associated with Accurate Pain Assessment. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 40(5), 723-733.  
  • Van Niekerk, L. M. & Martin, F. (2002). The impact of the nurse-physician professional relationship on nurses' experience of ethical dilemmas in effective pain management. Journal of Professional Nursing, 18(5), 276-288.
  • O'MALLEY, P. (2005). The undertreatment of pain: ethical and legal implications for the clinical nurse specialist. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 19(5), 236-237.

Kreft – palliative – terminal fase


Bouya, S., Balouchi, A., Maleknejad, A., Koochakzai, M., AlKhasawneh, E. & Abdollahimohammad, A. (2019). Cancer pain management among oncology nurses: knowledge, attitude, related factors, and clinical recommendations: a systematic review. Journal of Cancer Education, 34(5), 839-846.

Alnajar, M. K., Darawad, M. W., Alshahwan, S. S. & Samarkandi, O. A. (2019). Knowledge and attitudes toward cancer pain management among nurses at oncology units. Journal of Cancer Education, 34(1), 186-193.

Fernandes, M. d. F. P. & Komessu, J. H. (2013). Nurses' challenges in view of the pain and suffering of families of terminal patients. Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP, 47(1), 250-257.  

Utne, I., Småstuen, M. C. & Nyblin, U. (2019). Pain knowledge and attitudes among nurses in cancer care in Norway. Journal of Cancer Education, 34(4), 677-684.

LeBaron, V., Beck, S. L., Black, F., & Palat, G. (2014). Nurse Moral Distress and Cancer Pain Management. Cancer Nursing, 37(5), 331–344.

Gerber, K., Willmott, L., White, B., Yates, P., Mitchell, G., Currow, D. C., & Piper, D. (2022). Barriers to adequate pain and symptom relief at the end of life: A qualitative study capturing nurses’ perspectives. Collegian, 29(1), 1–8.

Munkombwe, W. M., Petersson, K., & Elgán, C. (2020). Nurses’ experiences of providing nonpharmacological pain management in palliative care: A qualitative study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29(9/10), 1643–1652.

Alves Teixeira Fernandes Dos Santos, G. D. F., Rodrigues Alves, D., De Magalhães Oliveira, A. M., De Oliveira Dias, K. C., Saraiva Costa, B. H., & de Souza Batista, P. S. (2020). Palliative Care in Oncology: Nurses’ Experience in Caring for Children in The Final Stages of Life. Revista de Pesquisa: Cuidado é Fundamental, 12(1), 689–695.

Cotrim dos Santos, B., Menani de Souza, I., de Souza Scaldelai, R., da Silva Palhota Lozano, T., Clemente Sailer, G., & Aline Preto, V. (2017). The Perception of Nurses of a General Hospital on Palliative Care. Journal of Nursing UFPE / Revista de Enfermagem UFPE, 11(6), 2288–2293.


Khalil, H., Leach, M. J., Bolton, E., Spargo, M., Byrne, A., & Ristevski, E. (2023). Rural nurses’ self-rated knowledge and skills in pain, medication, symptom and emergency management in community-based palliative care: A cross-sectional survey. Collegian, 30(1), 84–93.

Soden, K., Ali, S., Alloway, L., Barclay, D., Barker, S., Bird, L., Hall, L., & Perkins, P. (2013). How do nurses in specialist palliative care assess and manage breakthrough cancer pain? A multicentre study. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 19(11), 528–534.


Hjemmesykepleiers erfaring... - smerter - kreft/palliativ

Søkeord hjemme... ala her ord i tittel: 

TI (home OR homecare OR homebased OR homehealth OR community OR district* OR municipal* OR "primary health*")

  • Molnes Sven, I. Sykepleieres erfaringer med smertelindring til hjemmeboende kreftpasienterNordisk sygeplejeforskning, 4(2), 142-155.
  • McDonald MV, Pezzin LE, Feldman PH, Murtaugh CM, & Peng TR. (2005). Can just-in-time, evidence-based “reminders” improve pain management among home health care nurses and their patientsJournal of Pain & Symptom Management29(5), 474–488.
  • Phillips, J. L., Lovell, M., Luckett, T., Agar, M., Green, A., & Davidson, P. (2015). Australian survey of current practice and guideline use in adult cancer pain assessment and management: The community nurse perspective. Collegian (Royal College of Nursing, Australia), 22(1), 33–41.
  • Hassankhani, H., Dehghannezhad, J., Rahmani, A., Ghafourifard, M., Soheili, A., & Lotfi, M. (2022). Caring Needs of Cancer Patients from the Perspective of Home Care Nurses: A Qualitative Study. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention : APJCP23(1), 71–77. ( Resultat også noe om smerter...)
  • Hadjisavva, I. C., Papastavrou, E., & Kouta, C. (2021). Knowledge and Attitudes of Home Care Nurses in Cyprus in the Management of Cancer PainHome Health Care Management & Practice33(1), 21–27.
  • Randall-David, E., Wright, J., Porterfield, D. S., & Lesser, G. (2003). Barriers to cancer pain management: home-health and hospice nurses and patients. Supportive Care in Cancer : Official Journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer11(10), 660–665.
  • Vallerand AH, Anthony M, & Saunders MM. (2005). Home care nurses’ perceptions of control over cancer pain. Home Healthcare Nurse23(10), 647–654. Lenke til fulltekst
  • flere mulige relevante, eksempel på søk CINAL & MEDLINE link

Rus - addiction

  • Ververda, J., Hansen, O. & Larsen, C. (2018). Rusmiddelavhengighet: Sykepleieres holdninger påvirker smertebehandling. Sykepleien, (70402), e-70402.
  • Bohm, K., Lund, R., Nordlander, J. & Vicente, V. (2019). Ambulance nurse's experience to relieve pain in patients with addiction problems in Sweden. International Emergency Nursing, 46,  
  • Morley, G., Briggs, E., & Chumbley, G. (2015). Nurses’ Experiences of Patients with Substance-Use Disorder in Pain: A Phenomenological Study. Pain Management Nursing, 16(5), 701–711.

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N# = nærhetsoperator, se CINAHL guiden, om å søke med nærhet (Proximity)

Frasesøk, se anførselstegn rundt ordene = ordene må stå slik ved siden av hverandre for treff. se CINAHL guiden


"chronic pain"

( opioid N2 (depend* OR disorder* OR misuse* OR abuse*))




Eksempler på artikler.

Fra relevante artikler du finner, legg merke til ord som brukes, som du ev kan bruke videre i dine søk

Costello, M. & Thompson, S. (2015). Preventing Opioid Misuse and Potential Abuse: The Nurse's Role in Patient Education. Pain Management Nursing, 16(4), 515-519. 

McCauley, J. L., Mercer, M. A., Barth, K. S., Brady, K. T. & Back, S. E. (2014). Pain management perceptions among prescription opioid dependent individuals. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 142, 354-358. 

Nikpour, J., & Broome, M. (2021). Impact of Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice on Treatment for Chronic Pain and Opioid Use Disorder: A Scoping Review. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 11(4), 15–25.

Abdulwahab, S., Kehyayan, V. & Al-Tawafsheh, A. (2020). Factors influencing nurses’ knowledge and attitudes toward patients in chronic pain with opioid use disorder: A literature review. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 10(9), 37. 

Kim, H., Korzynski, A., Hershberger, P. E. & Durham, M. L. (2023). Identifying barriers and facilitators for nurse practitioners' opioid management of chronic pain. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 35(1). 

Hruschak, V., Rosen, D., Tierney, M., Eack, S. M., Wasan, A. D., & Cochran, G. (2021). Integrated Psychosocial Group Treatment: A Randomized Pilot Trial of a Harm Reduction and Preventive Approach for Patients with Chronic Pain at Risk of Opioid Misuse. Pain Medicine, 22(9), 2007–2018.

Garland, E. L., Manusov, E. G., Froeliger, B., Kelly, A., Williams, J. M., & Howard, M. O. (2014). Mindfulness-oriented recovery enhancement for chronic pain and prescription opioid misuse: results from an early-stage randomized controlled trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 82(3), 448–459.


Prevalens, forekomst

Latif, Z.-E. H., Skjaervø, I., Solli, K. K., & Tanum, L. (2021). Chronic Pain Among Patients With an Opioid Use Disorder. The American Journal on Addictions, 30(4), 366–375.

Garland, E. L., Trøstheim, M., Eikemo, M., Ernst, G., & Leknes, S. (2020). Anhedonia in chronic pain and prescription opioid misuse. Psychological Medicine, 50(12), 1977–1988.

Orhurhu, V., Olusunmade, M., Urits, I., Viswanath, O., Peck, J., Orhurhu, M. S., Adekoya, P., Hirji, S., Sampson, J., Simopoulos, T., & Jatinder, G. (2019). Trends of Opioid Use Disorder Among Hospitalized Patients With Chronic Pain. Pain Practice : The Official Journal of World Institute of Pain, 19(6), 656–663.

Delorme, J., Kerckhove, N., Authier, N., Pereira, B., Bertin, C., & Chenaf, C. (2023). Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Prevalence of Chronic Pain Among Patients With Opioid Use Disorder and Receiving Opioid Substitution Therapy. The Journal of Pain, 24(2), 192–203.

Hser, Y.-I., Mooney, L. J., Saxon, A. J., Miotto, K., Bell, D. S., & Huang, D. (2017). Chronic pain among patients with opioid use disorder: Results from electronic health records data. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 77, 26–30.

Emergency – critical care -intensive care


  • Brockopp, D., Downey, E., Powers, P., Vanderveer, B., Warden, S., Ryan, P. & Saleh, U. (2004). Nurses’ clinical decision-making regarding the management of pain. Accident and Emergency Nursing, 12(4), 224-229.
  • Wøien, H. & Bjørk, I. T. (2013). Intensive care pain treatment and sedation: Nurses' experiences of the conflict between clinical judgement and standardised care: An explorative study. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 29(3), 128-136.  
  • Subramanian, P., Allcock, N., James, V. & Lathlean, J. (2012). Challenges faced by nurses in managing pain in a critical care setting. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 21(9‐10), 1254-1262.
  • Rababa, M. & Al-Rawashdeh, S. (2020). Critical care nurses' critical thinking and decision making related to pain management. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 103000.
  • Rababa, M. & Al-Rawashdeh, S. (2020). Critical care nurses' critical thinking and decision making related to pain management. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 103000.
  • McCreaddie, M., Lyons, I., Watt, D., Ewing, E., Croft, J., Smith, M. & Tocher, J. (2010). Routines and rituals: a grounded theory of the pain management of drug users in acute care settings. Journal of Clinical Nursing (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.), 19(19-20), 2730-2740.  



Leegaard, M., Huseby, Y., Berge, A. W. & Rustøen, T. (2011). Hvilke kunnskaper trenger sykepleiere for å hjelpe pasienter til å håndtere smerter etter hjertekirurgi. Sykepleien Forskning, 6(3), 254-261.  

Wooldridge, S., & Branney, J. (2020). Congruence between nurses’ and patients’ assessment of postoperative pain: a literature review. British Journal of Nursing, 29(4), 212–220. Fulltekst via CINAHL

 Søk i CINAHL link 

  • Cano Romero, M. D., Muñoz Sastre, M. T., Quintard, B., Sorum, P. C. & Mullet, E. (2017). The ethics of postoperative pain management: Mapping nurses' views. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 23(2), e12514.
  • Söderhamn, O. & Idvall, E. (2003). Nurses' influence on quality of care in postoperative pain management: a phenomenological study. International Journal of Nursing Practice (Wiley-Blackwell), 9(1), 26-32.  
  • Subramanian, P., Allcock, N., James, V. & Lathlean, J. (2012). Challenges faced by nurses in managing pain in a critical care setting. Journal of Clinical Nursing (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.), 21(9-10), 1254-1262.  
  • Rejeh, N., Ahmadi, F., Mohamadi, E., Anoosheh, M. & Kazemnejad, A. (2009). Ethical challenges in pain management post-surgery. Nursing Ethics, 16(2), 161-172.
  • Hjelpdahl Sjøveian, A. K. & Leegaard, M. (2012). How can nurses promote patient involvement in post-operative pain management?  Sykepleien Forskning, 7(4), 380-387.  
  • Smeland, A. H., Twycross, A., Lundeberg, S., & Rustøen, T. (2018). Nurses’ Knowledge, Attitudes and Clinical Practice in Pediatric Postoperative Pain Management. Pain Management Nursing, 19(6), 585–598.’
  • Angelini, E., Baranto, A., Brisby, H., & Wijk, H. (2020). Healthcare practitioners’ experiences of postoperative pain management in lumbar spine surgery care—A qualitative study. Journal of Clinical Nursing (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.), 29(9/10), 1662–1672.
  • Bach, A. M., Forman, A., & Seibaek, L. (2018). Postoperative Pain Management: A Bedside Perspective. Pain Management Nursing, 19(6), 608–618. 
  • Rognstad, M.-K., Fredheim, O. M. S., Johannessen, T. E. B., Kvarstein, G., Skauge, M., Undall, E., & Rustøen, T. (2012). Attitudes, beliefs and self-reported competence about postoperative pain among physicians and nurses working on surgical wards. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 26(3), 545–552.
  • Wikström, L., Eriksson, K., Fridlund, B., Årestedt, K., & Broström, A. (2016). Healthcare professionals’ descriptions of care experiences and actions when assessing postoperative pain - a critical incident technique analysis. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 30(4), 802–812. 
  • Wikström, L., Eriksson, K., Årestedt, K., Fridlund, B., & Broström, A. (2014). Healthcare Professionals’ Perceptions of the Use of Pain Scales in Postoperative Pain Assessments. Applied Nursing Research, 27(1), 53–58. 
  • Chatchumni, M., Eriksson, H., & Mazaheri, M. (2020). A Scoping Review of Pain Management Education Programs (PMEPs): Do They Prepare Nurses to Deal with Patients’ Postoperative Pain? Pain Research & Management, 1–7. 



  • Sørensen, M. T., Villadsen, D. B. & Gildberg, F. A. (2023). Smertevurdering hos demensramte – detektivarbejde uden lup. Et studie af, hvordan sundhedsprofessionelle identificerer og vurderer smerter hos borgere med moderat til svær Alzheimers sygdom Klinisk Sygepleje, 37(3), 133-149  Fra sammendraget:  "Studies show that it is challenging for healthcare professionals (HCPs) to identify and assess pain in elderly persons with moderate to severe Alzheimer’s disease, primarily because persons with severe dementia have a reduced capability to express pain verbally. This can lead to insufficient detection and treatment of pain. The aim of the study is to explore how HCPs identify and assess pain in elderly persons with Alzheimer’s disease".
  • Daniela, L. & Åshild, S. (2013). Smertekartlegging og smertelindring hos pasienter med demens: utfordringer og dilemmaer. Vård i Norden, 33(3), 29. Fra sammendraget: "Aim: to explore nurses' experiences with pain assessment and pain relieving in patient with dementia. Background: research shows that patients with dementia are still suffering from unnecessary pain. The reason it may be nurses difficulty to interpret and map patients’ pain. Method: data were collected through three different focus group interviews".
  • Burns, M., & McIlfatrick, S. (2015). Nurses’ knowledge and attitudes towards pain assessment for people with dementia in a nursing home setting. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 21(10), 479–487.  Link til forfatters akspepterte manuskript 
  • Burns, M., & McIlfatrick, S. (2015). Palliative care in dementia: literature review of nurses’ knowledge and attitudes towards pain assessment. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 21(8), 400–407. Fulltekst via CINAHL link
  • Jonsdottir, T., & Gunnarsson, E. C. (2021). Understanding Nurses’ Knowledge and Attitudes Toward Pain Assessment in Dementia: A Literature Review. Pain Management Nursing, 22(3), 281–292.
  • Monroe, T. B., Parish, A., & Mion, L. C. (2015). Decision Factors Nurses Use to Assess Pain in Nursing Home Residents With Dementia. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 29(5), 316–320.
  • Gilmore-Bykovskyi, A. L. & Bowers, B. J. (2013). Understanding Nurses' Decisions to Treat Pain in Nursing Home Residents with Dementia. Research in Gerontological Nursing, 6(2), 127-138.  
  • Hicks, T. J. (2000). Ethical implications of pain management in a nursing home: A discussion. Nursing Ethics, 7(5), 392-398.
  • De Witt Jansen, B., Brazil, K., Passmore, P., Buchanan, H., Maxwell, D., McIlfactrick, S. J., Morgan, S. M., Watson, M., & Parsons, C. (2017). Nurses’ experiences of pain management for people with advanced dementia approaching the end of life: a qualitative study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26(9–10), 1234–1244.
  • De Witt Jansen, B., Brazil, K., Passmore, P., Buchanan, H., Maxwell, D., McIlfatrick, S., Morgan, S. M., Watson, M., & Parsons, C. (2018). “A tool doesn’t add anything”. The importance of added value: Use of observational pain tools with patients with advanced dementia approaching the end of life-a qualitative study of physician and nurse experiences and perspectives. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 33(7),
  • Karlsson, C. E., Ernsth Bravell, M., Ek, K., & Bergh, I. (2015). Home healthcare teams’ assessments of pain in care recipients living with dementia: a Swedish exploratory study. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 10(3), 190–200.
  • Karlsson, C., Sidenvall, B., Bergh, I., & Ernsth, B. M. (2013). Certified nursing assistants’ perception of pain in people with dementia: a hermeneutic enquiry in dementia care practice. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22(13–14), 1880–1889.
  • Lundin, E., & Godskesen, T. E. (2021). End-of-life care for people with advanced dementia and pain: a qualitative study in Swedish nursing homes. BMC Nursing, 20(1), 1–11.
  • Dillane, I., & Doody, O. (2019). Nursing people with intellectual disability and dementia experiencing pain: An integrative review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 28(13/14), 2472–2485.
  • Minaya-Freire, A., Ramon-Aribau, A., Pou-Pujol, G., Fajula-Bonet, M., & Subirana-Casacuberta, M. (2020). Facilitators, Barriers, and Solutions in Pain Management for Older Adults with Dementia. Pain Management Nursing, 21(6), 495–501.
  • Carragher, R. M., MacLeod, E., & Camargo, P. P. (2021). The objectivity and subjectivity of pain practices in older adults with dementia: A critical reflection. Nursing Inquiry, 28(4), 1–9.
  • Parkman, S., Mastel-Smith, B., McGuire, A., & Duke, G. (2021). Insights to Identifying and Managing Pain in Persons With Dementia in Long-Term Care: A Mixed Methods Study Comparing the Abbey Pain Scale and Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia Scale. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 47(2), 21–30.
  • Monroe, T. B., Parish, A. & Mion, L. C. (2015). Decision factors nurses use to assess pain in nursing home residents with dementia. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 29(5), 316-320
  • Rababa, M. (2018). The role of Nurses' uncertainty in decision-making process of pain Management in People with dementia. Pain research and treatment. Pain Research and Treatment, 2018, 7281657. 
  • Kaasalainen, S., Coker, E., Dolovich, L., Papaioannou, A., Hadjistavropoulos, T., Emili, A. & Ploeg, J. (2007). Pain management decision making among long-term care physicians and nurses. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 29(5), 561-580.

Treff i MEDLINE - finnes ikke i CINAHL: 

Chandler, R. C., Zwakhalen, S. M. G., Docking, R., Bruneau, B., & Schofield, P. (2017). Attitudinal & Knowledge Barriers Towards Effective Pain Assessment & Management in Dementia: A Narrative Synthesis. Current Alzheimer Research14(5), 523–537. Oppslag i ORIA for ev kopibestilling, link

Sykehjem og lignende

  • Veal, F., Williams, M., Bereznicki, L., Cummings, E., Thompson, A., Peterson, G., & Winzenberg, T. (2018). Barriers to Optimal Pain Management in Aged Care Facilities: An Australian Qualitative Study. Pain Management Nursing, 19(2), 177–185.


Hauer, J. (20249. Pain in children: Approach to pain assessment and overview of management principles. I UpToDate.

  • Holmström, M. R., Junehag, L., Velander, S., Lundberg, S., Ek, B. & Häggström, M. (2019). Nurses' experiences of prehospital care encounters with children in pain. International Emergency Nursing, 43, 23-28.  
  • agnoli, L., Mammucari, M., Graziani, D., & Messeri, A. (2019). Doctors and Nurses’ Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Pediatric Pain Management: An Exploratory Survey in a Children’s Hospital. Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy, 33(3/4), 107–119.
  • Elias, J. M., Prashanth, P. ., Shenai, N. . S., Rev. Sr. Mony, K., & Varghese, S. M. (2019). Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Children’s Pain and Perceived Barriers to Optimal Pain Management among Staff Nurses. International Journal of Nursing Education, 11(1), 51–54.

Eksempel på søk CINAHL

TI = ord i tittel

TI (pain*) AND TI (premature* OR neonat* OR newborn*) AND TI (nurs* OR NICU) AND (qualitative* OR interview* OR experience* OR perspectiv*)

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link treff

Smertelindring - smerter - rusavhengige

Søkeord ...

smerte rusmisbruk -ere erfaringer, kunnskaper sykepleiere

pain eller mer begrenset:

  "Pain Management" (Therapy and techniques to mitigate and control pain in patients)

"Pain Measurement" (Scales, questionnaires, tests, and other methods used to assess pain severity and duration in patients to aid in diagnosis and therapy)

 eller begrenset til tittelord: TI pain

"Substance Dependence"

"Substance Abuse*"

"opioid addiction*"

"substance disorder*"

"Substance Use Disorder*"


Kan samles i et søk, med bruk av nærhetsoperator, i EBSCOhost, uttrykkt med N# eller W#, se søketeknikker

((opioid OR substance* OR drug*) N3 (abuse* OR addict* OR misuse* OR user* OR disorder* OR problem* OR Dependence*)) 


"Clinical Competence"









"Nursing Knowledge"

"Nurse Attitudes"

"Nursing Staff, Hospital"

Eller søk bredere; nurse* OR nursing

Noen litteraturtips


Eksempel på treff i CINAHL:

  • Blay, N., Glover, S., Bothe, J., Lee, S., & Lamont, F. (2012). Substance users’ perspective of pain management in the acute care environment. Contemporary Nurse: A Journal for the Australian Nursing Profession, 42(2), 289–297.
  • Krokmyrdal, K. A., & Andenæs, R. (2015). Nurses’ competence in pain management in patients with opioid addiction: A cross-sectional survey study. Nurse Education Today, 35(6), 789–794.
  • Bohm, K., Lund, R., Nordlander, J. & Vicente, V. (2019). Ambulance nurse's experience to relieve pain in patients with addiction problems in Sweden. International Emergency Nursing, 46  

  • Morley, G., Briggs, E., & Chumbley, G. (2015). Nurses’ Experiences of Patients with Substance-Use Disorder in Pain: A Phenomenological Study. Pain Management Nursing, 16(5), 701–711.


  • Van Cleave, J. H., Booker, S. Q., Powell-Roach, K., Liang, E., & Kawi, J. (2021). A Scoping Review of Nursing’s Contribution to the Management of Patients with Pain and Opioid Misuse. Pain Management Nursing, 22(1), 58–68.
  • St. Marie, B. (2016). The Experiences of Advanced Practice Nurses Caring for Patients with Substance Use Disorder and Chronic Pain. Pain Management Nursing, 17(5), 311–321.
  • Morley, G., Briggs, E., & Chumbley, G. (2015). Nurses’ Experiences of Patients with Substance-Use Disorder in Pain: A Phenomenological Study. Pain Management Nursing, 16(5), 701–711.
  • Krokmyrdal, K. A., & Andenæs, R. (2015). Nurses’ competence in pain management in patients with opioid addiction: A cross-sectional survey study. Nurse Education Today, 35(6), 789–794.
  • Morgan, B. D. (2014). Nursing Attitudes Toward Patients with Substance Use Disorders in Pain. Pain Management Nursing, 15(1), 165–175.
  • Finney, L. (2010). Nursing Care for the Patient with Co-Existing Pain and Substance Misuse: Meeting the Patient’s Needs. MEDSURG Nursing, 19(1), 25–53. Tilgang via CINAHL

SveMed+ (Obs ikke oppdatert etter 2019): Eksempel på søk: pain AND (substance OR addiction OR abuse OR abuser)